
  • 网络baima lake
  1. 常德白马湖浮游动物群落结构及数量变动

    Community structure and abundance variation of zooplankton in Baima Lake of Changde

  2. 温柔敦厚的仁者情怀:白马湖作家群文化个性描述

    Gentility and Sincerity : the Portrayal of the Cultural Identities of the Baima Lake Writers

  3. 白马湖文学现象的渊源与流衍

    The Origin and Spread of Phenomenon of " White-Horse-Lake Literature "

  4. 白马湖散文风格浅析

    The Style of Essay of " White-Horse-Lake Literature "

  5. 论白马湖文学现象

    On the " White Horse Lake Literature Phenomenon "

  6. 白马湖作家群溯源

    Towards the Group of White Horse Lake Writers

  7. 文心至性清淡隽永&论白马湖散文作家群的创作风格

    Simplicity and Fertility & On Literary Creation Style of Essayist Group from White Horse Lake

  8. 白马湖作家群的文化个性从整体上来看是建设性的。

    On the whole , the cultural identities of the Baima Lake writers were constructive .

  9. 但这种教育理想在当时客观条件下不可能实现,他早年在江浙一带处处碰壁,白马湖春晖中学是朱自清早期教育理想最终破灭之地。

    But it was impossible to realize his education ideal under the conditions at that time .

  10. 这几天,位于白马湖生态创意城的动漫广场工地上节奏尤为紧张。

    These days , workers of the cartoon square worksite in Baimahu ecological idea city were very busy .

  11. 这种风格贯穿于他一生所创作的散文,而不仅仅体现在他居住于白马湖的这个阶段。

    This kind of style is run through in the prose that he created in all life , and not merely embody in this stage of living on white horse lake .

  12. 同时,作为白马湖作家群一员的丰子恺,也具有这个作家群的作品风格:恬淡的风格和自然质朴的文风。

    Meanwhile , as a member of " white horse 's lake writer group ", have this writer 's works style of group : Indifferent to fame or gain style and naturally simple writing style .

  13. 白马湖文学现象应该是发源于浙江省第一师范学校,形成于浙江上虞白马湖畔春晖中学的一个独特文化与文学的现象。

    " White-Horse-Lake literature phenomenon " originated from the first normal school in Zhejiang province , Forms in a Zhejiang shangyu lakeside parental affection middle school , it is a unique culture and the literature phenomenon .

  14. 白马湖作家群既关注社会人生,又向往心灵的自由、宁静,所以儒释道精神在他们身上皆有体现。

    The writers of white horse lake are care about the society and the reality , also , they are long for freedom and peace , so the spirit of Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism are clearly shown by them .

  15. 文章从白马湖作家群中的与编辑出版相关的这一独特的视角出发,对这一作家群体的报刊、书籍编辑撰述经历作了新的考论。

    From the unique angle of the White Horse Lake writers as a group in relation to their compilation and publication , this paper makes a new investigation and discussion of their experiences of editing newspapers and magazines as well as writing books .

  16. 白马湖作家群的创作共性与个性并存,他们在思想意趣、人生态度、道德规范、艺术追求上有着一致性的一面,然而作为独立的个体,他们的创作个性并未被群体共性遮蔽。

    The concept of similarity and the creative characteristics are coexist in the writers of white horse lake , there are concordances among thoughts moral standard and artistic pursuit , but as an individual , their individual characteristics are not hid by group generality .

  17. 通过南京农业大学白马校区汉湖公园水际景观规划设计实证的开展,理论落实于实践。

    Theory return to practice with the developing of the project on Nanjing University Han Lake Park water-edge landscape plan and design .