
  • 网络Greenwich village
  1. 吃完晚餐,在华盛顿广场公园(WashingtonSquarePark)散散步,然后穿过格林威治村,来到西3街(West3rdStreet)的蓝调爵士俱乐部(BlueNoteJazzClub)。

    After dinner and a stroll around Washington Square Park and through Greenwich Village , pop in to Blue Note Jazz Club on West 3rd Street .

  2. 位于格林威治村(GreenwichVillage)地下的这间信号室是一个名副其实的博物馆,展示着古旧的电机技术,其中某些部分可追溯至上世纪三四十年代。

    The tower - a subterranean room in Greenwich Village - is a veritable museum of ancient , electromechanical technology , some of it dating back to the 1930s and 1940s .

  3. 戴维・惠特科姆(DavidWhitcomb)与亨丽・惠特科姆(HenrieWhitcomb)位于纽约格林威治村的寓所有一个2500平方英尺(约合230平米)的全景式露台,他们的绿色幕恢复了露台大量不可用的空间。

    David and Henrie Whitcomb 's vertical garden redeemed a chunk of unusable space on their 2500-square-foot wraparound terrace in New York 's Greenwich Village .

  4. 众所周知,格林威治村(GreenwichVillage)曾经是“垮掉的一代”诗人、爵士音乐家、艺术家与波西米亚人聚集的地方,现在也仍旧是敏奈塔酒馆的所在地。酒吧里古老的橡木吧台,最适合靠着喝杯小酒或餐前鸡尾酒。

    Greenwich Village , famously once home to New York 's Beat poets , jazz musicians , artists and Bohemians , is still home to Minetta Tavern , whose old oak bar is perfect for leaning on while sipping a draught or classic cocktail before dinner .

  5. 到格林威治村该乘哪一线车?

    A : Which line do I take for Greenwich Village ?

  6. 我被邀请到格林威治村去谈论文学,交流思想。

    I was invited to Greenwich Village to discuss literature and ideas .

  7. 格林威治村曾经是纽约的波希米亚人生活的中心。

    Greenwich Village was once the center of New York 's Bohemian life .

  8. 这个新锐艺术家云集的地方,有些格林威治村的味道。

    The place gathers emerging artists and has some flavor of Greenwich Village .

  9. 格林威治村,美国人的波西米亚;

    Greenwich Village , American 's haven for bohemians ;

  10. 在格林威治村住着许多艺术家。

    A tribe of artists live in Greenwich Village .

  11. 他也慢慢地在格林威治村四周徘徊。

    He walked slowly about Greenwich Village , too .

  12. 格林威治村诞生过很多作家和艺术家。

    The village became a home for many writers and artists in the20th century .

  13. 1943年的格林威治村,也许比1938年的普林斯顿更令人兴奋。

    Greenwich Village in 1943 was , perhaps more exciting than Princeton in 1938 .

  14. 另外我们千万不要错过参观华盛顿广场西面不远的格林威治村。

    And we should not miss seeing Greenwich Village a little west of Washington Square .

  15. 你知道格林威治村中央公园咖啡厅吗?五点钟左右。

    Do you know uh , Central Perk in the Village , say , fiveish ?

  16. 你可以去格林威治村或坐渡船去自由雕像玩。

    Spend time in Greenwich Village or take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty .

  17. 但我到格林威治村想找出这座山丘时,却已遍寻不著。

    And so I 'd go down to Greenwich Village and I 'd look for this hill .

  18. 格林威治村是位于纽约中心城市曼哈顿区的一个富于历史、文化传统的社区。

    Greenwich Village , located in New York downtown Manhattan , is a community rich in history and culture .

  19. 当纽约人全体涌向格林威治村举行的万圣节游行时,下曼哈顿也不例外。

    Lower Manhattan is no exception as New Yorkers turn out en masse to the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade .

  20. 几年前,我在纽约格林威治村遇到一个女孩,从她那里我第一次听到这个故事。

    I first heard the story a few years ago from a girl I had met in New York 's Greenwich Village .

  21. 可是由于电脑错误,格林威治村警方不相信瓦伦西亚,几乎将他视为又一个神经病。

    But because of a computer foulup , Greenwich Village police didn 't believe Daniel Valencia and nearly wrote him off as another oddball .

  22. 现年38岁的好莱坞“大嘴美女”罗伯茨可能已于去年卖掉了她在格林威治村的公寓。

    The38-year-old superstar may have sold her Greenwich Village apartment last year , but that doesn 't leave her without a place to retreat in Manhattan .

  23. 在整个20世纪60年代,一批寻求从格林威治村飙升的生活费用中解脱出来的艺术家涌入了进来,使得这一地区面貌焕然一新。

    Throughout the1960 's , an influx of artists seeking refuge from Greenwich Village 's skyrocketing cost of living added a new face to the area .

  24. 九层的马尔顿酒店坐落在第五大道和西8街交汇处,这里是格林威治村的心脏地段,云集着许多餐馆和迷人的住宅区。

    The nine-story Marlton is on Fifth Avenue and West Eighth Street in the heart of Greenwich Village with its many restaurants and charming residential blocks .

  25. 那天晚上,考利昂家族系统中的两个基层人员正在格林威治村的一家小小的意大利饭店安安静静地吃饭的时候,给人杀害了。

    That night also two button men of the Corleone family were killed as they peaceably ate their dinner in a small Italian restaurant in R Greenwich village .

  26. 马尔顿酒店始建于1900年,因其位于格林威治村的上佳地段和低廉的房价,而广受喜爱。在其充满波西米亚风情的全盛时期,有许多艺术家和作家都在那里下榻过。

    During its bohemian heyday , scores of artists and writers stayed at the Marlton House , built in 1900 and beloved for its prime Greenwich Village location and cheap rates .

  27. 接着,你何不去游玩一下桑萨利托渔村呢?那里有点像伦敦的切尔西区,也有些像纽约的格林威治村。有些人在渔村里绘画,你不妨去看看,观赏一下他们的作品。

    Then why not go to the fishing village of Sansalito a little like London 's Chelsea or New York 's Greenwich Village to see people painting and to look at their pictures .

  28. 大道始于纽约市区的华盛顿广场公园,穿过格林威治村、中城、上东区、哈莱姆区,直至北端的布朗克斯区。

    It starts from Washington Square Park in downtown New York , extending through Greenwich Village , Midtown , the Upper East Side , Harlem , and into The Bronx in the north .

  29. 就像那些在纽约的演员一样,我也曾大把时间赋闲在家(失业中),于是我在格林威治村一家小而高档的意大利餐厅做着午餐服务员维生。

    Like most of my fellow actors in New York I was " between jobs " and making ends meet as a lunch waiter in a small high quality Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village .

  30. 接着,你何不去游玩一下桑萨利托渔村呢?那里有点像伦敦的切尔西区,也有些象纽约的格林威治村。有些人在渔村里绘画,你不妨去看看,观赏一下他们的作品。

    Then why not go to the fishing village of Sansalito --- a little like London 's Chelsea or New York 's Greenwich Village --- to see people painting and to look at their pictures .