
ɡuàn mù zhí wù
  • suffruticosa plant
  1. 中药金樱子为蔷薇科蔷薇属灌木植物(RosaLaevigataMichx.),分布范围比较广泛,主要分布于我国华东,中南,西南等地。

    Rosa laevigata Michx . ( R. laevigata ) is a very interesting shrub in the Rosa genus of Rosaceae family . They distribute widely , mainly grow in East China , South-middle China and Southwest China .

  2. 扶芳藤(Euonymusfortunei)为卫矛科卫矛属藤本状灌木植物。因其四季常绿、可塑性好和抗逆能力强而广泛应用于园林绿化、沙漠防治和水土保持。

    Support the Euonymus fortunei is a kind of good park green turn 、 desert prevention and the water and soil conservation plant , get the extensive application because of it all the year round often green , plasticity good , resistance is strong .

  3. 伏牛山森林生态系统灌木植物功能群分类

    Functional group classification of shrub species in the Funiu Mountain forest ecosystem

  4. 韶关大学校园乔灌木植物调查

    Investigation on the Arbor and Bush on the Campus of Shaoguan University

  5. 蚂蚁主要搬运草本植物和部分灌木植物的种子。

    Seeds removed by ants are mainly ones of herbs and shrubs .

  6. 蒿类半灌木植物在草地中的地位及饲用评价

    The status and feeding value of sagebrush in native pasture

  7. 南非草本或灌木植物的一个属,常开黄花。

    South African herbs or subshrubs with usually yellow flowers .

  8. 发挥灌木植物在山西退耕还林中的作用

    To Play Full Role of Bush Plants in Land Reverse in Shanxi

  9. 灌木植物量测定技术的研究

    The Study on Techniques in Determining Shrub Phytomass

  10. 装饰性木本蔓常绿灌木植物的一个属。

    Decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines .

  11. 石油烃污染对三种灌木植物生理及叶绿素荧光参数的影响

    Effect of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination on Physiological and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Response of Three Bush Plants

  12. 广域小型草本和一些灌木植物科;大多数是有害的杂草。

    Cosmopolitan family of small herbs and a few shrubs ; most are troublesome weeds .

  13. 美国东南部攀援半灌木植物,紫红色钟状的大花上有似皮革反曲的萼片。

    Scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals .

  14. 北极巴罗地区2种灌木植物及其花粉形态

    A study on the two shrubs of tundra and their pollen morphology from Barrow , Arctic

  15. 蒿与蒿类半灌木植物是天然草地资源中饲用价值高、分布广、数量多的一类重要牧草。

    Sagebrush is one of major components with high feeding value and wide distribution in native pasture .

  16. 旧大陆热带的长有肉质的叶子的长青观赏灌木植物,大的粉白花,圆锥花序。

    Tropical Old World ornamental evergreen shrubs having fleshy leaves and large panicles of white pink flowers .

  17. 橙花瑞香是一种常见的常绿灌木植物,主要分布于中国的云南和四川。

    Daphne aurantiaca Diels is a common evergreen shrub native to Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in China .

  18. 木犀科,由于其果实而被广泛种植。装饰性木本蔓常绿灌木植物的一个属。

    A tree of the genus Olea cultivated for its fruit . decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines .

  19. 结果表明,沙坡头地区的灌木植物与草本植物生长发育规律存在着明显的不同。

    The results showed that there was obvious difference in growth and development of vegetation between shrubs and herbs .

  20. 热平衡茎流计在荒漠灌木植物耗水研究中的应用

    Measurement of shrub 's water consumption with stem heat balance ( shb ) in the desert and Arid Area

  21. 他寻找的是在地表高温度生长被称为地热草的小灌木植物,。

    He looks for a small bushy plant known as geothermal grass , which thrives in high ground temperatures .

  22. 寒旱环境灌木植物根–土相互作用及其护坡力学效应

    Research on interaction between vegetation root and soil for slope protection and its mechanical effect in cold and Arid Environments

  23. 结果表明,在山羊日粮中50%以上由灌木植物组成。

    The results showed that more than 50 % of goat 's diet on the shrub land was composed of shrubs .

  24. 灌木植物的生长动态表现为较典型的S形曲线,其生长量主要受土壤水分条件的影响;

    Change in growth of shrubs was shown as " S " curve , the growth biomass was mainly affected by soil moisture .

  25. 豆科灌木植物具有固氮作用,改良土壤效果好,乡土灌木适应性强,能促进群落顺向演替;

    Leguminous bushes have notable functions of nitrogen fixation , improving soil , strong adaptability for local ones and promoting direct succession of community and ;

  26. 落叶树种在华北地区的种植比例很高,因此,落叶乔灌木植物的冬态造景尤为重要。

    The high proportion of deciduous tree and shrub in North China makes it important to make scene of deciduous tree and shrub form in winter .

  27. 喷射状并带香味的灌木植物,长有有绒毛的叶柄和叶片;可做干燥剂;有时归小麦秆菊属。

    Shrub with white woolly branches and woolly leaves having fragrant flowers forming long sprays ; flowers suitable for drying ; sometimes placed in genus helichrysum .

  28. 南非草本或灌木植物的一个属,常开黄花。大多数是木本双子叶开花植物,花为单性且常有柔荑花。

    South African herbs or subshrubs with usually yellow flowers . family of mostly woody dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins .

  29. 此灌木植物高可达18~60英尺(相当于46~152厘米),叶子边缘呈锯齿状。

    This shrubby plant grows to a height of 18 to 60 inches ( 46 to 152 centimeters ) and boasts leaves that are serrated around the edges .

  30. 本文通过对霍山森林植被110个样方和80余种乔、灌木植物重要值(Ⅳ)的计测;

    In this paper , through the sampling for 110 releves of forest vegetation in Huoshan area , the importance value (ⅳ) of more than 80 tree and shrub was calculated .