
  1. 这是对浑天说的经典论述之一。

    This represents a classic elaboration on the theory of sphere-heavens .

  2. 彝族先民对宇宙结构的最早认识,能是盖天说吗?

    What is the ancient Yis first cognition about the universe structure ?

  3. 和我经历过的最棒的三天说再见啦。

    Saying goodbye to the coolest three days ever .

  4. 不,我觉得一天说这么多已经够了。

    Ho , I think there 's been enough talk for one day .

  5. 上海海上打捞局在星期天说,这个巨大的作业工程将从今天开始。

    The huge operation will begin today , the Shanghai Salvage Bureau said Sunday .

  6. 布什是在北京停留的最后一天说这番话的。

    He spoke on the final day of his stay at the Beijing Summer Olympics .

  7. 盖天说是中国天文学史上特别重要的假说。

    The Gaitian theory is an important hypothesis in the history of astronomy in China .

  8. 他是在罗马举行的国际能源论坛会议的最后一天说这番话的。

    He was speaking on the final day of the International Energy Forum held in Rome .

  9. 一位善良的女人一天说了一些话伤害了她最好的有多年友情的朋友;

    A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years .

  10. 然而奇怪的是,在白天表示关系和谐的丈夫常常都会在第二天说晚上睡不好。

    Curiously , however , husbands'reports of more positive interactions were often followed by them getting less sleep the next night .

  11. 美国国防部长奥斯汀星期天说,国防部正在使用民用客机协助撤离。

    U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Sunday the Defense Department is using civilian passenger planes to help with the evacuation .

  12. 拜登参议员星期天说,他认为尽管佩林是全国政治舞台上的新面孔,但却是一个强大的对手。

    Biden said Sunday that he considers Palin , a newcomer on the national political scene , to be a formidable opponent .

  13. 因为你要是在每个月的第一天说的第一个词是那个月的月份的话,你那个月就会很幸运的。

    Because you will be lucky if you say the month name at first day of that month as your first word .

  14. 他提出“浑天说”,认为宇宙在空间上没有边界,在时间上没有起点。他创造的天文仪器浑天仪,是一种演示天体星象运动的表演仪器。

    He held that the universe was infinite in both space and time and invented the world 's first eauatorial armillary sphere .

  15. 伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德星期天说,德黑兰将会拒绝任何欧盟要求停止伊朗核活动的建议。

    Sunday , Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tehran would reject any European offer that requires an end to iran 's nuclear activities .

  16. 布什是在北京停留的最后一天说这番话的。布什总统离开北京前,最后观看了游泳和篮球比赛,并谈到他这次对中国首都访问的感想。

    Mr. Bush spent his last hours in Beijing watching swimming and baseball , and reflecting on his visit to the Chinese capital .

  17. 王夫之认为浑天说是庄子立论的根据所在,并从此出发对庄周学说进行了从新建构。

    Wang Fuzhi thinks that Zhuangzi sets forth ones views according to the theory of " Hun Tian ", and sets out to .

  18. 浑天说还认为.天球北高南低,通过南北天极的轴旋转。

    According to the theory , the heaven was higher in the north and lower in thesouth , revoMng around a north-south axis .

  19. 前几天说了爸爸喝酒时我说错了话,惹得大家笑。

    Couple of days ago , I told the story about Pa drinking , which I said something wrong and made everybody laugh their heads off .

  20. 落下闳是浑天说的创始人之一,经他改进的赤道式浑天仪,在中国用了2000年。

    Luo Xiahong was the initiator of the theory of sphere-heavens , and the equatorial armillary sphere he improved was in use for 2 000 years .

  21. 日产汽车公司星期天说,它的五个工厂将于星期四恢复生产零部件。只要供应持续不断,日产还将恢复制造整车。

    Nissan Motor Company said Sunday it will resume auto parts production Thursday at five of its plants and will resume vehicle production as long as supplies last .

  22. 在港口旁的市中心,他们名下的地标式项目国家音乐厅现在估计不知哪天说停就停了。

    Downtown , beside the harbour , construction work on a landmark project underwritten by them , the National Concert Hall , is expected to stop any day now .

  23. 以色列星期天说,它计划在有争议的东耶路撒冷新建约900所房屋。以色列的决定招致巴勒斯坦领导层的尖锐批评。

    Israel said Sunday that it plans to build almost 900 new housing units in disputed East Jerusalem , a move that prompted sharp criticism from the Palestinian leadership .

  24. 美国国务卿赖斯星期天说,停火协议允许俄罗斯军队作为维和部队暂时驻扎在某些地区,直到欧洲的观察员抵达为止。

    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday that the cease-fire agreement allows Russian troops stationed as peacekeepers to stay temporarily in some areas , until European monitors arrive .

  25. 第二,在浑天说的基础上,科学地阐述了月食的原因。

    Second , based on the theory of sphere heavens , the book scientifically elabo-rates on the lunar eclipse . 、。。 explanation of the phenomenon , Zhang Heng wrote in the book

  26. 盖天说盖天说是中国最古老的讨论天地结构的体系。早期的盖天说认为:天就像一个扣着的大锅覆盖着棋盘一样的大地。

    The oldest theory on cosmic structure , the early school of canopy-heavens claimed that the heaven , shaped like a big pan , covered the earth , shaped like a chessboard .

  27. 当有人在星期天说他可以在另一处重新开始时,考辛斯回答道:“我很开心,如果这发生了,那也是他们的决定。”

    When someone suggested Sunday that he could use a fresh start somewhere else , Cousins replied , " I 'm happy . If it happens , that 's the decision they made . "

  28. 他在23岁的时候开始对动物权利产生兴趣,当时的一场事故让他10天说不出话来,使他有机会无法表达感情的动物所受的苦楚。

    He became interested in animal rights at the age of23 , when an accident left him unable to speak for10 days , helping him understand the plight of animals who can 't express themselves .

  29. 航空航天局星期天说,奋进号航天飞机防护隔热瓦上的裂缝深度超过早先的估计,因此可能需要宇航员在航天飞机仍然在太空轨道上飞行时修补损伤。

    The space agency said Sunday a gouge in the heat shield protecting the shuttle is deeper than expected , raising the possibility that astronauts may try to repair the damage while still in orbit .

  30. 阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克星期天说,五角大楼已承诺采取步骤,在打击阿富汗反叛分子的空袭中减少平民的伤亡。

    Afghanistan Says International Force Promises to Reduce Civilian Casualties Afghanistan 's defense minister on Sunday said the Pentagon has pledged to take steps to reduce civilian casualties from aerial attacks against insurgents in the country .