
  • 网络brush grass
  1. 通过对石灰岩山地主要灌丛、灌草丛植被类型的特征、植物组成、生物量的调查和测定,得知石灰岩山地广泛分布的灌丛有8个类型,灌草丛有5个类型。

    By the investigation and determination on the characteristics , plant composition , and biomass of major brush and brush grass vegetation types in limestone mountains we have known that there were 8 types of brush and 5 types of brush grass widespread in the limestone mountains .

  2. 土壤颗粒度、pH值、有机质和全氮含量在灌草丛和原生林之间存在显著差异,但所有土壤理化指标在次生林和原生林之间无显著差异。

    There were significant differences in soil grain structure , pH , organic matter and total nitrogen between shrub-grassland and virgin forest , but no significant differences between secondary forest and virgin forest were detected .

  3. 他缓慢地穿过灌木丛。灌草丛根系在保护土壤资源上的研究

    Make Use of the Root Systems of Bush-grass to Protect the Soil Resources

  4. 草甘膦防除灌草丛草场灌木的研究

    Effect of glyphosate in controlling bushes on Shrub Grassland

  5. 中国北方的灌草丛

    The grassy thicket in the northern part of China

  6. 灌草丛→常绿阔叶林。

    Shrubs → evergreen broad-leaved forests .

  7. 不同草地分类方法对北京山区灌草丛草地分类的比较研究

    The comparison of classification with the different methods to the grassland with shrubs in Beijing Mountains

  8. 用草甘膦喷洒灌草丛草场灌木和半灌木,对其防除效果及再生性进行了试验观察。

    The effect of glyphosate in controlling bushes and semi bushes on shrub grassland was examined in this study .

  9. 该段山区共有山地草原、山地草丛、山地灌草丛、山地灌丛,亚高山草甸,河漫滩草甸6个草地类型。

    In this area there are 6 grassland types & the steppe , herbosa , shrub-herbosa , subalpine meadow and liman meadow .

  10. 在数量和功能上占优势的是灌草丛,这些种类的绝大多数为旱中生植物。

    The shrub grassland is dominated in number and function , and most species in the shrub grassland are xerophils and mesophytes .

  11. 人工群落生物量都高于当地次生的坡柳灌草丛。

    The total biomass of these artificial communities were higher than that of the local secondary shrub ( Dodonaea viscosa ) community ;

  12. 同时也存在一些非线性演替过程,如灌草丛→杉木常绿阔叶混交林,灌草丛→马尾松常绿阔叶混交林。

    Meanwhile there are some non-linear successive processes , such as Shrub-grassland → Fir-broad-leaved mixed forest , or Shrub-grassland → Coniferous-broad leaved mixed forest .

  13. 结果表明,不同生境多样性指数从高到低的顺序是:阔叶林、阔叶灌丛、灌草丛、竹林;

    The results show that habitats range in a diminishing sequence of diversity indices from broadleaf forest , broadleaf bush , grassland bush to bamboo forest ;

  14. 研究了桉树萌生林、桉树植苗林、灌草丛和马尾松林地土壤中过氧化氢酶、蔗糖转化酶及脲酶的活性变化。

    The experiment studied the activity of invertase , glucose oxidase and β - galactosidase and the influence of enzymatic activity on the reducing sugar conversion rate .

  15. 土壤线虫群落结构在灌草丛和原生林之间差异最大,在次生林和原生林之间差异最小。

    The differences in soil nematode community structures were greatest between the shrub-grasslands and the virgin forests , and smallest between the secondary forests and the virgin forests .

  16. 结果表明:黟县常绿阔叶幼林、次生灌丛和灌草丛的地上部分为81.74、16.83和5.28t/ha。

    The results show that the aboveground biomass of evergreen broadleaf young forest , secondary shrub thicket and shrub-grassland were respectively 61.74 , 16.83 and 5.28 t / ha .

  17. 结果表明:组成流域的11类景观要素类型中,林地在流域植被景观中占主体地位,尤其以温性针叶林最为突出;疏林地、灌丛和稀疏灌草丛是流域中重要的植被覆盖类型;

    The results showed that : among the 11 types of the vegetation landscape , forest predominates among the whole watershed vegetation landscape pattern , especially the temperate coniferous forest ;

  18. 涞源县植被属华北植物区系,现有植被大部分为灌草丛,其次是天然次生林和人工林,森林覆盖率为18.24%。

    Vegetation is Laiyuan County of North China flora , the majority of existing vegetation for irrigation in the bushes , followed by natural secondary forest and plantation , forest coverage is18.24 % .

  19. 以浏阳为代表的丘陵红壤区,植被演替顺序为裸露红壤或稀疏灌草丛-以马尾松为主的针叶林-针阔混交林-常绿阔叶林,这一演替过程较为迅速。

    Represented in hilly red soil region of Liuyang , the vegetation succession order is bare soil or sparse vegetation , the coniferous forests dominated by Pinus massoniana , coniferous and broad-leaf mixed forest , evergreen broad-leaved forest .

  20. 溶解态营养物迁移量同小区的土地利用方式、地形、面积有着很好的相关关系,溶解态营养物迁移浓度以村庄最高,迁移总量以旱地、果园、村庄最高,灌草丛和林地最少。

    The nutrient transport has good correlativity with topography land use and acreage , the nutrient concentration in village is the highest , while the gross of wilderness orchard and village are the biggest and woodland and shrub are the smallest .

  21. 低温驯化对部分丛生竹种叶片膜脂脂肪酸的影响结果表明,不同生境多样性指数从高到低的顺序是:阔叶林、阔叶灌丛、灌草丛、竹林;

    Changes in Membrane Lipid Fatty Acids of Some Sympodial Bamboos in Response to Low Temperature Exposure The results show that habitats range in a diminishing sequence of diversity indices from broadleaf forest , broadleaf bush , grassland bush to bamboo forest ;

  22. 目前,森林公园内共有6种植被类型,32个群系,54个群丛。植被类型包括常绿阔叶林、暖性针叶林、竹林、常绿阔叶灌丛、灌草丛和水生植被等。

    There are 6 vegetation types in the forest park at present , which can be divided into 32 series , 54 clumps , including Evergreen broad-leaved forest , Coniferous forest , Bamboo forest , Evergreen broad-leaved shrub , Shrub-grassland and aquicolous vegetation .

  23. 通过对定海松林及更新层的调查,发现多数松林在皆伐后演替为落叶阔叶林,少数为常绿落叶阔叶林和灌、草丛。

    Investigations of regeneration storey of pine forest in Dinghai , Zhejiang province demonstrated that succession species after clear cut was mostly deciduous broad-leaf forest with few evergreen broad-leaf forest and shrub , even some hassock .