
  1. 山西大同与晋中盆地全新世活动断裂定量研究中热释光与~(14)C测年方法应用

    Thermoluminescence and carbon-14 dating methods applied to quantitative studies of the Holocene Active Faults in Datong and Jinzhong basins , Shanxi

  2. 阳曲,地处忻家与晋中盆地之脊梁地带。

    Yangqu , located in the Xin home and backbone of Jinzhong basin area .

  3. 晋中盆地麦田杂草种类分布及防除研究

    Varieties , distribution and chemical control of weeds in wheat fields of Jinzhong Basin

  4. 盛夏干旱对晋中盆地春播玉米产量影响的分析评估

    Analysis and Assessment of Influence of Summer Drought on Spring Maize Yields in Jinzhong Basin of Shanxi Province

  5. 本文围绕晋中盆地各等级道路两侧植物多样性展开研究。

    This paper launched a series of studies with species diversity focuses on the different levels of road greenbelt in Jinzhong Basin .

  6. 霍州市位于位于山西中南部,与临汾、晋中盆地交界,扼山西南北;

    Shanxi is located in south-central Huozhou , and Linfen , Jinzhong basin at the junction of north and south of Shanxi briefly ;

  7. 本研究结果表明,在山西晋中盆地条件下,不同时期追施氮肥,对特早熟夏玉米的三大产量形成因素(叶面积系数、光合势及净同化率)的发展动态产生不同影响。

    Ths result showed tha there was a different effect of different topdressing three main yield factors of especial - early summer corn in Jinzhong Basin .

  8. 本文对晋中盆地水地冬小麦区麦收后营养钵育苗移栽夏玉米的生长发育规律进行研究。

    This paper studied the seedling transplantation summer maize 's growth patterns , which was planted in the irrigatal and fertile land of central area of Shanxi province .

  9. 晋中盆地麦蚜发生为害高峰常出现于小麦孕穗到灌浆期,大发生年发生高峰可提前至拔节期。

    The infection peak of wheat aphid usually outbreaks at stage from ear bearing to filling and in the serious year the outbreak could be put off till stem elongation stage .

  10. 汾河水库是担负着太原市供水、防洪和晋中盆地灌溉用水的大型水库,对山西省的经济发展具有重要作用。

    Fenhe reservoir is a large reservoir which is responsible for flood control , supplying water to Taiyuan City and irrigation in central Shanxi Basin , playing an important role in the economic development of Shanxi Province .

  11. 太原西山煤田位于晋中盆地西北缘,太原市西侧,是山西省六大煤田之一,也是我国重要的煤炭资源基地。

    Located in northeastern of JinZhong basin , west of TaiYuan city , and in northwest QinShui coal field , TaiYuan Xi ' Shan coal field is one of the six big coal fields of ShanXi province and important coal resources base of our country .

  12. 晋中山地、盆地森林、灌丛、森林草原小区;

    Hill , shrub and basin , prairie with forest in the middle part ;

  13. 太原西山煤田位于吕梁山东麓,晋中断陷盆地西北缘,是山西省六大煤田之一。

    Located in the eastern side of Luliang Mountain , the northwestern margin of Jinzhong Faulted Basin , Taiyuan Xishan Coalfield is one of the six major coalfields in Shanxi province .