
tài píng
  • peace;peace and tranquility
太平 [tài píng]
  • [peace and tranquility] 社会安定

  • 安于太平之乐。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

太平[tài píng]
  1. 太平盛世何以醉&读朱苏进的《醉太平》兼议军旅文学

    Where to Drunk in Millenarianism & Read ZHU Su-jin 's Drunk in Peace and Tranquility and Discuss Army Literature

  2. 她演奏的音乐太平淡乏味。

    Her interpretation of the music was too literal .

  3. 他在非洲生活了多年,到欧洲旅行真是有点太平淡了。

    Travelling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years he 'd spent in Africa .

  4. 那次战役太平军因腹背受敌,伤亡惨重。

    That battle took a heavy toll of the Taiping troops for they were attacked front and rear .

  5. 太平道宠物诊所,香港九龙自由道7号B铺及一楼。

    Peace Avenue Veterinary Clinic , Shop B & 1 / F , 7 Liberty Avenue , Kowloon , Hong Kong .

  6. 过去一周对于三星公司(Samsung)而言并不太平。

    It has been a rough week for Samsung .

  7. 根据彭太平法组织病理学分级进行评分,经统计分析,针刀松解组和模型组评分有显著差异(p0.01)。

    Through statistics analysis , acupotomy group and model group has an extremely significant difference ( P0.01 ) according to Peng Tai-Ping histopathological classification .

  8. 富通已经持有中国太平人寿(TaipingLife)(保险公司)和一家资产管理公司的股份,而平安保险也跟汇丰银行搭上了关系。

    Fortis already has a stake in China 's Taiping Life ( insurance ) as well as an asset management firm , while Ping An has its link to HSBC .

  9. 综采膏体充填工艺在太平煤矿的应用充水比对UniFedSBR工艺脱氮的影响

    Application of Full-mechanized Mining and Stowing with Paste in Taiping Colliery Effect of Volumetric Exchange Ratio on Nitrogen Removal in UniFed SBR Process

  10. 象CH踩的踏板这些是太狭窄的,并且太平为我的口味,他们开动就象变得更加狭窄,当也是移动向旅行极限。

    Just like the CH pedals these are too narrow and too flat for my tastes , they actuate in such a way as to get even narrower when moved to the limits of travel too .

  11. 相反,国际房地产咨询结构第一太平戴维斯(savills)的主管卢西安库克(luciancook)则更多地倚重房地产市场自身的供求基本面,但他同样持悲观态度。

    By contrast , Lucian cook , director at Savills , the international estate agency , looks more to fundamentals of supply and demand for property itself . But he is also gloomy .

  12. 破产管理机构德勤(Deloitte)已任命地产中介第一太平戴维斯(Savills)和德勤地产(DeloitteRealEstate)负责出售这栋大楼。据了解市场行情的人士称,该大楼的市值据信至少为6.50亿英镑。

    Administrators Deloitte have appointed estate agents Savills and Deloitte Real Estate to sell the building , which is thought to have a market value of at least & # 163 ; 650m , according to those with knowledge of the market .

  13. 亿万富豪的注意力集中于市中心区域的高档住宅,而非郊外或阳光充足地带的休闲度假物业。第一太平戴维斯全球市场研究主管约兰德·巴恩斯(YolandeBarnes)说。

    Billionaire activity has been concentrated on high-end urban centers rather than leisure properties in the surrounding countryside or regional sunbelts , says Yolande Barnes , head of world research at Savills .

  14. ‘太平红’红光处理10d和15d的生根率都达到了60%,处理15d的平均根数达到了4条,生根情况明显好于其他处理。

    The rooting rate of the red light treatment 10 days and 15 days of P.suffruticosa ' Taipinghong ' is 60 % , the average root of treatment 15 days is 4 , and the rooting situation is better than others .

  15. 第一太平戴维斯(Savills)中国研究主管刘德扬(AlbertLau)表示:在15年的蓬勃发展之后,中国楼市正在接近成熟。中国经济正在寻求整合&这种局面促使开发商寻找新的机遇。

    After 15 years of vigorous growth , the Chinese property market is approaching a point of maturity . The Chinese economy is looking to consolidate – that pushes the developers to look for new opportunities , says Albert Lau , head of China research at Savills .

  16. 阜新市垃圾填埋场位于阜新市区西北部,距市区19km,担负着海州、太平这2个市中心区垃圾填埋的重任,为解决阜新市垃圾处理问题发挥了重要作用。

    Fuxin city garbage landfill site is located in Fuxin urban north-west , a distance of 19 km urban and assumes the sea state , at peace both downtown garbage landfill mission , and waste disposal problems to solve Fuxin city played an important role .

  17. 英国皇室似乎一直不太平。

    The British royals can 't seem to get a break .

  18. 洪秀全与太平天国后期的中央集权化

    HONG Xiu-quan and Centralization of Authority in Post Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  19. 论《太平寰宇记》的文献学价值与地位

    On Philological Value and Status of Tai Ping Huan Yu Ji

  20. 太平天国时期的民俗变革

    The Reform of Folk Custom During the Period of Taiping Regime

  21. 《太平广记》是唐宋时期一部重要小说史料,它为我们提供丰富详实的唐朝社会史资料。

    Is a important story of history in the Tang-Song period .

  22. 太平天国战争后的广德县移民

    The Transmigrants of GuangDe after the War of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  23. 再没有人向你发脾气,你会觉得生活太平淡。

    You will feel life is routine without my losing temper .

  24. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。

    Do whatever she tells you and you 'll have peace .

  25. 太平天国起义虽然失败了,其历史意义却是深远的。

    But the Heavenly Kingdom movement has its deep historical importance .

  26. 这家饭店没有太平梯,是个十足的消防死角。

    The hotel have no fire escape it a real firetrap .

  27. 论太平天国所奉行的进步卫生措施及其价值

    Progressive Health Measures Pursued in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Their Value

  28. 论太平天国运动成败的关键

    On the Success and Failure of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 's Movement

  29. 这样的内容都没错,但太平了,没有个性。

    Such content is true , but the peace , not personality .

  30. 降雨导致太平庄井水位上升、水温下降。

    Rainfall makes the water level increasing and temperature dropping .