
zì rán táo tài
  • natural selection;natural elimination
  1. 达尔文系统地阐述了自然淘汰的法则。

    Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection .

  2. 达尔文认为自然淘汰是物种发展中的主要因素。

    Darwin thinks that natural selection is the chief factor in the development of species .

  3. 但这个“自然淘汰”只是将痛楚延迟而已。

    But this ' natural culling ' simply defers the pain .

  4. 遗传算法是一种有效地解决最优化问题的方法,是模拟达尔文的遗传选择和自然淘汰的生物进化过程的计算模型。

    Genetic algorithm is an effective method of resolving the optimization problems .

  5. 现在失去了自然淘汰的力量。

    Now , without the force of naturai seiection .

  6. 结果:耐缺氧试验小鼠160只自然淘汰14只,抗疲劳试验小鼠240只自然淘汰12只,共374只小鼠进入结果分析。

    RESULTS : Of the 160 hypoxia-resistance experimental mice , 14 were eliminated naturally . Of the 240 anti-fatigue experimental mice , 12 were eliminated naturally . So , totally 374 mice were included in the result analysis .

  7. 斯宾塞最先将达尔文主义应用到人类社会,认为自然淘汰在人类的进化、发展上起着重要的作用,并提出适者生存的理念。

    Herbert Spencer first applied Darwinism to human society , held that natural selection played an important role in the evolution and development of human beings , and thus put forward the theory of survival of the fittest .

  8. 但既然这些基因具有潜在的危险,为什么没有被自然选择淘汰呢?这正是神秘所在。

    But if they were potentially bad , why weren 't they flushed out by natural selection ? That is the mystery .

  9. 从古者诗三千余篇到三百五篇,是一个在自然选择淘汰与人工整理双重作用下的层层递减的历史过程,不存在十去其九式的一蹴而就的情况。

    There is a historical process of natural elimination and sorting out for the formation of Book of Poetry . And there is not the conditions of accomplish in an action .

  10. 调查结果表明,在自然状态下,野蚕的自然淘汰主要发生在小蚕期,尤其是一龄期。

    The results showed that natural elimination mainly took place at younger period , especially at first instar .

  11. 生物是通过两个基本过程:自然选择和有性生殖不断进化的。通过遗传、突然变异、自然淘汰等规律进化,以适应环境的变化。

    Biology is development through two basic processes : natural selection and zoogamy .