
  • 网络pouring Lead
  1. 液压胀贴与灌铅工艺的结合在大型高中压反应釜设计制造中的应用

    The Application of Combining Hydraulic Expanding with Pouring Lead Process in Designing and Manufacturing the Great Middle - high Pressure Reactor

  2. 骰子中灌铅对掷骰子结果的影响

    The effect on dice throwing results of a dice filled with lead

  3. 圆柱里面灌铅,以模拟样本的重量。

    Filling the cylinder with lead shot to simulate a sample 's weight .

  4. 新型灌铅钢管束复合耗能器的试验研究

    Experimental study on new-type combined lead steel-tube dissipator

  5. 然后他们被要求多摇两次,以让自己确信骰子中没有被灌铅。最后,让他们自己在电脑终端里输入第一次所掷出的点数。

    Next , they were asked to roll the die two more times , to satisfy themselves that it was not loaded , and , that done , to enter the result of the first roll on a computer terminal .

  6. 这条棍子灌了铅增加了分量。

    The stick had been weighted with lead .

  7. 他的两条腿沉得像灌了铅一样。

    His leas felt heavy as concrete .

  8. 锆英石基三价锕系模拟核素固化体的性能自不稳定核之间存在着锕系元素,包括钍和稳定核像灌了铅,铋,爆炸性事件,如超需出示锕。

    Since the unstable nuclei exist between actinides , including thorium and stable nuclei like lead and bismuth , explosive events such as supernovae are required to produce actinides .

  9. 哈利感到自己的双腿像是灌了铅一样,十分奇怪。他排在一个沙土色头发男孩子的后面,罗恩紧跟着他。他们这一队人重新穿越大厅,走进一扇对开的大门,进入到了大会堂。

    Feeling oddly as though his legs had turned to lead , Harry got into line behind a boy with sandy hair , with Ron behind him , and they walked out of the chamber , back across the hall , and through a pair of double doors into the Great Hall .

  10. 方法建立慢性染铅鼠模型,隔日灌服醋酸铅,约4周,观察给药(硝普钠)后3h、12h、24h脑组织中NO、SOD、MDA含量的变化。

    Methods Creating the lead exposure model of mouse by feeding PbAc for four weeks , we dynamically observed the levels of NO , SOD , MDA in lead-treated mouse brain at 3h , 12h and 24h after injecting Sodium nitroprusside ( SNP ) .

  11. 里面空心部分灌满了铅,就是这样。

    A hollow inside is filled with lead , just so .

  12. 他的五脏六腑又回来了,感觉好像它们刚才被拿出去灌满了铅。

    His insides had come back again . It felt as though they had been filled with lead in their absence .

  13. 并可对今后铅中毒发病作出预测。预测指出,目前该厂灌粉工种铅尘浓度比往年大有提高,今后将有大量工人发生铅中毒。

    Since the concentration is much higher than before , while pouring lead powder , it could be predicted that there will be more lead poisoning patients later .