
  1. 当水加被加压到超越临界点的压力,产生的蒸汽可以驱动一个涡轮机。

    When water is pressurized beyond the critical pressure point , steam is produced to drive a turbine .

  2. 德鲁伊技能荆棘术所受的法术强度加成被减半。

    The bonus damage from spell power on the Druid ability Thorns has been reduced by half .

  3. 他的两个儿子阿拉和加麦尔被关在开罗郊区的一所监狱里。

    His two sons , Alaa and Gamal , were taken to a prison on the outskirts of Cairo .

  4. 圣洁光环(惩戒系)现在增加你的小队成员的所有伤害的4%,但是神圣伤害加成被移除。

    Sanctity Aura now increases all damage done by party members by4 % , but the Holy spell damage bonus has been removed .

  5. 阿萨姆邦的那加部落被认为是印度东北部最野蛮的。

    In the northeast part of the country , Assam was known to have one of the most savage of the Naga tribes .

  6. 他刚才割断的那两根有鱼饵的钓索各有两卷备用钓索,加上被大鱼咬住鱼饵的那根上的两卷,它们全都接在一起了。

    There were two from each bait he had severed and the two from the bait the fish had taken and they were all connected .

  7. 学习这些课程并不要求编程经验,再加上被抑制的人才需求,因此,课程的申请者们来自各行各业,既有三十多岁的保姆,也有四十多岁的律师和银行从业人员。

    That , coupled with pent-up demand is why program applicants come from all walks of life , from thirtysomething nannies to fortysomething attorneys and bankers .

  8. 原子性使得这两个操作从储蓄帐户减钱和向支票帐户加钱被当作单个事务进行处理。

    Atomicity enables the two operations the subtraction from the savings account and the addition to the checking account to be treated as a single transaction .

  9. 虽然一个名为安萨·贝特·艾马克迪斯的伊斯兰武装组织已经宣称对爆炸袭击负责,但是大多数人仍把袭击罪名加在被罢免的穆斯林兄弟会身上。

    And despite the fact that an extremist militant group called Ansar Beit al-Maqdis claimed responsibility , most people blamed the ousted Brotherhood for the attack .

  10. 汉语中,动词前加上被字表示被动语气。而网民们用被字来表示对虚假结论以及伪造新闻的无可奈何。

    Chinese people use the character " bei " prior to a verb to show a passive voice , and it was used by netizens to show the helplessness in front of false conclusions and fake media reports .

  11. 采用单端测试法,计算机控制测试电压加载阵列并将测试电压加至被测电缆芯,依次选通各芯返回电压并与标准值比较,得出测试结果。

    Adopting single end testing method , the computer controls array of loading test voltage and adds the voltage to core of tested cable . After gated every core in turn and returned voltage from other cores , standard value was compared to tested result .

  12. 据彭博社(Bloomberg)资料显示,只有5个国家股市上涨:智利、委内瑞拉、突尼斯,再加上如今被寄予厚望的中国和印度。

    According to Bloomberg only five nations saw gains ; Chile , Venezuela and Tunisia plus the two on which hopes now hang China and India .

  13. 分配声明中的lvalue和rvalue以:=(冒号加等号)被隔开。

    The lvalue and rvalue in the assignment statement is separated by a : = ( colon plus equal sign ) .

  14. 相互憎恶的艾尔萨夏帕瑞丽(elsaschiaparelli)和可可香奈儿都对柳德偏爱有加,她被两个人拉来扯去,直到有一天她彻底离开模特事业。

    The favourite of both Elsa Schiaparelli and Coco Chanel ( who loathed each other ) , she was pulled back and forth between the two of them until one day she upped and left modelling entirely .

  15. 直肠出血加上幻想被外星人绑架。

    Rectal bleeding plus alien abduction fantasies .

  16. 再加上锡安被摧毁的命运,这就等于是全人类的灭亡。

    Which , coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race .

  17. 结果加重犯又被称为加重结果犯,或特殊的结果犯,是大陆法系立法的产物。

    Aggregated consequential offense is also called offense aggregated by consequence or special crime , which originates from the Civil Law .

  18. 今天,布朗宁夫妇在意大利佛罗伦萨的故居&加萨古伊迪被保留了下来,并对公众开放。

    Nowadays , Casa Guidi , the Brownings'home in Florence , Italy , has been preserved and is open to visitors .

  19. 再加上液晶被驱动,传导信号,最终产生消费者看到的多彩的画面。

    Combined with liquid crystal which driven by signal and transduction , ultimately make consumer to see colorful pictures . 2 .

  20. 变压器加整流器习惯被称为一体式变压器,是逆变点焊机的核心部件。

    The core part of the inverter spot welding machine is the integrated transformer , which is consisted of transformer and rectifier .

  21. 补遗,补篇,附录加上或被加上的物品,特别是书本的补充合同上附加了保险条款。

    Something added or to be added , especially a supplement to a book . An insurance policy was annexed to the contract .

  22. 他们不应该简单地被回避只因为他们曾经在过去被使用过,同时也不应该盲目地和不加批评地被采用。

    They should not be eschewed simply because they have been used in the past yet should not blindly and uncritically be applied .

  23. 以色列和哈马斯50天的战事过后,这个激进政治派系控制着加沙地带,这是加沙城现在被炮火洗礼过后的样貌。

    After 50 days of war between Israel and Hamas , the militant political faction that controls the Gaza Strip , this is what parts of Gaza city look like .

  24. 结果表明:掺加的氧化钙被大量吸收。

    Results show that the mixed CaO is largely absorbed .

  25. 他加工资的要求被回绝了。

    His request for a pay rise was turned away .

  26. 加上两个被火烧死。

    Plus two more who died of burns .

  27. 再加上女人仍被看作是男人的附属品这一事实。

    The fact that the woman is still regarded as the man 's dependant .

  28. 重金属皂常被用于动物脂肪润滑剂、替代凝胶加稠剂以及被用于绘画中。

    Heavy-metal soaps are used in lubricating greases , as gel thickeners , and in paints .

  29. 每天,有2.5亿升未加处理的污水被直接排入恒河。

    Every day , more than 250 million liters of untreated sewage goes right into the Ganga .

  30. 加筋土挡墙被广泛应用于工程实践中,但目前用于河道围堰整治较少。

    The reinforced earth retaining wall is widely applied to the engineering practice , but it is less done to harnessing riverway cofferdam .