
  • rockefeller center;【地名】【美国】Rockerfeller Center
  1. 在东海岸,他们收购了纽约洛克菲勒中心(RockefellerCenter)。

    In the east , they snapped up New York 's Rockefeller Center .

  2. 我来到洛克菲勒中心(RockefellerCenter),这里是纽约城庆祝圣诞活动的中心。

    I visit the Rockefeller Center , the central grotto of New York Christmas .

  3. 今天,他的总部位于洛克菲勒中心(rockefellercenter)一座塔楼的50层,在纽约、伦敦和香港的三个办事处有11位全职员工。

    Today he is based on the 50th floor of a Rockefeller Center tower . He has 11 full-time staffIn three offices in New York , London and Hong Kong .

  4. 自从日本在上世纪80年代收购洛克菲勒中心(theRockefellerCenter)以来,无所不能的日元和日本企业的收购还从未在美国本土产生如此强烈的反响。

    Not since Japan snapped up the Rockefeller Center in the 1980s has the power of a mighty yen and an acquisitive Japan Inc. reverberated so strongly in the United States .

  5. W.史蒂芬森本来应该把这种问题都处理好,他是一位加拿大的百万富翁,在洛克菲勒中心负责对英的安全合作。

    Such problems were supposed to be kept under control by W. Stephenson , the Canadian millionaire who directed ' British Security Coordination ' from Rockefeller Center .

  6. 数以千计的《星际迷航》影迷可能选择在线竞拍,诸如一个starshipenterprise模型(价格在1.5万至2.5万美元之间)等拍品将在洛克菲勒中心(rockefellercenter)进行拍卖。

    Untold thousands of Trekkies may choose to bid online when such lots as a model of the Starship Enterprise ( $ 15000 - $ 25000 ) go under the hammer at Rockefeller Center .

  7. 菲德尔估计,书店每天上门的顾客约有1500人,比波兹曼旗下生意第二红火的切尔西(Chelsea)门店多出将近一倍(波兹曼书店还在洛克菲勒中心[RockefellerCenter]经营着第三家门店)。

    Mr. Fader estimated that roughly 1500 people stream through the door each day , nearly double Posman 's second-busiest location in Chelsea ( Posman operates a third store in Rockefeller Center ) .

  8. 我们现在在洛克菲勒中心报道,和我在一起的是耐克品牌总裁CharlieDenson。

    We 're here launching in Rockefeller center , with me now is the brand president of Nike , Charlie Denson .

  9. 为了打造一些人所说的纽约的翻版,天津市大规模举债,在北京东南约70公里处兴建以洛克菲勒中心(RockefellerCenter)和林肯中心(LincolnCenter)为模板的城市综合体。

    In Tianjin , about 70 miles southeast of Beijing , the city has borrowed heavily to create what some have called a replica of New York City , with complexes modeled after Rockefeller Center and Lincoln Center .

  10. 就像以意大利浓咖啡和cortado咖啡著称的Continental一样,弗里曼希望将洛克菲勒中心店建成高级咖啡胜地,完全以胡桃木和大理石装修。

    Like Continental bars where customers go for a caf é cortado or an espresso , Freeman is aiming for a grownup coffee place , all walnut and marble .

  11. 去年圣诞节期间,女友前来探望他,两人一起在SOHO购物,一起在洛克菲勒中心看圣诞树、在时代广场迎接新年&诸如此类。

    The lovebirds did the town over the Christmas holidays : shopping in SoHo , visiting the tree at Rockefeller Center , celebrating New Year ` s Eve in Times Square - the works .

  12. 到达洛克菲勒中心后,亚诺弗后给佛罗里达州波卡拉顿市(BocaRaton)的父母打电话,提醒他们看电视。

    Upon arrival at 30 Rockefeller Plaza , she called her parents " home in Boca Raton , Fla. , to remind them to watch the show .

  13. 联合国总部和洛克菲勒中心也是今天的压轴戏。

    U.N.And Rockfell Center are also the end of this trip .

  14. 下一班去洛克菲勒中心的火车是几点的?

    What time is the next train to Rockefeller center ?

  15. 洛克菲勒中心把它又砍下来了吗?

    Did rockefeiier center turn it down again this year ?

  16. 这张是在洛克菲勒中心照的。

    And here we are at the Rockefeller center .

  17. 这是去洛克菲勒中心的月台吗?

    Is this the right platform to Rockefeller center ?

  18. 你到洛克菲勒中心去,那是个公共空间,是个大家都可以去的地点。

    You go to Rockefeller Center-you know , that 's a public space ;

  19. 到洛克菲勒中心怎么走?

    How do I get to Rockefeller Center ?

  20. 我要去洛克菲勒中心看圣诞树。

    I got to go down to Rockefeller Center and see the Christmas tree .

  21. 去洛克菲勒中心走哪个门?

    Which exit is to Rockefeller center ?

  22. 纽约洛克菲勒中心的第77届圣诞树点燃仪式于12月2日举行。

    The77th annual Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree was lit up in New York on Dec.2 .

  23. 在圣诞节时,洛克菲勒中心有一棵高高的、装饰得非常美丽的圣诞树。

    There is a very tall , beautifully decorated Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center at Christmas time .

  24. 纽约无线城音乐厅是一所坐落在洛克菲勒中心的娱乐场所。

    Radio City Music Hall is an entertainment venue located in New York City 's Rockefeller Center .

  25. 兄弟俩将在洛克菲勒中心的《今日秀》上演出,届时他们还是会带上他们的狐狸装。

    The brothers will bring their fox suits to Rockefeller Plaza Friday when they perform their hit on Today .

  26. 而现在,在这里,我发现自己几乎从来不会想起洛克菲勒中心或者派克大街。

    Now I 'm there , I find that I almost never think of Rockefeller Center or Park Avenue at all .

  27. 由耐克公司高级设计师科林?桑迪森设计的这套比赛服于本周三晚在洛克菲勒中心楼顶上公布于众。

    The designs , created by Nike senior designer Colleen sandieson , were unveiled Wednesday evening on a rooftop at Rockefeller center .

  28. 随着失业率攀升,美国的多疑症加剧&特别当日本人开始购买诸如洛克菲勒中心这样的地标之时。

    America 's paranoia deepened as its jobless rate climbed - especially when the Japanese started buying landmarks like the Rockefeller Centre .

  29. 还记得日本泡沫时代的收购狂潮洛克菲勒中心、梵高画作以及由此引发的敌意吗?

    Remember Japan 's bubble-era buying spree – the Rockefeller Center , the Van Gogh paintings – and the hostility that generated ?

  30. 今天晚上,洛克菲勒中心放置的圣诞树将亮灯,也将挂上星星。

    This evening , the lights will be turned on and the star will be lit on the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center .