
  • 网络liberty island;the Bedloe's Island
  1. 我们在哪登船去自由岛?

    Where can I board the cruise boat to liberty island ?

  2. 于是他们涌向炮台公园搭乘前往自由岛的渡轮。

    They flocked to Battery Park to catch the ferry to Liberty Island .

  3. 纽约港的自由岛上的一樽巨大的象征自由的纪念性的雕塑。

    A large monumental statue symbolizing liberty on Liberty Island in New York harbor .

  4. 游客们从下曼哈顿摆渡到自由岛之前都要经过金属探测器的检查。

    Visitors are screened by metal detectors before they board ferries to the island from Lower Manhattan .

  5. 一个自由岛式的中心单位构架需要广泛的自治权才可以保证在市场变化时可以迅速的进行微调。

    Extensive autonomy is needed for a " free island " type central unit , to insure the fine tuning in market changes .

  6. 自由岛位于曼哈顿岛南端的西南海面,如果自由女神高擎火炬面向曼哈顿,那她的脸应该是冲着东北方向咯。

    Liberty Island is south west to Manhattan Island , it 's said Statue of Liberty facing to Manhattan holding torch , then her face should face north east .

  7. 我无法忘记纽约港自由岛上自由女神像底座上的文字:“给我你那疲惫、贫穷、蜷曲、渴望自由呼吸的身躯,可怜的被遗忘在你们海岸的人群。

    I cannot forget the legend engraved on the base of the Statue of Liberty on Bedlows Island in New York Harbor : Give me your tired , your poor , your huddled masses yearning to breathe free , the wretched refuse of your teeming shore .

  8. 纽约市场文化参观活动:自由女神岛、世界金融中心&华尔街、世贸大厦遗址、联合国总部、洛克非勒中心、繁华的第五大道、时代广场等。

    New York culture activity : Colombia University , New York University , Status of Liberty Island , Wall Street , World Trade Mall site , U.N Mansion , Rockefeller Center , Times Plaza .

  9. 你会看到支持自由女神像的岛开始沉入水中。

    you would see the Statue of Liberty , the island that supports it out here starting to go under water .

  10. 轮渡可带游客到埃利斯岛和自由女神所矗立的自由岛。

    Ferries take visitors to both Ellis Island and Liberty Island , where the Statue of Liberty stands .