
  • 网络guanhe river;guan river
  1. 灌河潮流界位置确定与港口防淤探讨

    Discussion on the confirming tide boundary and the silt sediment prevention in the port of Guan River

  2. 灌河口外拦门沙航道整治探讨灌河口开发和外航道整治研究

    A Study on Regulation of Navigation Channel on Mouth Bar of the Guan River Estuary

  3. 百川灌河。

    All streams flow into the Huanghe River .

  4. 史灌河流域水量平衡研究

    Water Balance Over the Shiguan River Catchment

  5. 介绍了灌河特大桥主塔承台混凝土的温度控制标准和温控措施,阐述了温控监测的内容、方法和效果。

    This paper introduces standards and measures about temperature control of concrete on main tower of Guanhe super-large bridge .

  6. 事实上,“踵事增华”这一文学发展观至少包含三种实现方式,即断章取义、百川灌河及薪尽火传,且这三种实现方式都包含着一种“新变”的成分。

    In fact , this view of literature development includes at least three realization modes : garbling , summarizing and essence inheritance , which include innovation in each .

  7. 苏北灌河的入海口门处有沙咀,其岸形和底形都比较复杂。

    The Guanhe River estuary , which has an irregular geometry and bottom topography complicated by the entrance bar , is open to the South Huanghai Sea ( Yellow Sea ) .

  8. 本文通过对灌河水体涨、落潮中氯离子含量的监测,找出海水上溯的最大距离,确定其影响范围,为其它入海流河流的防淤提供借鉴。

    This paper through the supervision measuring the chlorine ion contained in the spring tide and ebb tide to find the most intervals the sea water tracing to , and ensures the incidence , provides the reference for the other rivers against the sediment joining to the sea .

  9. 柴油机地脚螺丝安装孔灌上干河沙。

    Fill the dried river fine sand into the foundation screw mounting holes of the diesel engine .

  10. 唐代扬州近海,海潮曾经能够灌入城内官河。

    Tang Dynasty Yangzhou offshore , the tide had poured into the city official River .