
  • 网络Lowell;Robert Lowell;James Russell Lowell
  1. 这一任务落到了威廉&12539;洛厄尔(WilliamLowell)――他碰巧也是名牙医――的身上,他于1921年发明了ReddyTee。

    That fell to William Lowell - another tooth doctor , coincidentally-who created the Reddy Tee in 1921 .

  2. 威瑞信希望为用户提供基于全球多屏网络平台的优质数码体验,威瑞信首席执行官洛厄尔·C·麦克亚当(LowellC.McAdam)发表声明称。

    Verizon 's vision is to provide customers with a premium digital experience based on a global multiscreen network platform , Lowell C. McAdam , Verizon 's chief executive , said in a statement .

  3. 洛厄尔的儿子小威廉&12539;洛厄尔(WilliamLowellJr.)是另一项随处可见的美国发明的创造者,他帮助UnionBag公司设计了首款六个装高尔夫球盒。

    His son , William Lowell , Jr. , was responsible for another ubiquitous American invention when he helped develop the first six-pack carton for the Union Bag Company .

  4. 我拍到来自洛厄尔(Lowell)的凯文·科克伦(KevinCorcoran)用自己的皮带包扎妻子塞莱斯特受伤流血的腿。

    I photographed Kevin Corcoran from Lowell using his belt to stop the flow of blood from his wife Celeste 's mangled leg .

  5. 如今,阿斯特家族、洛厄尔家族和卡波特家族已经被佩罗家族(罗斯・佩罗)、希尔家族(麦格劳・希尔,McGrawHill)和凯悦酒店(HyattHotel)的普利兹克家族(Pritzkers)所取代了。

    Today , the Astors , Lowells and Cabots have been replaced by Perots ( as in Ross ) , McGraws ( of McGraw Hill ) and Pritzkers ( of Hyatt Hotels ) .

  6. 亚利桑那州洛厄尔天文台(LowellObservatory)的奈特(MatthewKnight)说,这是200年来我们所看到的第一颗崭新的掠日彗星。

    ' It 's the first time in 200 years that we 've seen a comet that 's both a sungrazer and brand new , ' said Matthew Knight from the Lowell Observatory in Arizona .

  7. Verizon首席执行官洛厄尔•麦克亚当(LowellMcAdam)表示,史无前例的第二次召回沉重打击三星,给其留下“大黑眼圈”。

    Lowell McAdam , chief executive of Verizon , said that Samsung had suffered a " major black eye " as a result of the unprecedented second recall .

  8. 洛厄尔花钱请沃尔特・哈根(WalterHagen)和高尔夫特技表演大师乔・柯克伍德(JoeKirkwood)宣传和使用该器械。它在商业上获得了成功,到1925年获得专利之时,它已经取得了超过10万美元的销售额。

    He paid Walter Hagen and trick-shot artist Joe Kirkwood to endorse and use the device , and it was a commercial success , with more than $ 100000 in sales by the time it was patented in 1925 .

  9. 我们上一次见到洛厄尔是在一月份。

    The last time we saw Lowell was back in january .

  10. 很多马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校毕业生

    To consider that many of you all UMass Lowell University graduates

  11. 和洛厄尔不同,他的诗既不是自传性质的,也不是忏悔的。

    Unlike Lowell 's , his poems are neither autobiographical nor confessional .

  12. 如果马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校的。某位工程师或科学家能够弄清。

    If a umass Lowell engineer . Or scientist can figure it out .

  13. 马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校教务长

    and I 'm the Provost of UMass Lowell

  14. 洛厄尔也是他们中的一个,他努力寻求一种新的创作方式以便于他来表达在新的时代里的感受。

    Lowell was among the poets who tried to find new patterns for new age .

  15. 我要恭喜马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校这里从来就是无烟区。

    And let me say congratulations , UMass Lowell , it 's always smoke free .

  16. 你们是马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校毕业生

    You are University of Massachusetts Lowellgraduates

  17. 洛厄尔加油站的油价

    Gasoline prices along the Lowell connector

  18. 在这本书中,揭示了当代洛厄尔的方法来视觉音乐的探索。

    In this book , Lowell reveals a contemporary approach to the exploration of visual music .

  19. 对于洛厄尔,生活是件严肃的事情,正如他本人一样。

    Life , for Lowell , was a serious matter , just as he was a serious man .

  20. 洛厄尔在他写作生涯的前半生一直坚持站在新批评诗歌理论的立场进行创作。

    Lowell , in the first half of his writing career , firmly stood on the side of New Criticism .

  21. 《生活研究》是洛厄尔第&本成功地用诗人的主观经验代替客观审视的作品。

    Life Studies is the first book in which Lowell successfully substituted subjective experience for the objective attitude of poet .

  22. 节目在五年间获得过18次艾米奖包括7次音效设计奖该奖项的分享者包括马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校校友

    The show won 18 Emmies in 5 years including 7 for sound design which were shared by UMass Lowell 's sound recording technology alum

  23. 美国格拉斯哥大学的韦姆温得斯保韦德博士以及他在马萨诸塞州洛厄尔大学的同事们共同进行了此次研究。

    The team was led by Dr Wim Vanderbauwhede , of the University of Glasgow , and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Lowell .

  24. 洛厄尔逐步创立了自己的诗歌理念,把诗歌看作是一种经验的艺术而不是形式的艺术,使形式为内容而服务。

    He learned to build up his own ideas of poems and make writing poems an art of experience instead of an art of forms .

  25. 在这部诗集里,洛厄尔以惊人的方式揭露了他的个人经历,包括他的家庭背景、夫妻关系、他的精神病史以及他对未来的绝望。

    In this book , Lowell revealed his personal experience : his family background , his relationship with wife , his abnormal spiritual state and his desperation for future .

  26. 洛厄尔家族可能只与卡波特家族交往,卡波特家族可能只与上帝沟通,但是据早期的会员名单显示,他们之间的这些对话是建立在同为中海俱乐部会员的基础之上的。

    The Lowells might have talked only to the Cabots , and the Cabots only to God , but some of those conversations , according to the list of early club members , took place on the links of the Mid Ocean Club .