- 网络Rockefeller;The Rockefeller Family;the Rockefellers

But such willpower and self-denial is rare-sad cases like the Rockefellers and Hiltons are more common .
But do not expect a charitable legacy to match those of Andrew Carnegie or the Rockefellers , at least not yet , said Shawn Shieh , an authority on Chinese civil society and philanthropy .
The Rockefellers have played a role in Lucis Trust and the United Nations .
At ExxonMobil , the Rockefellers face an unaccustomed challenge to be taken seriously .
This athletically gifted Chicagoan attended Brown University on a scholarship from the Rockefeller family in 1915 .
Today , Mr Chernow says , that " oil is ancient history " for the Rockefellers .
One of the striking aspects of the effort is the sophisticated Rockefeller family networks it has revealed .
By now most people know the oil industry is heavily monopolized and is dominated by the Rockefellers .
He had never been the sole producer of anything but the Rockefellers were mightily impressed with his Oxford degree .
Grand Hotels magazine had the honor to be the hotel guide of the Rockefeller Family 's visit to China .
The Rockefellers never had a company to fight over , he says . They never had to quarrel about who owned what .
Indeed , the Rockefellers make a conscious effort to teach their children to preserve their money and use it to improve the world .
Unlike many of today 's American billionaires , such as the Rockefellers or the Waltons of Wal-Mart , China 's are almost all self-made .
And the very wealthy , the House of Rockefeller and the House of Rothchild , who have been funding the Federal Reserve , have also become much more cautious .
As the saying goes ," Wealth does not pass three generations ", which is true in most instances , the Rockefellers have already passed down their fortune for six generations .
Mr Johnson believes one reason for the Rockefellers ' enduring influence is that the history of their fortune spared them the big decisions over how to run the family company , or when to sell it and divide the proceeds , which have riven other dynasties .
After years of working behind the scenes to encourage Exxon 's management to approach its industry challenges in new ways , members of the Rockefeller family will publicly explain the concerns held by multiple generations of their family , ' ' the family said in a statement .
Oil Trust was the way from which he accumulated large wealth for his family .
During the late 1960s , some of the heirs of the Rockefeller clan openly admitted feeling guilty about their wealth and the way their ancestors came by it .
The Rockefeller family , the longest continuous shareholder in ExxonMobil , is abandoning its behind-the-scenes role at the company to press for corporate governance reforms including an independent chairman and a stronger board .