
wèi bìng
  • stomach trouble;gastric disease;gastrosis;gastrosia
胃病 [wèi bìng]
  • [gastric diseases;stomach trouble] 中医指六腑病候之一。泛指胃的病变。由于饮食不节,饥饱、冷热不适;或胃气虚弱,胃阴不足等,影响胃的受纳和消化。临床表现以脘腹胀满疼痛,呕吐恶心,嗳气为主症

胃病[wèi bìng]
  1. 门脉高压性胃病与HBV感染关系的免疫组化研究

    Immunohistochemistry study on the relationship between portal hypertension gastrosia and HBV infection

  2. 肝硬化病人消化性溃疡和门脉高压性胃病的发生及特点

    Peptic ulcer and portal hypertensive gastrosis in patients with liver cirrhosis

  3. 酗酒可能引起胃病。

    Excessive drinking can lead to stomach disorders .

  4. 我好像得了胃病。

    I seemed to have contracted the stomach problem

  5. 他有胃病。

    He suffered from a stomach disease .

  6. 暴食暴饮容易得胃病。

    Eating and drinking too much is likely to give one stomach trouble .

  7. 我的胃病就是这么得的。

    That was how I got my gastric trouble .

  8. 她的胃病比先前好多了。

    Her stomach trouble is much better than before .

  9. 更好的下水道设施降低了暴雨后爆发胃病的可能性。

    Better sewers make it less likely that heavy rain is followed by an outbreak of the disease of bad stomach .

  10. 他因胃病而吃清淡的食物。

    He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble .

  11. CT检查均显示胃病变区胃壁明显不规则增厚,3例患者出现肝转移灶。

    Metastatic foci in the liver appeared on CT in 3 cases .

  12. 灭HP散治疗幽门螺杆菌感染慢性胃病的研究

    Effect of Eradicating HP Powder on Chronic Stomatic Diseases with Helicobacter Pylori Infection

  13. p53基因网络与幽门螺杆菌致胃病关系的研究进展

    Research progress in the relationship between p53 gene network and H pylori-induced gastric diseases

  14. 慢性胃病中医分型与Hp感染206例相关探讨

    Correlation Analysis of TCM typing and HP Infection on 206 Chronic Stomach Ailment Cases

  15. iNOS、p53在幽门螺杆菌相关胃病中的表达

    The expression of iNOS , p53 in Helicobacter pylori associated gastric diseases

  16. 结论Hp可能参与慢性胃病的发生发展过程。

    Conclusions The results implied Hp might participated in the development of chronic gastric disease .

  17. 慢性胃病不同中医证型HP感染的比较研究

    Relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection and traditional Chinese medical typing of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer

  18. 目的通过研究胃癌和慢性胃病组织中bcl-2和p53基因蛋白的表达情况,探讨胃癌的可能发病机制。

    Objective : To study the relationship and expression of bcl-2 and p53 protein in gastric carcinoma .

  19. 42例胃病患者胃粘膜出血时间与皮肤出血时间比较有非常显著差异(P<0.01),且两者无相关性。

    This study reports that gastric mucosa bleeding time ( GMBT ) and skin bleeding time ( SBT ) were taken in 42 patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer .

  20. 本文开展了幽门螺杆菌(HP)感染相关胃病证治规律的研究。

    This article has studied the differentiation for treatment about the gastric syndromes related with pylon helicobacter infections .

  21. 目的:观察灭HP散治疗幽门螺杆菌(HP)感染慢性胃病的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the effect of eradicating HP powder on chronic stomatic diseases with HP infection .

  22. 慢性胃病T细胞亚群、一氧化氮、氨基己糖含量与Hp感染的研究

    T lymphocyte subsets , nitric oxide , hexosamine and Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with chronic gastric diseases

  23. 腺胃病变型鸡传染性支气管炎病毒分离株(IBV-D971)对SPF鸡的致病力试验

    Virulence Test on SPF Chickens Using a New Avian Infectious Bronchitis

  24. c-Myc和端粒酶在幽门螺杆菌相关性胃病中协同表达

    Coordinated expression of c-Myc and telomerase activity in Helicobacter pylori infected gastric diseases

  25. 其可以应用于食品保健或各种HP相关胃病的抗菌免疫治疗中。

    It could be applied to healthcare and to the antibacterial immune treatment for gastric disease associated with HP .

  26. MIF在Hp感染相关性胃病中的表达与HpCagA相关性研究

    Study of Expression of MIF in Hp-infection-related Gastric Disease and the Correlation with Hp cagA

  27. 防治Hp感染是大幅度降低慢性胃病和胃癌发病的关键。

    It is vital to cure and prevent Hp infection in decreasing the occurrence of the gastritis and peptic ulcer disease .

  28. 脾虚证胃病胃粘膜超微结构、微量元素与cAMP分析及其临床意义

    A Study of Splenic Deficiency Syndrome in Traditional Medicine with Ultramicroscopic Examination of Gastric Mucosa and Determination of Trace Elements and cAMP

  29. 结论应用荧光抗体法检测牙菌斑Hp可作为流行病学调查的方法使用,而荧光抗体结合胶囊采样法检测胃液Hp作流行病学调查发现并确认现胃病患者,是一种很有前途的方法。

    It is concluded that detection of Hp in dental plaques by fluorescent antibody assay can be used in the epidemiological survey .

  30. 目的:为探讨幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,Hp)的感染方式和感染途径,对口腔卫生和胃病关系进行了调查,并对不同使用时间和不同保管方法的牙刷上Hp的分布进行了研究。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship of oral hygiene and distribution of Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) to stomach diseases .