
  • 网络Irrigation Engineering;water-harvest irrigation engineering
  1. 文章详细分析了扬水泵站SCADA系统在灌溉工程中的重要作用,对系统的组成、结构进行了全面的介绍。

    This article analyses the importance in irrigation engineering of pumping station SCADA system in detail , and has a comprehensive introduction for it 's composition and construction .

  2. 渠道灌溉工程措施水资源利用系数的研究

    The research of water use efficiency of canal irrigation engineering measure

  3. DEM在节水灌溉工程的土地平整及辅助设计中的应用

    Application of DEM to Land - leveling Operation in Water Saving Irrigation

  4. 本文通过对国内外现有灌溉工程辅助设计软件的调查,结合微灌工程规划设计的特点,采用VISUALBASIC对AutoCAD进行二次开发,对微灌工程CAD系统作了研究。

    This paper customize AutoCAD by using Visual Basic in order to study micro-irrigation computer aided design software , after investigating the present irrigation software of domestic market and overseas ' .

  5. 介绍了以工业控制计算机、可编程控制器及ADAM智能模块等设备共同构成的计算机智能控制系统在丘陵山区节水灌溉工程中的应用。

    The intelligent control system composed of industrial computer , PLC and ADAM modules is mainly introduced in hill and mountain areas .

  6. 本文应用当今流行的地理信息系统、CAD软件及数据库等软件开发工具,根据节水灌溉工程技术规范,开发的低压管道输水管网计算机辅助设计系统。

    On the basis of thinking above . Base on the thought above , it 's very necessary to development the software of computer aided design ( CAD ) system of low pressure pipeline based on GIS .

  7. 文章根据水泵的汽蚀特性和ISO及GB试验标准的要求,结合数次涉外灌溉工程项目所用水泵的真机汽蚀试验的经验,提出了一种大中型水泵的真机汽蚀试验方法。

    A suitable cavitation testing method for the prototype pump with high capacity is suggested based on the studies of the cavitation , testing standards and the experience of some prototype pump test .

  8. 菲律宾MAL-MAR灌溉工程砼裂缝产生原因剖析

    Analysis for Concrete Cracks in MAL-MAR Irrigation Project

  9. 建高效灌溉工程促种植结构调整

    Constructing Effective Irrigation Project to Promote Adjustment of The Plantation Structure

  10. 节水灌溉工程模糊神经网络综合评价模型研究

    Model of fuzzy nervous network integrated assessment of water-saving irrigation projects

  11. 节水灌溉工程技术与政策管理研究

    Study on water saving irrigation technology of engineering and policy management

  12. 蒙特卡洛法在灌溉工程风险分析中的应用研究

    Application of Monte Carlo Method in Risk Analysis of Irrigation Engineering

  13. 韶山灌溉工程对区域社会经济的影响研究

    On the influence of Shaoshan Irrigation Project on regional social economy

  14. 提水灌溉工程混凝土建筑物的侵蚀及修复

    Erosion and repair of concrete buildings of water pumping irrigation works

  15. 我们把钱用在兴建灌溉工程上了。

    We used the money to set up an irrigation project .

  16. 由于四个村子的协力,灌溉工程很快就建成了。

    Between the four villages the irrigation project was soon completed .

  17. 综合集成赋权法在节水灌溉工程方案优选中的应用

    Application of Combining Weights Method on Schemes Optimization for Water-saving Irrigation Project

  18. 甘肃省节水灌溉工程环境经济损益分析

    Eco-economic Cost and Benefit Analysis on Water-Saving Irrigation Projects in Gansu Province

  19. 灌溉工程的地面水和地下水联合运用

    Join Use of Ground and Surface Water in Irrigation Project

  20. 桦南县水田节水灌溉工程浅析

    Analysis on paddy field water-saving irrigation project in Huanan County

  21. 水价政策&灌溉工程可持续发展的经济杠杆

    Water Price-an Economic Lever to Sustainable Development of Irrigation Projects

  22. 水利开发建设项目绿化工程设计初探&以甘肃省引洮灌溉工程为例

    Preliminary Research on Afforestation Engineering of Water Conservancy Development and Construction Project

  23. 我国农业节水灌溉工程可行水价研究

    Research on Feasible Water Price of Agricultural water-saving Irrigation Projects

  24. 结果那是一个失败的灌溉工程。

    Turns out that it 's a failed irrigation project .

  25. 他们与邻近公社协作搞灌溉工程。

    They teamed up with the neighbouring communes on the irrigation project .

  26. 齐齐哈尔市节水灌溉工程与效益分析

    Water saving irrigation project and the benefit analysis in Qiqihar

  27. 土地整理项目区节水灌溉工程技术方案比选

    The Land Consolidation Project Area Saving Irrigation Technical Scheme Compare and Choose

  28. 这项灌溉工程需要高度发展的技术和推理的专门知识。

    This irrigation project requires a highly developed technical and interpretive expertise .

  29. 河北省农业灌溉工程节水技术适应性研究

    Adaptability of water-saving technology for agricultural irrigation in Hebei Province

  30. 他们中的多数人都在参加灌溉工程的工作。

    Most of them are working on the irrigation project .