
wèi tòng
  • stomachache;gastralgia;dyspepsodynia;belly-ache
胃痛[wèi tòng]
  1. 她胃痛了起来。

    She got a stomachache .

  2. 我丈夫胃痛。

    My husband has a stomachache .

  3. 20公里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。

    She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble .

  4. 第一天他就因胃痛得直不起腰而离开了法庭。

    He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain .

  5. 这里有一些建议,告诉你如何在年底的各种庆祝活动中避免胃痛。

    Here are some pieces of advice to avoid a stomach ache during the year-end celebrations .

  6. 林大夫给了我一些治疗胃痛的药片。

    Doctor Lin gave some pills to clear up my stomach trouble .

  7. 她感到一阵剧烈的胃痛。

    She had a violent pain in her stomach .

  8. 这些药丸治好了他的胃痛。

    The pills cleared up his stomach trouble .

  9. 我胃痛。

    I have an ache in my stomach .

  10. 家用超声波驱鼠(猫)器等电子设备也会使人出现恶心、眩晕、疲倦、胃痛以及头痛等症状。

    Even electronic devices designed to scare away mice and cats could be triggering symptoms such as nausea4 , dizziness , and tiredness , stomach pain , and headaches .

  11. adj.慢性的,习惯性的n.慢性病患者我有慢性胃痛的烦恼。

    I 'm troubled with chronic stomachaches .

  12. HLA-DR抗原在不同中医证候幽门螺杆菌感染胃痛患者胃上皮中的表达

    Expression of HLA-DR antigen on gastric epithelia of Helicobacter pylori

  13. 炎性胃痛幽门括约肌内VIP和CGRP能神经的变化

    Changes of VIP and CGRP immunoreactivity in the pyloric sphincter with gastric chemical inflammatory pain of rat

  14. Hangover是由于饮酒过量引起的头痛,胃痛和其他不良反应。

    A hangover is the headache , upset stomach and other disorders that result from drinking too much alcohol .

  15. 疗程均为4周。结果:A组总疗效、止胃痛的显效率及总有效率与B、C组比较,均有显著差异(P<005,P<001)。

    The results showed that significant difference ( P < 0 05 , P < 0 01 ) existed in the total effective rate and the remarkable effective rate and the total effective rate in stopping the stomachache in the comparison between the treatment group and two control groups .

  16. Ivan还有一双“治疗手”。Ivan曾经用这双手减轻了他祖父的胃痛,也缓解了一位邻居腿伤的疼痛,这位邻居在拖拉机事故中受伤。

    Ivan also has " healing hands " with which he alleviates his grandfather 's stomach pains and has soothed the pain of a neighbor who hurt his leg in a tractor accident .

  17. 慢性胃痛中医证候的消化道X线征象研究附:182例资料分析

    Research on X-ray Signs of Digestive Tract of Chronic Gastralgia Sydrome

  18. 胃痛系列中成药的临床与实验研究

    Clinical and Experimental Studies on Series of Chinese Medicines for Stomachache

  19. 治疗胃痛脾胃气虚证的临床体会

    Clinical Experience in Treating Stomachache Due to Spleen and Stomach Deficiency

  20. 目的研究制订荜铃胃痛冲剂的质量控制方法。

    OBJECTIVE To work out quality control method for Biling WeitongGranule .

  21. 她开始在工作时哭泣,并出现胃痛症状。

    She started crying at work and suffered from stomach aches .

  22. 光是想到又是一个上学日就令我胃痛!

    The thought of another school day makes my stomach hurt !

  23. 治疗后胃痛、胃胀、纳呆、嗳气、泛酸嘈杂等临床主要症状都明显好转(P<0.01)。

    The main symptoms improved significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 我的朋友突然患尖锐的胃痛。

    My friend suddenly got a sharp pain in the stomach .

  25. 他的病最初症状是严重的胃痛和头痛。

    His illness first itself as severe stomach pains and headaches .

  26. Y:你说你胃痛,对吧?

    Y : You said you had a stomachache , right ?

  27. 当时坦尼娅感到胃痛,请求退席。

    Then Tanya got a stomachache and asked to be excused .

  28. 他因为吃得太多而导致胃痛。

    He has a very bad stomachache from eating too much .

  29. 病人:发高烧,还伴有胃痛。

    Patient : I have a high fever and upset stomachache .

  30. 若是食用更多剂量就会导致极其严重的胃痛。

    Large doses can result in extreme and excessive stomach pain .