
wèi jìng luán
  • Gastrospasm;gastro spasm
胃痉挛[wèi jìng luán]
  1. 她仍然患有严重的胃痉挛,感觉疼痛、疲乏、抑郁。

    She continued to have severe stomach cramps , aches , fatigue , and depression

  2. 她今天早上开始胃痉挛。

    She started getting stomach cramps this morning .

  3. 它的味道让我的胃痉挛起来。

    The smell of it twisted my stomach .

  4. 然而,飞机起飞后不久就遇到了胃痉挛似的气流颠簸。

    The plane took off , and shortly afterwards , encountered some stomach-wrenching turbulence .

  5. 胃痉挛25例,占23.16%;

    Stomach convulsion 25 example ( 23.16 % );

  6. 上幼儿园,但仅仅一天便因为胃痉挛而回家,再也没有回幼儿园。

    Attends kindergarten , but goes home after one day suffering from nervous stomach pain and does not return .

  7. 风湿热的症状包括:发烧、关节疼痛和肿胀、恶心、胃痉挛和呕吐。

    Symptoms of rheumatic fever include : fever , pain and swelling of the joints , nausea , stomach cramps and vomiting .

  8. 它散布于绞牛肉,豆芽和多叶状蔬菜,它在人体的临床特征是胃痉挛,脱水和严重腹泻。

    It spreads through ground beef , and leafy vegetables and is characterized by the of stomach cramps , dehydration and bloody diarrhea .

  9. 切割手术对身体组织或器官的切入,尤指外科手术时的切割我的胃痉挛我扭过头去把汽车向后倒。

    A cut into a body tissue or organ , especially one made during surgery . twisted my stomach I twisted my head round to reverse the car .

  10. 这个误区源于半世纪前美国红十字协会印制的一本救生指南,上面说进食后马上游泳会造成胃痉挛甚至死亡。

    This myth dates half a century back when the American Red Cross has published an instruction on life-saving saying that swimming immediately after meal may cause stomach cramps and even death .

  11. 我推开盘子,我的胃骤然痉挛起来。

    I pushed the tray away , my stomach abruptly uneasy .

  12. 游了一会儿他的胃开始痉挛。

    After swimming for a while he got stomach cramps .

  13. 他说:我胃有点痉挛,这会儿好一点。

    ' I had some stomach convulsions , but I 'm OK now , ' he said .

  14. 忌饮食不当、饮食过热或过冷:过热会使胃出血,过冷会使胃痉挛而加剧疼痛。

    Avoid food overheat of undeserved , food or super-cooling : Overheat can make gastrorrhagia , super-cooling can make gastric convulsion and aggravate is aching . 4 .

  15. 胃轻瘫可以导致疼痛、恶心、呕吐、胃痉挛和由于无法摄取足够的营养出现的体重减轻。

    Gastroparesis can cause pain , nausea , vomiting , stomach spasms and weight loss due to inability to ingest enough nutrients .

  16. 脂肪很难从胃中排空,这会在跑步中由于流向胃的血液减少而导致胃痉挛。

    Fats are slow to empty from the stomach and may cause cramps , due to the decreased blood flow to the stomach which occurs during running .