
  • 网络Self recording rain gauge;pluviograph
  1. 自记雨量计常见故障分析及处理方法

    Discussion on fault analysis and treatment method of self - recording rain gauge

  2. 虹吸式自记雨量计广泛应用于水文、气象、环境监测等部门。

    Siphon recording raingauge has been widely used in hydrological , meteorological and environment monitoring .

  3. 并用两个水文站的多年自记雨量计资料,对四种常用的雨型作了比较分析,为调蓄池设计中正确使用雨型提供了基础。

    Four often-used Patterns are compared and analyzed by using long & term rainfall data of two hydrologic stations . Finally , some ideas are suggested to use design storm patterns correctly .