
  • 网络California State University Fresno;CSU Fresno
  1. 加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校(CaliforniaStateUniversityinFresno)家族企业学院的院长乔治・沃兹克斯(GeorgeVozikis)表示,很多婴儿潮一代都被这次的经济衰退打了个措手不及,退休计划也受到了影响。

    Baby boomers , in many cases , were blindsided by the recession and its effect on their retirement plans , says George Vozikis , director of the Institute for Family Business at California State University in Fresno .

  2. 通常,DOMS不仅仅是痛,“受到影响的身体部位还会感到无力和活动困难,”位于加州弗雷斯诺市的加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校的运动机能学教授、美国运动伤害防护协会(NationalAthleticTrainers’Association)主席斯科特·赛勒(ScottSailor)说。

    Usually , D.O.M.S. involves not just pain but also " loss of strength and range of motion in the affected area , " said Scott Sailor , a professor of kinesiology at Fresno State University in Fresno , Calif. , and the president of the National Athletic Trainers " Association .