
  • 网络chlorination disinfection
  1. 目前在我国自来水消毒方式基本采用加氯消毒,出厂水中的余氯含量已成为衡量消毒效果的最重要指标。

    The usual method to disinfect tap water is chlorination , residual chlorine concentration in finished water has become the most important indicator of tap water .

  2. 消毒已成为饮用水处理中不可缺少的关键步骤,通过消毒可以控制和杀灭饮用水中病原微生物,如细菌,病毒,原生动物等。出厂水加氯消毒后,一般都能符合国家饮用水卫生标准。

    Disinfect drinking water treatment has become an indispensable key step , it can be controlled by sterilization and killing of pathogenic microorganisms in drinking water , such as bacteria , viruses , protozoa , etc. Finished water chlorination , it can meet the national drinking water health standards generally .

  3. 本文以蚕豆根尖细胞微核试验为实验手段,研究了加温、紫外线照射、加氯消毒等饮用水处理方法和维生素C对奶牛、猪和鸡等禽畜粪便中水溶性致突变物的作用。

    The effects of heating , ultraviolet , chlorine and vitamin 0 treatment on the mutagenicity of bovine , porcine and chicken faeces were evaluated .

  4. 预期UV消毒法可能取代加氯消毒法、在水处理消毒工艺中得到广泛的应用推广。

    It is expected that UV disinfecting process could be take the place of chlorinating disinfecting process and be widely used in water disinfecting treatment .

  5. 在SAT中,溶解性有机物(DOM)由于是回用水加氯消毒过程中具有致癌性的消毒副产物(DBP)的前体物而备受关注。

    Dissolved organic matter ( DOM ) is of concern during the SAT because it could potentially be converted to potentially carcinogenic disinfection by-products during the disinfection process .

  6. 饮用水加氯消毒副产物及其控制技术的发展自来水中氯消毒副产物MX的形成、转化与致突变性研究进展

    Development of disinfection by products research and its treatment and control technology Progress on the Formation , Conversation and Mutagenicity of Disinfection By-product MX in Chlorinated Drinking Water

  7. 方法打斜管井深入黄河河床以下30m处,以大功率水泵抽水,经加氯消毒后供生活饮用。

    Methods An inclined tube well collecting percolating ground water with powerful pump in the water-bearing stratum in the depth of30 meters below the riverbed of Huanghe River was built .

  8. 饮用水安全是全球关注的热点问题,饮用水加氯消毒生成的消毒副产物(DBPs)因其具有三致作用而受到公众的广泛关注。

    Drinking water safety has cause a great of concern in the world . The disinfection by-products ( DBPs ) which were formed during the chlorination of drinking water received widely public attention .

  9. 自来水加氯消毒副产物及其前体物(THMFP)的研究与发展饮用水加氯消毒副产物及其控制技术的发展

    Advances on chlorinated disinfection by-products like trihalomethanes and their formation potential in drinking water Development of disinfection by products research and its treatment and control technology

  10. 再生水用于地下回灌的加氯消毒研究

    Study on Chlorination of Reclaimed Wastewater Used for Artificial Groundwater Recharge

  11. 氯仿是饮用水生产过程中加氯消毒的副产物。

    Chloroform is a disinfection by-product produced by the drinking water chlorination .

  12. 在水处理过程中,加氯消毒是水厂水质控制的重要环节。

    Putting chlorine into the water is and important tache in water treatment .

  13. 自来水折点加氯消毒

    Disinfection of Water by Break - point Chlorination

  14. 将加氯消毒片放入水中可以使之安全。

    Chlorination tablet can is add to water to make it safe to drink .

  15. 农村饮用水持续加氯消毒的效果分析

    Analysis of results of successive addition of chlorine in drinking water in rural areas

  16. 加氯消毒对医院污水中肠道病毒、致病菌、指示菌灭活情况的实验研究

    Laboratory Studies on the Inactivation of Enterovirus , Pathogenic Bacteria and Indicator Bacteria In Hospital Sewage by Chlorination

  17. 谈饮用水加氯消毒副产物变化规律及其控制途径

    Talking on the variety law of the by-products produced by chlorination of drinking water disinfection and the control means

  18. P&T/GC/MS/SIS法在加氯消毒饮用水中痕量挥发性氯代烃测定中的应用

    P & T / GC / MS / SIS Determination of Trace Volatile Chlorinated Hydrocarbons after Adding Chloride Disinfectant in Tap Water

  19. 以提取腐殖酸和商品腐殖酸为对象,研究了不同腐殖酸对加氯消毒后三卤甲烷生成量的影响,并对腐殖酸特性进行了分析。

    The influence of extracted and commercial humic acid on trihalomethane formation was studied , and the characteristics of humid acid were analyzed .

  20. 传统加氯消毒方式控制目标是保持出厂水氯浓度在持续一段时间内稳定。

    The traditional disinfection destination is to keep the residual chlorine concentration in the water out of plant const during a period of time .

  21. 中试试验表明该方法简单可行,除镉效果理想,而且对正常生产影响不大。并对两种加氯消毒方式进行比较试验后,发现二次加氯的消毒方式更简单。

    The pilot test results showed that the method was simple and feasible and had ideal cadmium removal effect , moreover it had less influence on production .

  22. 目前,我国最常见的医院污水处理方法为一级处理后加氯消毒排放或者不经处理直接加氯消毒排放。

    Conbination of high and low temperature direct chlorination process Nowadays , the most commonly used method for hospital wastewater treatment is direct chlorination or primary treatment followed by chlorination .

  23. 本文对昆明市饮用水经加氯消毒前后卤代烃污染物进行了两年的调查,结果表明昆明市饮用水中的主要卤代烃污染物是氯仿和四氯化碳两种,其浓度均远远低于国家标准。

    As a result of a two-year survey on tap-water before and after chlorine disinfection , chloroform and carbon tetrachloride are found to be the main halohydrocarbon pollutants , the concentration of which are below the national standard .

  24. 小分子质量和含不饱和双键的有机物通常是消毒副产物的主要前体物,因而伊春腐殖酸加氯消毒后的三卤甲烷生成量比松花江腐殖酸和商品腐殖酸高。

    The organics with small molecular weight and unsaturated double bond content are always the main precursors of disinfection by-product , which leads to the higher trihalomethane formation with the Yichun humic acid than the Songhuajiang and commercial humic acid after chlorine disinfection .

  25. 本论文以黄浦江微污染水源经常规工艺的各处理单元出水为对象,调查研究黄浦江原水经预氯化和滤后水二次加氯消毒过程中卤乙酸的生成特性及其季节性的变化规律。

    In the thesis , aimed at the raw water of the Huangpu river and effluent of different conventional treatment units , and investigated the rule of formation and variation with seasons of HAAs after prechlorination and secondary dosing chlorine into filtered water for disinfection .