
zì yǎnɡ zhí wù
  • autotrophic plant;autophyte
  1. 维生素E只能在光合自养植物中合成,人类的日常所需摄取白植物源性的食物或药物补充。

    Tocopherols can be synthesized only in photoautotrophy organisms , including plants and other oxygenic , photosynthetic organisms , and hence human everyday needs of vitamin E are derived from plant materials or supplementary nutritional drugs .

  2. 大多数自养,如植物,利用阳光的能量把空气成简单的糖,一个过程称为光合作用。

    Most autotrophs , such as plants , use the energy of sunlight to turn air into simple sugars & a process known as photosynthesis .

  3. 而微囊藻作为一种自养的光合植物,其生长与水中的C源无关,与氮磷浓度有关。

    The growth of Microcystis aeruginosa ( as a sell nutrition plant ) had no relation with C resource but had a positive relation with N and P concentration .