- 网络authigenic mineral;Autogenic minerals

Typical authigenic mineral assemblages after co_2 injected into sandstone
Several authigenic mineral species at continental shelf of the southern Huanghai Sea
The injection periods and injection time were also studied by testing authigene K / Ar isotope and homogeneous temperature of oil and gas in inclusion enclaves .
The main pore type is characterized by secondary pore .
Authigenic minerals in a sediment column from the central Pacific
Ferro-authigenic minerals in present Lake sediments , Yunnan Plateau
Authigenic mineral assemblage formed in different ambients is distinct to each other .
Diagenetically authigenic minerals are dominantly kaolinite , chlorite , siliceous , and ferruginous calcite .
The main diagenetic minerals of the sandstone include calcite , chlorite , Quarta and kaolinite .
About 29 thin sections were used to analysis the detrital and authigenic mineral composition and content .
Diagenetic model of authigenic minerals in low-permeability sandstone reservoirs and its significance in the exploration of oil and gas
The species of iron-rich authigenic minerals are closely related to the local geochemical conditions within the matrix pores .
Carbonate is one of the most widely developed authigenic minerals in Low Tertiary reservoir sandstones found in Tarim Basin .
The Strontium isotope composition of marine autogenetic minerals can reflect the sea level fluctuation trend during the minerals deposited .
The main diagenesis in the studied area included the mechanical compaction , cementation , infilling , dissolution , and authigenic mineral precipitation .
Authigenic minerals in sandstone include chlorite , calcite , siliceous and kaolinite , and containing a small amount of dolomite and siderite .
The sedimentary systems were divided 7 facies and 12 subfacies according to the characteristics in rock types , color , authigene and biological fossil .
Simultaneously the color , authigenic minerals , sedimentary structures , sedimentary structures about those Formations was studied , and they variation disciplines was investigated . 3 .
XRD analyzing on the surface sediments from the East Pacific found that there is an identical assemblage of quartz , albite and barite in most samples .
Glauconite , hematite-limonite and some chlorite are formed in syndiagenesis . Discussion the degradation of available P_2O_5 of SSP maked from phosphate rock with high iron and aluminum content
They include sedimentary background , sediment types , sedimentation rate , organic content , sedimentary facies , authigenic minerals , sedimentary thermal environment , and particular sedimentary bodies ect .
Among them , authigenic minerals were formed in early syngenetic and diagenetic ages controlled by specific sedimentary environment and diagenetic processes , so they can indicate their sedimentary environments .
Carbonates are the most abundant cements in the Palaeogene sandstones of Lishui Sag , East China Sea basin , which mainly consist of ankerite and calcite and have distinctive stratigraphic distribution and geometry .
The pore texture of Chang-6 member is small sized porosity with minute throats . The main diagenesis in the studied area included the mechanical compaction , cementation , infilling , dissolution , and authigenic mineral precipitation .
Through analyses of effect on the reservoir property of diagenesis and its phases , it indicated that the genetic mechanism of the low permeability of this area is the filling and cementation of autogenetic mineral during diagenesis .
According to authigenic mineral , clay mineral , 5 % in mix layered I / S , inclusion temperature and diagenetic types , the diagenetic stage of the Cretaceous in the study area have reached a period of the late diagenetic stage .
Sandstone in acidic diagenetic enviroment has such characteristic as fast compaction rate , earlier compaction stage , prevalent grain solution and crushing , poor heat resistance and crushing resistance , small free growing space of authigenic mineral , poor reservoir properties and so on .
Combined with diagenesis study , the forming stages of fluid inclusions can be established . A great deal of data of fluid inclusions in autogenetic minerals of different diagenetic stages such as homogenization temperature , melting temperature , salinity , density , and liquid composition etc , were detected .
Identification method of authigenic clay mineral in sedimentary rock by SEM & XEDS
Cementation of clay mineral was occur on the B phase of early diagenesis , and 5 % ~ 8 % porosity degraded .