
  • 网络Taibus Qi;Taibus;taibus banner
  1. 内蒙古太仆寺旗不同草地群落动态监测研究

    Dynamic Monitoring of Different Grassland Communities in the Taibus Banner , Inner Mongolia

  2. 通过群落调查的方法,对内蒙古太仆寺旗人工草地及围封的天然草地进行调查,研究了不同草地群落在干旱气候影响下的响应机制。

    Based on the method of community investigation , natural grassland enclosed and artificial grassland in the Taibus Banner , Inner Mongolia was surveyed , and the response mechanism of grassland community under the influence of arid climate was studied .

  3. 论文利用系统动力学模型与CLUE-S模型的理论框架,构建了太仆寺旗土地利用变化系统动力学模型及其时空变化模拟模型,通过对太仆寺旗土地利用变化的情景设计,实现了土地利用变化的多情景分析。

    Regarding system dynamics model and CLUE-S model as the modeling framework , this paper designed a Land-Use Change System Dynamics ( LUCSD ) model and realized the scenario analyses of baseline , ecologically-oriented and economically-oriented models in Taips County ( 2000 ~ 2020 ) .

  4. 第一部分为太仆寺旗人口规划。

    The first portion of this paper is the population planning .

  5. 区域土地利用变化的多情景分析&以内蒙古自治区太仆寺旗为例

    Scenarios Analyses on the Spatio-temporal Patterns of Land Use Change & A Case Study in Taips County of Inner Mongolia

  6. 沙区旱作农田作物垄沟种植下土壤水分动态观测&太仆寺旗油菜种植试验结果

    Observation on Soil Moisture Dynamics of Rainfed Ridge-furrow Planting Field in Sandy Area & Result from a Rape Planting Experiment in Tai Pu Si Banner

  7. 作者于1990~1996年在内蒙古正镶白旗、太仆寺旗典型草原采用标志流放法研究了布氏田鼠种群在数量下降期和上升期的季节存活率及其对数量测报的意义。

    Seasonal survival rates of two populations of Brandt 's vole ( Microtus brandti ) was estimated by using captured-recaptured method from 1990 to 1996 in Zhengxiangbai Banner and Tipus Banner , Inner Mongolia , and feeding data was refereed in a laboratory .