
wèi xià chuí
  • gastroptosis;ptosis of the stomach;bathygastry;bathygastria
胃下垂 [wèi xià chuí]
  • [ptosis of the stomach;gastroptosis] 立位时胃下缘达盆腔、小弯最低点降至髂嵴连线以下

胃下垂[wèi xià chuí]
  1. 目的:观察挑筋割脂埋线疗法治疗胃下垂的临床效果。

    Purpose To observe the therapeutic effect of tendon-pricking , fat-excising and catgut-embedding therapy on gastroptosis .

  2. 胃下垂有什么症状?

    What symptom does gastroptosis have ?

  3. 电兴奋穴位刺激治疗胃下垂的实验观察

    An Clinical Observation of Treating gastroptosis with the Faradization in Acupuncture Points

  4. 针灸推拿结合治疗胃下垂临床研究

    Clinical Research on Combined Treatment of Gastroptosis with Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Massage

  5. 芒针和毫针治疗胃下垂的疗效对照观察

    Comparative Observation on Therapeutic Effects on Gastroptosis Treated by Elongated and Filiform Needles

  6. 挑筋割脂埋线疗法治疗胃下垂疗效观察

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Tendon-Pricking , Fat-Excising and Catgut-Embedding Therapy on Gastroptosis

  7. 既有胃炎又有胃下垂的“胃友”,先治胃炎有效吗?为什么?

    Already gastritis has ptosis of stomach again " the stomach is friendly ", treat gastritis first effective ? Why ?

  8. 所谓胃下垂,就是胃在站立时明显下移,甚至从上腹移至下腹。

    Alleged gastroptosis , it is a stomach next apparent when stand moving , even from on the abdomen moves to next abdomens .

  9. 有些人是适合饭后“不能走”的,这是指体质较差,尤其是患有胃下垂等病的人。

    Some people are suitable for meal " can not go ", this means poor physique , in particular those who have the disease , such as Gastroptosia people .

  10. 近年来,随着社会的发展,大众审美观的变化,胃下垂的发病特点呈现年轻化趋势,发病的职业范围也逐渐扩展。

    In recent years , with social development , the variety of the public esthetic sense , patients of the gastroptosis presents younger and its occupation scope also expands gradually .

  11. 例如胃下垂患者常在足三里穴出现条索状物,中脘穴出现结节等。

    For example , in the patients with gastroptosis , commonly , the stripe-like finding presents on Zusanli ( ST36 ) and a node-like finding on Zhongwan ( CV12 ) .

  12. 有的胃下垂病人,还合并有其他脏器如肾、肝、脾、横结肠下垂,称之为全内脏下垂。

    Some gastroptosis patients , amalgamative still if kidney , liver , lienal , transverse colon is flagging , have other internal organs of the body , say for completely splanchnic prolapse .

  13. 第四:胃下垂以饥饿法瘦身的女人总能感觉食欲不振、胀气、胀痛,这很可能是胃下垂的征兆。

    Fourth : The woman that gastroptosis reduces weight with the hungry law always can feel losing the appetite , bloated air , bloated pain , this will be probably a sign of gastroptosis .

  14. 结果:100例对照组中,5例正常,93例胃炎,其中1例合并十二指肠返流,5例合并胃溃疡,胃下垂1例,胃扭转1例。

    Results : In control group , 5 cases are normal , 93 cases are gastritis ( 1 case with duodenum-stomach regurgitation , 5 cases with ulcer ), 1 case is gastroptosis , 1 case is gastric volvulus .

  15. 摘要目的:探讨升阳益胃汤合腹部按摩治疗胃下垂的临床疗效。

    Objective : the discussion rises positive to benefit the stomachsoup to gather the ventral massage treatment stomach sagging theclinical curative effect .

  16. 结论十二指肠球部位置的改变,比胃角切迹低于两髂骨嵴连线对胃下垂的诊断价值更高。

    Conclusion The changing of the duodenal ampulla 's position was better than the stomachic angular incisure being lower than the level between two iliac crest in gastroptosis diagnosed .

  17. 500例研究组中,1例正常,440例胃炎,其中223例合并十二指肠返流,5例合并胃溃疡,11例并胃粘膜脱垂,胃下垂33例,胃扭转19例,胃肿瘤7例。

    In study group , 1 case is normal , 440 cases are gastritis ( 223 cases with duodenum-stomach regurgitation , 22 cases with ulcer ), 33 cases are gastroptosis , 19 cases are gastric volvulus , 11 cases are gastric mucosa prolapse , 7 cases are tumor .

  18. 最可靠的方法是钡餐造影,假如胃小弯低于两侧髂嵴连线,就可以诊断为胃下垂。

    The most reliable method is barium meal radiography , if the stomach is little , the turn connects a line under Ji of two side Qia , can diagnose for gastroptosis .