
  • 网络Irrigation Efficiency
  1. 进一步加强农业节水,提高灌溉效率。

    To further strengthen the agricultural water and improve irrigation efficiency .

  2. 纯井灌区灌溉效率分析

    Analysis of Irrigation Efficiency in Pure-Well Irrigation Area

  3. 说明该区现状灌溉效率不高,用水浪费较多,同时也表明了该区尤其是无棣节水潜力很大。

    So the potential water-savings is very large , especially in Wudi County .

  4. 覆盖免耕由于秸秆的阻拦作用,灌溉效率和灌溉质量都受到一定的影响。

    Irrigation efficiency : The irrigation efficiency and quality on NTS were reduced by stubble retention .

  5. 随机边界方式测量灌溉效率在不同管理模式灌区水稻生产中的应用

    Application of stochastic frontier approach to measuring irrigation efficiency of rice production in irrigation districts under different management mode

  6. 生长灌溉效率为:生物量4.43kg/m3,灌溉水量与生产效率间年变化呈反相关。

    Growth irrigation rate was 4.43kg/m 3 in rice biomass and showed a negative relationship with the amount of irrigation water .

  7. 本文系统阐述了我国喷灌设备生产水平,喷灌技术的节水效果和影响灌溉效率的因素。

    This paper addressed the sprinkler equipments supply in China and water saving effect , as well as the affecting factors in the irrigation efficiency .

  8. 为了提高城市绿地灌溉效率,设计了一种能够充分利用气象预报信息的城市绿地灌溉模糊控制系统。

    In order to improve usage efficiency of irrigation for city greenland , Greenland irrigation fuzzy control system based on weather forecast information was developed in this paper .

  9. 灌区是我国粮食生产的主要基地,由于工程老化失修和管理不善,灌区的灌溉效率低下。

    The irrigation districts is the mostly base of production base in our country . As a result of project aging and out-of-repair , irrigation efficiency is low .

  10. 正确分析灌溉效率增长潜力是水资源科学管理、节水农业健康发展的基础。

    Water management and the development of water-saving agriculture bases on the scientific analysis on the potentiality of irrigation efficiency , but there are still debates on " real water-saving " .

  11. 稳定的城市人口与农作物生物总量成线性关系,低灌溉效率下农业用水的增加非但不能使农业增产,还将导致农作物生物总量的减少和城市规模的减小;

    With a very low irrigation rate , more water used in agriculture can not lead to the increase of crops yield , but the decrease of the crops yield and reducing of the city scale ;

  12. 到2020年,灌溉效率能再提高10%~15%就是极为不错的政策目标。今后需要加强节水的技术和经济评价,构建综合性节水技术推广的政策体系。

    To increase 10 % - 15 % of irrigation basin efficiency is an optional object , which needs to enhance the economic and technical assessments of water-saving measures and adopt a comprehensive policy system of water-saving irrigation .

  13. 蒸散是农田中最主要的水分消耗,精确估算作物蒸散量是提高农业水资源灌溉效率的首要基础,对水资源的科学管理具有重要作用。

    Evapotranspiration is the uppermost water consumption in farmland , and accurate estimation of crop evapotranspiration is a primary base to improve the efficiency of agricultural water-use and plays an important role to the scientific management of water resources .

  14. 导致我国灌溉效率低下的原因是多方面的,本文认为深层原因在于我国灌溉管理制度的缺陷所导致的交易费用的上升和制度效率的降低。

    There are many reasons that result in low irrigation efficiency in our country . This paper argues that the deep one is that the defects in irrigation management institution have caused high transaction cost and low institution efficiency accordingly .

  15. 结果表明,交替滴灌使灌溉用水效率明显增加,产量水平上的水分利用效率达58.0kg/m3,可节约用水30%以上并增加产量;

    The results showed that alternate-drip irrigation obviously increased the water use efficiency . The irrigated water was saved by 30 % compared with controlled fixed drip irrigation , the WUE computed by yield level was over 58.0kg/m3 and yield was the highest among the three irrigation treatments .

  16. 干旱内陆灌区土壤水分平衡计算及灌溉利用效率分析

    Analysis of Soil Water Balance and Irrigation Efficiency for Irrigation District in an Arid Inland Region

  17. 第三章,长江、黄河流域灌溉用水效率分析。

    Chapter three is the irrigation water efficiency analysis of the Yangtze and the Yellow River basins .

  18. 目前我国灌溉用水效率很低,农业节水成为可持续发展的热点话题和难题。

    Thus , water saving agriculture becomes a hot topic for sustainable development and a difficult topic too .

  19. 提高农田灌溉用水效率的根本措施是发展节水灌溉,并辅以相应的农艺节水措施。

    The key measures for increasing the efficiency of farmland irrigation are the development and popularization of water saving irrigation .

  20. 通过实地调研数据的分析,山东省蔬菜产业灌溉用水效率已属较高水平,但仍有提高的空间。

    Irrigation water efficiency of vegetable industry of Shandong province needs to be improved based on the data analysis of field research .

  21. 农业用水的关键问题是效率问题,灌溉用水效率低下是建设节水型社会的重点问题和优先领域。

    With a key issue of efficiency , solving the problem of low efficiency of irrigation water has been considered priority research areas .

  22. 随着科技的发展和水资源的开发利用,提高灌区灌溉用水效率的要求也在不断加强。

    With the development of science and technology and utilization water resources , irrigation district to improve the efficiency of irrigation water requirements has been to strengthen .

  23. 灌溉用水效率低下不仅会影响农业生产,而且对水资源的可持续发展、环境安全及粮食安全等方面都有相当程度的影响。

    Low efficiency of irrigation water will not only affect agricultural production , but also affect sustainable development of water resources , environmental security and food security .

  24. 准确、及时地掌握农田土壤水分含量信息,提高灌溉用水效率,对农业生产和经济发展意义十分重大。

    Detecting the soil water content information of farmland accurately and timely to improve the efficiency of irrigation is very significant to agriculture production and economic development .

  25. 不少农业水利设施建设质量较差,配套设施不全,灌溉用水效率不高、用水浪费严重。

    Many agriculture and irrigation infrastructure construction is of poor quality , incomplete facilities , and the efficiency of irrigation water is not high , a serious waste of water .

  26. 为提高灌溉用水效率,制定科学可行的灌溉方法提供依据,同时为新疆区域的古树保护与复壮提供参考和帮助。

    So as to improve the efficiency of irrigation , provide the reason for scientific methods of irrigation and the reference and help to the protection and rejuvenation of ancient trees in Xinjiang .

  27. 本章是论文的主体部分,不仅从流域层面探究黄河、长江上、中、下游代表省份的灌溉用水效率,同时对两大流域的农业用水效率进行了比较分析。

    This chapter is the main part of this paper , not only exploring the irrigation water use efficiency of representative provinces of upper reaches , middle reaches , downstream in the Yangtze and Yellow River Basins , but also comparing the agricultural water use efficiency between two River Basins .

  28. 基于SFA的灌溉水利用效率指标随时间变化规律分析

    Temporal variation law of irrigation water use efficiency indicators based on stochastic frontier analysis

  29. 选用DEA方法的分向量模型分别度量了陕西大型灌区和各市的灌溉水规模效率和总技术效率,估算了各灌区和各市的农业节水潜力。

    Sub-vector model of DEA method was adopted to measure the technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the irrigation districts and regions before the utmost water-saving potential was estimated .

  30. 美国对水生态基准的研究在引入灌溉水利用效率(IWUE)这一概念后,利用作物生长模拟模型分别探讨了经济上和生态上许可的玉米灌溉方案。

    Based on the concept of the irrigation water use efficiency ( IWUE ), optimum economic criteria and ecological criteria , it proved that it was possible to improve the present experienced irrigation schedule .