
  • 网络Gary;Garry;cary;Galli;gally
  1. 加里坐着用手捋着胡子,一言不发。

    Gary sat fingering his beard , saying nothing .

  2. 加里正拿着一个奶瓶给婴儿喂奶。

    Gary was holding a bottle to the baby 's lips .

  3. 加里和其他同龄的孩子们一起踢足球。

    Gary plays football with the other children of the same age .

  4. 他说,就连加里也没有那么蠢。

    Not even Gary , he said , was that stupid

  5. 加里将一枚便士攥在手中。

    Gary clutched a penny in his fist .

  6. 事故发生的那天,我儿子加里正在我们的房子外面滑旱冰。

    On the day of the accident , my son Gary was roller-skating outside our house .

  7. 加里和我都不擅长打羽毛球。

    Neither Gary nor I am good at playing badminton .

  8. 我们的团队来到加里时,我注意到了这个城镇与居住地的不同。

    When our group arrived in Gary , I noticed how different the town was from where I lived .

  9. 我的好朋友凯莉告诉我她去了一个叫加里的小镇,这是一次改变人生的经历。

    My good friend Kaylee told me about her trip to a small town called Gary , and how it was a life-changing experience .

  10. 例句和加里分手之后,我的心情好多了。

    I feel1 much better2 now I 've ended it with Gary .

  11. 加里表示专辑中他最喜欢的一首歌曲是《OneMoreTime》(再一次),灵感来自于他父亲的去世。

    Gary says his favorite song on the album is " One More Time , " inspired by the loss of his father .

  12. 从第一个开始读ip地址/加里

    Read me the IP address starting with one / Gray

  13. 加里用将占据他2013年大部分时间的美国各个音乐会支持《SetYouFree》(给你自由)。

    Gary is supporting " Set You Free " with U.S. concerts that will keep him on the road for most of 2013 .

  14. 加里表示《EveryStorm》(每一场风暴)是一首关于希望的歌曲,而这也是贯穿专辑的共同主题。

    Gary says " Every Storm " is a song about hope , the common theme running throughout the album .

  15. 他开始在亚伯达卡尔加里大学的实验室用发光二极管(LED)进行实验。

    He began experimenting with light-emitting diodes , LEDs , at his laboratory at the University of Calgary in Alberta .

  16. 20世纪90年代,当IBM的超级计算机“深蓝”击败国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫时,它登上了媒体头条。

    In the 1990s , it got headlines when deep blue beat world champion Gary Kasparov at chess .

  17. 加里温克是美国俄亥俄州州立大学心理学、神经科学、分子病毒学、免疫学和医学遗传学教授,是《大脑与饮食(YourBrainonFood)》一书作者。

    Professor of psychology , neuroscience , and molecular virology , immunology , and medical genetics at The Ohio State University , Wenk is author of the book Your Brain on Food .

  18. 1997年,IBM的“深蓝”(DeepBlue)超级计算机击败了当时的国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    In 1997 , IBM 's Deep Blue supercomputer beat Garry Kasparov , the then world chess champion .

  19. 量化自我的网络平台现在还包括卡迈克尔和《连线》(Wired)杂志记者凯文•凯利和加里•沃尔夫管理的博客。

    It now includes a blog moderated by Carmichael and Wired magazine writers Kevin Kelly and Gary Wolf .

  20. 加里•贝克尔(GaryBecker)分析了婚姻带来的非货币回报。

    Gary Becker analyses the non-monetary returns to marriage .

  21. 当时的国际象棋世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)被IBM的超级计算机“深蓝”(DeepBlue)击败。

    Garry Kasparov , the then world chess champion , was beaten by IBM 's supercomputer , Deep Blue .

  22. IBM在19年前就创造了这种炒作模式。当时,该公司的深蓝(DeepBlue)国际象棋计算机打败了世界冠军加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    IBM set the pattern 19 years ago , when it 's Deep Blue chess-playing computer beat world champion Garry Kasparov .

  23. 不过,加里•贝克(GaryBecker)或罗伯特•巴罗(RobertBarro)等极端理性主义者可能会站出来为你辩护。

    Yet arch-rationalists such as Gary Becker or Robert Barro might leap to your defence .

  24. 没事的加里请我担任CJ代理…

    It 's okay , Gary 's going to make me a CGI assistant ,

  25. 在晨星公司(MorningStar),正如策略泰斗加里•哈默尔解释的那样,每位员工都会与受其工作影响最大的同事协商签署“谅解协议”。

    At morning star , as strategy guru Gary Hamel explains , every employee negotiates a " letter of understanding " with the colleagues who are most affected by his or her work .

  26. 花旗昨日反驳了外界关于其管理深度的担忧,宣布任命美国运通(AmericanExpress)的加里•克里腾登(GaryCrittenden)担任花旗首席财务官。

    Citigroup yesterday moved to counter concerns about its management depth by announcing the appointment of Gary Crittenden of American Express as chief financial officer .

  27. ThamesRiverCapital多重经理人联席主管加里•波特(GaryPotter)认为,它是一只直截了当的基金,他还补充称,基金经理罗宾•格芬了解俄罗斯市场。

    Gary Potter , co-head of Thames River Capital 's multi-manager calls it is a " straightforward fund " and adds that fund manager Robin Geffen understands the Russian market .

  28. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign)的文化历史学家加里•许(GaryXu)在看过这些雕塑的黏土模型之后称这些东西“奇妙无比”。

    Gary Xu , a cultural historian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , has seen the clay models and calls them ' fantastic . '

  29. 2005年,纽约人劳拉•杰克逊(LauraJackson)和加里•扎伦巴(GaryZaremba)在一家相亲网站上遇见。

    I Love You , You 're Perfect , Now Sign Here New Yorkers Laura Jackson and Gary Zaremba met on a dating website in 2005 .

  30. 这就挤走了那些不守成规、能够赏识印第安纳州加里(Gary)的杰克逊一家所拥有那等才华的人。

    That crowds out the freewheeling sorts with the ability to appreciate talents such as those possessed by the Jackson family of Gary , Indiana .