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jiā tián
  • filling
加填[jiā tián]
  1. 从试验结果来看,以P-RCAPMP浆与未漂DIP浆为主、适当进行加填及调色进行配抄,可以抄造出较高档的新闻纸手抄片。

    The results show that , newsprint can be made from blending the pulps of P-RC APMP and unbleached DIP , filling and tinting properly at the same time .

  2. 轻质碳酸钙与重质碳酸钙在造纸加填中的效果比较

    Comparing Precipitated Calcium Carbonate with Grounded Calcium Carbonate in Paper Filling

  3. PCC加填的中性新闻杂志纸纸机湿部优化

    Optimization of paper machine wet end at neutral papermaking condition

  4. 在碳酸钙加填纸中AKD施胶的有效性和逆转性

    Efficiency and Reversion of Alkyl Ketene Dimer Sizing in Calcium Carbonate Filled Papers

  5. 聚乙烯胺在加填CaCO3造纸中助留助滤性能的研究

    Study on the Properties of Polyvinylamine ( PVAm ) on Retention and Drainage of the Pulps Added with CaCO_3

  6. 根据图像分析法认为:对于施胶纸,是否加填以及填料种类对喷墨打印质量有较大的影响,且添加AKD有利于提高喷墨打印的质量。

    The effect of the dosage of sizing agent AKD on the basic performance of ink jet printing paper and printing quality was analyzed with the image analysis method .

  7. 通过胶体滴定法测定了CPAM电荷密度,研究了加填及加入CPAM后浆料悬浮液的电荷变化。

    In this paper , colloid titration is used to measure charge density of CPAM . The influence of CaCO_3 and CPAM on charge density of the pulp is also studied .

  8. 新闻纸厂的清洁生产与白水封闭回用关于新闻纸加填

    The Papermaking Cleaner Production and Whitewater System Closure Loading of Newsprint

  9. 马尾松纤维细胞腔加填的研究

    A preliminary investigation into the fiber cell lumen loading of masson pine

  10. 碳酸钙加填提高凸版纸不透明度的初步实践

    Using Calcium Carbonate as Filler to Improve the Opacity of Printing Paper

  11. 导电粉末加填对碳纤维屏蔽纸性能的影响

    Impact of Conductive Powder Filling on Properties of Carbon Fiber Shielding Paper

  12. 直接加填与纤维加填对碳酸钙在循环中留着的影响

    Retention of Calcium Carbonate During Recycling : Direct Loading Versus Fibre Loading

  13. 新闻纸矿物纤维加填研究和应用

    Study and Application of Mineral Fiber Additives in Newsprint Production

  14. 粒度与最佳填充加填滑石粉最佳粒径的研究

    Study on the Optimum Particle Size of Filling Talc

  15. 厨师给鸡加填了香肠肉。

    The cook stuffed the chicken with sausage meat .

  16. 研磨碳酸钙用于卷烟纸加填

    Application of GCC on Filling of Cigarette Paper

  17. 碳酸钙加填松香系中性施胶技术

    Neutral Sizing Systems with Calcium Carbonate as Filler

  18. 纸浆细胞内加填及其纸页性质

    Internally Filled Pulp and Its Paper Properties

  19. 新闻纸加填既可降低生产成本,又可以提高纸产品质量,是新闻纸生产的重要发展趋势。

    Improving the quality and reducing the cost of newsprint by using fillers are the trend in newsprint manufacture .

  20. 图16所示为在砖墙内刷漆后加填20毫米厚的纸板层所形成的缓冲效果。

    Figure 16 shows the effect of coating the inside of the brick wall with 20 mm of paper .

  21. 纸张加填碳酸钙填料可以节约能源、降低原料消耗、提高纸品性能和产量。

    Adding calcium carbonate fillers in paper products can save energy and cost , improve paper properties , and increase productivities .

  22. 芦苇纤维细胞腔加填技术的研究&超细粒度填料的高速搅拌细胞腔加填技术

    A Technique for Introducing Fillers into the Lumens of Reed Fibers High Speed Stirring for Forcing Ultrafine Particles into Lumens of Reed Fibers

  23. 介绍了细胞腔、细胞壁加填技术以及它们的研究与应用现状,并与传统直接加填的方式进行了比较,显示出细胞腔加填技术及细胞壁加填技术的优越性。

    Introducing lumen loading and fiber wall loading , their research and application present , and comparison with the traditional direct loading , the excellence of lumen loading and fiber wall loading is showed .

  24. 介绍了填料性质对加填纸页性质、纸料滤水性能等的影响及提高填料使用效率和防止填料溶解的方式。

    The effects of filler properties on finished paper properties and furnish drainage , as well as how to improve the filling efficiency and inhibit the dissolution of papermaking grade precipitated calcium carbonate are introduced .

  25. 改性纳米包覆矿物纤维在涂布白板纸面浆加填中的应用填料:加于造纸浆料内的黏土或其他矿物的填充料。

    The Application of Mineral Fiber as Filler in Coated White Board Top Line Zhou Rui Chen Gang Loadings : Substances , such as china clay or other mineral fillers added to the furnish of paper .

  26. 结果静脉输液质量及患者满意度方面有显著性差异(P<0.05);在要求加填诊断和单列当日特殊药物及滴速要求项目上60%~80%的患者表示赞同。

    Results There was significant difference between two groups in vein infusion quality and patient 's satisfaction ( P < 0.05 ), and the difference was more notable in adding item of " diagnosis , special medicine or dripping rates requirements "( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 再加一点能够填饱肚子的碎花生,你一定会喜欢这种咸甜交错的口味的。

    Add a handful of chopped peanuts for some belly-filling fat and that sweet-and-salty flavor you crave .

  28. 在此基础上,根据理论分析,提出了土工加筋材料处治填挖交界路基非均匀沉降的设计方法。

    So , the design method using reinforcement materials to treat this kind of unequal settlement is put forward .

  29. 各种各样的加起来把课表填上了大半,俨然不能和上学期的悠闲轻松相比。

    The schedule is filled more than a half with this and that course , not comparable to the last relaxing and easygoing one at all .