
jiā quán yīn zǐ
  • Weighting factor;weighing factor
  1. 在本文中,对ART算法的基本步骤进行了系统的计算机模拟研究,例如迭代方法、迭代步骤、加权因子的选择等。

    In this paper , the basic procedures of ART Algorithm are systematically studied by computer simulation , such as iterative methods , iterative steps , choice of weighing factor etc.

  2. 根据实时估计的SINR就可以获得实时的可变加权因子,实现加权因子自适应,从而保证系统性能达到最佳。

    A real-time SINR estimate can realize a variety weighing factor and adaptive weighing factor ; it can ensure the optimization systems performance .

  3. 基于加权因子的Vague(值)集相似度量

    Similarity measure between Vague sets and elements based on weighted factor

  4. 接着根据局部占优度矩阵计算阈值K,并用阈值K对局部占优度矩阵进行阈值处理,从而得到自适应加权因子矩阵;

    Thirdly , after having gotten the threshold from the local priority matrix , we process the local priority matrix with threshold and get the adaptive weighted factor matrix ;

  5. 设计了一种具有加权因子的PID型模糊控制器并提出了基于普通PID控制器参数整定模糊控制器参数的方法。

    A kind of PID fuzzy controller with a weighted factor is designed and a systematic design method is proposed to set parameters of fuzzy controller according to the ordinary PID controller .

  6. 本文首先讨论了Webb等提出的加权因子法的加权因子问题。

    The weighting factor of the weighting factor method put forward by Webb and others is discussed .

  7. 该方法把克罗内克积应用到频域,同时提出频域散射衰落加权因子的概念,由此导出一种室外宽带MIMO散射分布模型。

    By introducing the Kronecker product into the frequency domain and employing the concept of scattering fading weight factor , an outdoor broadband MIMO scattering-distribution model is derived .

  8. 比较在相同优化PD参数和按不同加权因子整定优化积分时间的控制品质指标并进行脉冲扰动分析。

    The control quality indexes under the same optimal PD parameters and the different integral time set by the different weighted factor are compared and the impulse disturbance analyse is given .

  9. 在分类过程中,使用每一类的所有原型的第k个特征的类内标准方差的均值作为加权因子以提高识别率。

    The mean of the intraclass standard deviations of the k th feature over the total number of prototypes for each class is used as a weighting factor during the classification process to improve recognition accuracy .

  10. 同时引入TE、TM模式加权因子以实现两个模式的联合偏移电阻率成像,更好的适应解释工作需要。

    After the introduction of TE / TM mode superpose rate , we carry out the associated resistivity tomography of two polarization mode to adapt the practical data interpolating situation .

  11. TD-SCDMA系统更是采用了复扩频和Walsh码加权因子、专用复扰码的应用理论和实现方案。

    In the TD-SCDMA standard , the principle and realization of complex spectrum spreading , weighting factor for Walsh code , and dedicated complex scrambling code are even adopted .

  12. 以电磁系统的体积作为目标函数,采用序列加权因子法(SWIFT)对电磁系统进行优化设计,提高了产品质量,在经济和技术性能方面得到进一步提高。

    Makes the bulk of electromagnetic system as objective function , adopting SWIFT method to optimize electromagnetic system , enhancing the product quality , acquiring much improvement on the economical and technical aspect .

  13. 这两种方法的共同点是要通过遍历式搜索方式寻找一组最优的相位加权因子对OFDM信号进行加权和优化处理,从而获得最优的PAPR性能。

    The common thing in the two schemes is to find an optimal group of phase weighting factors to cope with the OFDM signal , and then obtain the optimal PAPR reduction performance .

  14. 该方法通过Huber函数选择加权因子,使得参数估计值对由测量系统引起的大扰动或异常值具有鲁棒性。

    The method is with robustness for great disturbances or outliers generated by measurement systems via choosing weighting factor based on huber function .

  15. 通过引入与加载路径有关的能量项加权因子β1,由定义的临界延性系数μ0和能量等效系数γE计算,提出了改进的Park-Ang双参数地震损伤模型。

    By multiplying another energy weighted coefficient which is related to load path and can be calculated by critical ductility factor and equivalent energy factor , the modified Park-Ang seismic damage model is obtained .

  16. 在犬病诊断过程中,症状和结论的不确定性是普遍存在的,针对犬病诊断知识的这种不确定性,改进了C-F模型,建立了带有加权因子的不确定性推理模型。

    In dog diseases diagnostic process , the symptoms and conclusions of uncertainty is prevailing , based on the uncertainty of these knowledge , we improved C-F models , established an uncertainty reasoning model with weighted factors .

  17. 最后推导出加权因子的选择方法。最后,分别在高斯白噪声信道和修正S-V信道环境下对以上提出的干扰消除及高斯近似算法与部分干扰消除算法进行了软件仿真。

    Ultimately , the selection method of weighting factor is derived . Finally , The interference cancellation and Gaussian approximation algorithm is assessed using simulations in Gaussian white noise channel environment and the partial interference cancellation algorithm is assessed using simulations in the modified S-V channel environment .

  18. 在线调节加权因子的快时变系统自校正控制

    Self-Tuning Control of Fast Time-Varying System with On-Line Adjusted Weighting Factor

  19. 该控制器通过调整加权因子改变控制规则,再用优化的控制规则进行控制。

    The control rule is optimized by regulating the weight factor .

  20. 可变加权因子的递推最小二乘辨识算法及应用

    Algorithms and Application of Recursive Least-square with Variable Weighting Factor Identification

  21. 通过仿真试验确定了两种算法的最优加权因子表达式。

    Through the simulation , determine two optimal expressions of the weighting factors .

  22. 给出了不同情况下加权因子的选择方法。

    The selection of the weighting factor is presented .

  23. 普通多值逻辑控制器算法的关键是加权因子的选择。

    The key of OLC algorithm is the selection of a weighted factor .

  24. 最少拍系统的设计与失效加权因子的应用

    The Design of the Minimum Beat Systems and Application of the Staleness Weighting Factor

  25. 利用恒模算法来训练加权因子以获得理想的信号增益。

    The perfect signal gain is obtained using CMA to train the weighting factor .

  26. 根据自适应加权因子矩阵对CT/MRI图像进行融合。

    Finally we fuse the CT / MRI image with the adaptive factor matrix .

  27. 关于激光显微发射光谱加权因子法公式的几个问题

    On the subjects of formula of laser Microemission spectroscopic analysis by weighting factor method

  28. 论加权因子的权重分布对转轮水力开发的导向作用

    Guiding Effects of the Weighted Efficiency Factors Distribution on the Hydraulic Turbine Model Runner Development

  29. 不同的方法考虑了不同气象参数的加权因子和气象数据的连续性。

    Different method emphasizes different weighted factors of meteorological parameters and the continuity of meteorological data .

  30. 边际效益与性状表现贴现值之积即经济加权因子。

    Economic coefficient is equal to the product of marginal profit and expressed discounted value for objective trait .