
  1. 在2008年刚刚颁布的《食品安全法》中,更是规定了十倍赔偿制度。

    And in Food Safety Law which was just published in 2008 , it has formulated the ten times compensation system .

  2. 迄至当下,我国食品安全法实施已近两年,作为自食品安全法立法以来就备受关注且颇受争议的十倍赔偿规定,在实施过程中亦遭受种种挫折和诸多质疑。

    By now , Food Safety Law in China has been in force for almost two years . The rule of tenfold compensation , as the focused and controversial rule since the legislation of Food Safety Law , has encountered all kinds of problems and undergone much questioning .

  3. 随后根据相关法条阐述了食品安全损害赔偿民事赔偿责任优先和新确立的惩罚性赔偿制度,即十倍赔偿制度,对损害赔偿概念和特征的论述,有利于下文引出损害赔偿的法律价值。

    Then , according to the related ordinance on food safety punitive damage compensation for civil liability to establish priorities and new compensation system , which is " ten times compensation " system , on the damages concepts and features discussed below , leads to the value of legal damages .

  4. 生产不符合食品安全标准的食品或者销售明知是不符合食品安全标准的食品,消费者除要求赔偿损失外,还可以向生产者或者销售者要求支付价款十倍的赔偿金。

    Besides claiming damages , a consumer may require the producer , who produces food which does not conform to the food safety standards , or the seller who knowingly sells food which does not conform to the food safety standards , to pay10 times the money paid .

  5. 交洗的东西如有遗失或损坏时,我们负责赔偿洗衣费十倍以内的赔偿金。

    In case of loss or damage of any article , we 'll be responsible only up to ten times the amount charged for laundering .