
tài jí quán
  • shadow boxing);t'ai chi ch'uan;taijiquan, a kind of traditional Chinese shadow boxing;tai ji quan (slow-motion Chinese boxing
太极拳 [tài jí quán]
  • [ tai ji quan (slow-motion Chinese boxing; shadow boxing)] 中国传统武术项目之一,动作柔缓,可用于拳击和健身,流传区域很广

太极拳[tài jí quán]
  1. 选修课包括太极拳和高级舞蹈练习。

    Electives are offered in Tai Chi and advanced dance exercise .

  2. 他拉开架子,打起了太极拳。

    He adopted a stance and began to do taijiquan .

  3. 他的太极拳式子摆得好。

    His Taijiquan postures are correct and graceful .

  4. 每天清晨,曙光初照,公园里便有人打太极拳。

    Every morning , in the first glimmer of dawn , some people are seen practising Taijiquan in the park .

  5. 我能够体验中国的生活和文化,从基本的太极拳到京剧。

    I was able to experience Chinese living and culture , from basic Tai Chi to Beijing Opera .

  6. A:为什么不另找个出路呢?你可以考虑参加体育运动,比如中国太极拳。我练了几个月了,现在感觉更有活力了。你想试试吗?

    A : Why not find another way out instead ? You may consider having sports , and Chinese T'ai Chi could be a way . I 've been practicing it for a few months and now I feel more energetic.Would you like to have a try ?

  7. 太极拳太极拳自17世纪中叶发源于河南省温县以来,习练者遍布全国各地,不限年龄、不限民族。太极拳最核心的动作是“八法五步”常规招式以及“推手”(两人之间双手的徒手对抗)。

    Tai chi 's basic movements center on wubu ( five steps ) and bafa ( eight techniques ) with a series of routines , exercises and tuishou ( hand-pushing skills , performed with a counterpart ) .

  8. 练习简化太极拳中Q角增大明显。

    Thus , Q angle increase obviously during exercising simple shadowboxing .

  9. 太极拳锻炼配合中医疗法对中老年COPD患者的康复影响

    The Rehabilitative Effects of Taijiquan Training with East Medical on Middle-elderly COPD Patients

  10. 试论陈式太极拳中的虚领顶劲但文学史研究者却忽略了对他的研究,这是很不公平的。Xu,var。

    However , Xu Ling is ignored in the Chinese literature research field .

  11. 目的:观察太极拳运动对健康老年人淋巴系统T和B淋巴细胞免疫功能的影响。

    AIM : To observe the effect of Tai Chi Chuan ( TCC ) exercise on T lymphocyte and B lymphocyte immune functions in healthy older individuals .

  12. 多年太极拳锻炼对人体外周血T淋巴细胞亚群及NK细胞影响的研究

    The Research on the Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on T Lymphocyte Subgroup and NK Cells

  13. 太极拳、练功十八法锻炼对老年人血浆t&PA、PAI活性的影响

    Effect of Taijiquan and Lian Gong 18 Exercises on Blood t-PA and PAI Activation of the Aged

  14. 与运动前比较,实施运动处方12周后健身车组和踏台阶组血清中MDA含量均显著降低(P<0.05),太极拳组血清中MDA含量降低,但无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    After 12 weeks exercise , compared with pre-exercising , MDA in body building sett group and treading footboard group were decreased ( P < 0.05 ), and MDA in hexagram boxing group was not significantly decreased ( P > 0.05 ) .

  15. 目的:检测太极拳爱好者在安静状态下的心率变异性(heartratevariabil-ity,HRV)范围,为进一步探索HRV与健身运动的关系打下工作基础。

    AIM : To detect the range of hear rate variability ( HRV ) at rest in shadowboxing lovers , so as to provide basis for the further exploration of relation between HRV and body building .

  16. 研究方法:运用数理统计法、比较法测定太极拳锻炼时,体内血清中神经递质(5-HT、NE、DA)的含量变化及其与疗效的关系,探究太极拳对人体作用机理与临床效果。

    The paper adopts the mathematical statistic method and the comparative method to evaluate Taijiquan 's effect on the changes of content ingredients of 5-HT , NE , DA and try to explore Taijiquan 's working principle and clinical effect .

  17. 他表示,太极拳不错,但是我相信,任何类型的活动都可以用来调节、提供训练例如舞蹈、唱诗歌、空手道、甚至棒球都可改善ADHD。

    " Tai chi is good , but I believe that any type of activity that serves to regulate , that provides discipline such as dance , chorale , karate , even baseball should improve ADHD ," he said .

  18. 她报告指出,半数有ADHD诊断,而参与太极拳课程者的CWSS认知问题次量表有改善。

    Half the group had a diagnosis of ADHD , and those who practiced tai chi also had an improvement on the cognitive problem subscale of the CWSS , she reported .

  19. 完成了为期12周的太极拳训练程序后,据统计,男女患者的A1C水平都显著降低,长期血糖都得到了控制。

    After completing a12-week Tai Chi exercise program , men and women with the disease had statistically significant reductions in their levels of A1C , a measurement of long-term blood glucose control .

  20. 方法应用脑波频谱分析方法,观察83名参加太极拳锻炼的知识型中老年受试者的前额脑电慢节律变化。结果30min的太极拳锻炼能够显著增大脑波a2频段的能量;

    The activities of frontal brain wave were observed by power spectral analysis in 83 middle and old-aged intellectuals who practicing Taijiquan , The results showed that the power of alpha 2 ( a2 ) were significantly increased when exercising ( Taijiquan ) over 30 minutes .

  21. 表象训练用于太极拳教学的实验研究

    An Experimental Research on Presentational Training in the Teaching of Taiji

  22. 太极拳教学对大学生A型行为的影响

    Influence of Taijiquan Teaching on Type A Behavior of College Students

  23. 对2008年奥运会太极拳文化交流战略的研究

    Taiji Boxing and the Study of the Olympic Strategy in 2008

  24. 从太极拳风格特点看武术考核标准

    Viewing the Check-up Criterion for Wushu from the Style of Taijiquan

  25. 太极拳和武术课程免费。

    Tai Chi and Kung Fu lessons are thrown in free .

  26. 太极拳运动对中年女性知识分子体质影响的研究

    Effects of Taijiquan Exercises on Physical Ability of Middle-aged Female Intellectuals

  27. 浅析太极拳运动与人体身心健康

    About Chinese Boxing Movement and People 's Body and Mind Health

  28. 太极拳运动对改善老年人运动功能作用初探

    Discussion on improving kinetic function of the aged with Taijiquan Exercise

  29. 太极拳的起源与中国古代性文化的逻辑关系

    Logical Relationship between Origin of TaiJiquan and Chinese Ancient Sexual Culture

  30. 陈氏太极拳教学的优化改革

    A Preliminary Study on the Reform of Teaching Chen 's Taijiquan