
chǔ nǚ
  • virgin;girl;maiden;virgo intacta
处女 [chǔ nǚ]
  • (1) [girl;virgin;maiden]∶未有过性交经历的女人

  • (2) [maiden]∶比喻初次

  • 处女作

处女[chǔ nǚ]
  1. 我30岁前一直是个处女。

    I was a virgin until I was thirty years old

  2. 乳腺组织中E2水平在处女期较高;

    The level was much higher in the virgin in the mammary gland .

  3. 这艘船将于下周一开始它的处女航。

    The ship will start its maiden voyage next Monday .

  4. 这艘游艇将于下周开始它的处女航。

    The yacht will start its maiden voyage next week .

  5. 三年前,身为创作型歌手的艾德•希兰携处女单曲TheATeam(书名号只能用于中文)空降流行乐坛就大获成功;

    It 's been just three years since UK singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran broke through into the pop world with his debut single The A Team .

  6. 作为《财富社交名人录》专栏(FortuneSocialRegister)的处女秀,我们精巧细选了一组在社交网络上最有影响力、经验最丰富、最活跃、粉丝最多的商界人物。

    In our inaugural Fortune Social Register , we pick the most experienced , active , influential , and followed members of the business community .

  7. 而且不要忘了这是我的处女组合。现在,是A3阶段的时机了。

    AND , we should not forget that this was my FIRST set .

  8. 我刚刚用ApplePay进行了人生中的“处女付”,结果一切发生太快,我都没来得及对收银员说出我排练了很久的台词。

    I had just made my first payment with Apple Pay and it happened so fast I didn 't even have time to have one of my rehearsed conversations with the clerk .

  9. 2004年9月26日F1在上海嘉定区进行中国站处女秀的赛事。

    On September 26th , 2004 in Jiading district , Shanghai , China for F1 debut " event " .

  10. 4.debutalbum首张专辑;处女专辑然而作为一名艺人,当谢乐尔要求父亲为其专辑中的一首歌曲配乐时,他却表现得相当棒。

    As an artist , however , Sheryl requested that he play a piece from her debut album , which he did with much success .

  11. 可是对可怜的贝里却没有一个人说过一句话;她哭了六个星期(她善良的姑妈一直在严厉地斥责她),并落到一个绝望的老处女的处境。--------①英文中腿(leg)这个词的发音为莱格。

    But nobody said anything about poor Berry , who cried for six weeks ( being soundly rated by her good aunt all the time ) , and lapsed into a state of hopeless spinsterhood .

  12. takecare:保重,照顾我会答应他,保重,Rufus除非你想你亲爱的Nathaniel知道virginity:处女在车子后座上,你把第一次给了我。

    Take care , Rufus . - Chuck : Unless you want dear Nathaniel to know how You lost your virginity to me in the back of a moving vehicle ,

  13. 此外还有卡伦·E·班达(KarenE.Bender)的短篇小说集《返款》(Refund)和安吉拉·弗洛诺伊(AngelaFlournoy)的处女小说《特纳之家》(TheTurnerHouse),讲述一个底特律家族几代人的故事。

    Karen E. Bender 's short-story collection " Refund ; " and Angela Flournoy 's debut novel , " The Turner House , " about multiple generations of a Detroit family .

  14. EXTEC优质自然金刚石擦亮的化合物公式化与处女自然金刚石。

    EXTEC Premium Natural Diamond Polishing Compounds are formulated with virgin natural diamond .

  15. 2003年MTV颁奖典礼上,47岁的麦当娜在演唱《宛若处女》和《好莱坞》两首歌时,因为与布兰妮接吻而引起哗然。

    Madonna , 47 , famously locked lips with Spears , 24 , while performing her songs " Like a Virgin " and " Hollywood " at the awards ceremony .

  16. 《为来世的准备》(PreparationForTheNextLife),阿提卡斯·利什(AtticusLish)著(Tyrant出版社,平装,15美元)。利什精彩而令人不安的处女小说讲述一段一个受创伤的士兵与一个穆斯林移民之间悲惨的恋爱故事。

    PREPARATION FOR THE NEXT LIFE . By Atticus Lish . ( Tyrant , paper , $ 15 . ) Lish 's gorgeous , upsetting debut novel follows the doomed love affair of a traumatized soldier and a Muslim immigrant .

  17. 本试验用Kibrick和F-D试验法分别测定了母牛体内抗精子抗体的效价,结果处女牛普遍低;

    The effect value of antisperm antibody in the cow was determined with Kibrick and F-D tests , separately .

  18. 目的:了解CD95在HIV感染者记忆型和处女型CD4+T细胞表面的表达情况,探讨Fas/CD95在HIV感染中的作用。

    Objective : To study the pathogenic role of Fas / CD95 in HIV 1 infection subjects , and to investigate the effects of HIV on plasma levels of sFas and the expression of CD95 on different CD4 + T lymphocyte subpopulations .

  19. 《节日夜晚:短篇小说集》(NightAtTheFiestas:Stories),克斯汀·瓦尔德·奎德(KirstinValdezQuade)著(Norton出版社,25.95美元)。奎德在这部令人难忘而美丽的处女短篇小说集中,探索生死与神圣的真相。

    NIGHT AT THE FIESTAS : Stories . By Kirstin Valdez Quade . ( Norton , $ 25.95 . ) Quade is searching for truths both existential and sacred in her haunting and beautiful collection .

  20. 周五,日本国产隐形战斗机X-2从名古屋起飞,完成了“处女航”。这次试飞凸显出东亚军备竞赛在不断加速。

    Japan 's domestically built X-2 stealth fighter took off from Nagoya on Friday in a maiden flight that highlights the accelerating arms race in East Asia .

  21. 《特纳之家》(TheTurnerHouse),安吉拉·弗洛诺伊(AngelaFlournoy)著,(HoughtonMifflinHarcourt出版社,23美元)。这部小说引人入胜,以处女小说而言格外成熟,讲述一个非裔美国家庭的故事,同时也是底特律这座城市的故事。

    THE TURNER HOUSE . By Angela Flournoy . ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt , $ 23 . ) The African-American family story told in this engrossing , remarkably mature first is also a story of the city of Detroit .

  22. 高管们竞相向詹姆斯以及她的文学代理人瓦莱丽·霍斯金斯(ValerieHoskins)投标,说他们能拍好这个关于安娜斯塔西娅·斯蒂尔(AnastasiaSteele)的故事,在书中,这个21岁的处女学生成了受27岁的成功商人克里斯蒂安·格雷(ChristianGrey)支配的性伴侣。

    Executives vied for a chance to pitch Ms. James and her literary agent , Valerie Hoskins , on how best to tell the story of Anastasia Steele , a virginal 21-year-old student who becomes the submissive sexual partner to Christian Grey , a successful 27-year-old businessman .

  23. 《同情者》(TheSympathizer),VietThanhNguyen著,(Grove出版社,26美元)。这本悲喜交集的处女小说填补了越南战争文学中的空白,让越南人发出了声音,促使我们其他人以新的角度审视40年前的事件。

    THE SYMPATHIZER . By Viet Thanh Nguyen . ( Grove , $ 26 . ) Nguyen 's tragicomic debut novel fills a void in Vietnam War literature , giving a voice to the Vietnamese and compelling the rest of us to look at the events of 40 years ago in a new light .

  24. 处女:你是逻辑型的,憎恨无序。

    VIRGO : You are the logical type and hate disorder .

  25. 处女举止行为都很拘谨,非处女放纵放荡些。

    Virgin behavior is very formal , non-virgin more indulgent debauchery .

  26. 我的意思是,生理上来讲,处女只能是一次。

    I mean , physically , you 're a virgin once .

  27. 处女般的雪上只留下兔子的脚印。

    The virgin snow is printed only with rabbit 's feet .

  28. 我要在婚前保持处女身。

    I want-ed to remain a virgin until I got married .

  29. 少年人和处女,老年人和孩童,都当赞美耶和华。

    12 young men and maidens , old men and children .

  30. 请参照生物、化学、数学专业的处女比率。

    Check out the rates for Biology , Chemistry and Mathematics .