
  • 网络Rockefeller;The Rockefeller Family;the Rockefellers
  1. 但这种意志力和克己精神已属罕见&像洛克菲勒家族(Rockefellers)和希尔顿家族(Hiltons)那样令人遗憾的案例更为普遍。

    But such willpower and self-denial is rare-sad cases like the Rockefellers and Hiltons are more common .

  2. 但是,中国公民社会和慈善方面的权威谢世宏(ShawnShieh)称,不要指望中国的慈善遗产可以企及安德鲁愠芸基(AndrewCarnegie)或洛克菲勒家族,至少目前还不能相提并论。

    But do not expect a charitable legacy to match those of Andrew Carnegie or the Rockefellers , at least not yet , said Shawn Shieh , an authority on Chinese civil society and philanthropy .

  3. 洛克菲勒家族在鲁西斯信托基金会和联合国扮演了重要角色。

    The Rockefellers have played a role in Lucis Trust and the United Nations .

  4. 在埃克森美孚,洛克菲勒家族面临着一项非同寻常的挑战得到认真对待。

    At ExxonMobil , the Rockefellers face an unaccustomed challenge to be taken seriously .

  5. 这位芝加哥体育天才获得了洛克菲勒家族奖学金,于1915年就读布朗大学。

    This athletically gifted Chicagoan attended Brown University on a scholarship from the Rockefeller family in 1915 .

  6. 如今,切诺写道,对于洛克菲勒家族,“石油已成为古老的历史”。

    Today , Mr Chernow says , that " oil is ancient history " for the Rockefellers .

  7. 这一努力引入关注的一点是,它暴露出了洛克菲勒家族的复杂网络。

    One of the striking aspects of the effort is the sophisticated Rockefeller family networks it has revealed .

  8. 到今天,很多人已经知道石油工业是由洛克菲勒家族一手垄断,一手支配的。

    By now most people know the oil industry is heavily monopolized and is dominated by the Rockefellers .

  9. 他以前从未独立制作过任何作品,但幸运的是,洛克菲勒家族极看重他的牛津大学学位。

    He had never been the sole producer of anything but the Rockefellers were mightily impressed with his Oxford degree .

  10. 《大酒店》杂志有幸成为洛克菲勒家族中国之行的“酒店导游”。

    Grand Hotels magazine had the honor to be the hotel guide of the Rockefeller Family 's visit to China .

  11. 洛克菲勒家族从未因为一家企业而争斗过,他表示,他们从未争论过谁是公司的所有者。

    The Rockefellers never had a company to fight over , he says . They never had to quarrel about who owned what .

  12. 实际上,洛克菲勒家族成员有意识的在努力教育他们的子女,留住自己的钱,用它让世界变得更美好。

    Indeed , the Rockefellers make a conscious effort to teach their children to preserve their money and use it to improve the world .

  13. 中国的亿万财主不像今日美国的许多亿万财主(如洛克菲勒家族或者沃尔玛的沃尔斯顿),他们几乎都是独立奋斗取得成功。

    Unlike many of today 's American billionaires , such as the Rockefellers or the Waltons of Wal-Mart , China 's are almost all self-made .

  14. 而且就连那些非常有富有的阶层,即罗斯柴尔德家族和洛克菲勒家族,都在为美国联邦储备募集资金,但也变得越来越小心翼翼了。

    And the very wealthy , the House of Rockefeller and the House of Rothchild , who have been funding the Federal Reserve , have also become much more cautious .

  15. “富不过三代”似乎是铁一样的定律,然而洛克菲勒家族从发迹至今已经绵延了六代。

    As the saying goes ," Wealth does not pass three generations ", which is true in most instances , the Rockefellers have already passed down their fortune for six generations .

  16. 约翰逊认为,洛克菲勒家族影响力不朽的原因之一是,他们的财富历史让他们在如何管理家族企业、或者何时出售以及何时进行收入分配的问题上做出重大决定,收入分配问题一直困扰着其它家族。

    Mr Johnson believes one reason for the Rockefellers ' enduring influence is that the history of their fortune spared them the big decisions over how to run the family company , or when to sell it and divide the proceeds , which have riven other dynasties .

  17. 洛克菲勒家族在一份声明中称:在历年致力于幕后鼓励埃克森美孚管理层以新的方式应对行业挑战之后,洛克菲勒家族成员将对该家族数代人心存的担忧做出公开解释。

    After years of working behind the scenes to encourage Exxon 's management to approach its industry challenges in new ways , members of the Rockefeller family will publicly explain the concerns held by multiple generations of their family , ' ' the family said in a statement .

  18. 石油托拉斯是他聚敛钱财的途径,通过它,洛克菲勒为其家族积累了巨大财富。

    Oil Trust was the way from which he accumulated large wealth for his family .

  19. 1960年代末期,洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)家族的一些继承者公开承认他们对自己拥有的财富以及他们的祖辈获得这些财富的手段感到愧疚。

    During the late 1960s , some of the heirs of the Rockefeller clan openly admitted feeling guilty about their wealth and the way their ancestors came by it .

  20. 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)连续持股时间最长的股东洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)家族,正准备放弃其在该公司扮演的幕后角色,以敦促该公司推行公司治理改革,其中包括设置独立董事长以及加强董事会职能。

    The Rockefeller family , the longest continuous shareholder in ExxonMobil , is abandoning its behind-the-scenes role at the company to press for corporate governance reforms including an independent chairman and a stronger board .