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ruì zhì
  • Sagacity;wise and farsighted
睿智 [ruì zhì]
  • [wise and farsighted] 见识卓越,富有远见

睿智[ruì zhì]
  1. 将军用睿智的目光注视着作战地图。

    The general stared at the battle map with his wise and farsighted eyes .

  2. 我想简单的一个“坚持”:还不足以包含我的睿智选择。

    I think to be a simple " persistence ": Return shortage with include my wise and farsighted choice .

  3. 他因向后起的年轻画家提供睿智的忠告而闻名。

    He was famous for his sage advice to younger painters .

  4. 他睿智刁钻,评论尖刻,对任何采访他的人而言都是梦魇。

    His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer 's nightmare

  5. 他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。

    He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor

  6. 他以睿智的政治头脑和强势的管理手腕出名。

    He is known for his political savvy and strong management skills .

  7. 我很欣赏他的坦率和睿智。

    I was impressed by his straightforward intelligent manner .

  8. 您是位睿智的长者:告诉我该怎么办。

    You 're a wise old man : tell me what to do .

  9. 睿智与聪明不同,前者可与年龄俱增。

    Sagacity , unlike cleverness , may increase with age .

  10. 声称失业问题没有简单的答案听上去很睿智,但实际上愚蠢透顶:如果我们思考透彻且有政治意愿去采取行动,我们的失业危机可以被很快解决。

    Saying that there 're no easy answers sounds wise , but it 's actually foolish : our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act .

  11. 在这群人中有一位睿智的老师。

    In this crowd there was a wise teacher .

  12. 现在的我比从前多了几分睿智,我也因此更加快乐。

    I 'm wiser now , a little , and happier .

  13. 好了,以上就是我这个满头银发的老头儿给你们的充满睿智的忠告。

    Well , that 's about all of the sagely advice this old grey head can come up with .

  14. 毕竟,如果9个睿智的人可以在一件事情上达成共识,那这个事情就是“正常”的,而那个持反对意见的第10个人就应该上绞刑架。

    For what is normal is that upon which nine wise people can agree , leaving the tenth to swing from a hangman 's rope .

  15. knockdown击倒;撞倒;击落;使屈服comedownto归结为,简化为为什么我的料理能力这么差劲。政治决策有时候可归结为个人的判断和睿智。

    Political decisions sometimes come down to the judgement and wisdom of individuals .

  16. 多舛的命运和不断追求自我超越的个性使V·伍尔夫形成了一种旷达而又睿智的世界观。

    Woolf , British female writer , her world outlook of sagaciousness and broad-mindedness is formed as a result of her capricious fate and constant pursuit of self transcendence .

  17. 这&65279;是部风趣又睿智的电影,史密斯与乔什•布洛林(出演年轻版的探员K)极富张力的表演贯穿始终,结局十分感人。

    It 's a funny , intelligent film shot through with strong performances by Smith and Josh Brolin ( who plays a younger version of agent K ), and an emotional finale .

  18. 目前为止,扎克伯格成功地避免了各种隐患,他睿智地处理了facebook的崛起,能够迅速纠正自己的错误,从而防止了用户的疏远。

    Mr Zuckerberg has so far avoided the pitfalls by handling the rise of Facebook cleverly , and reversing his mistakes rapidly enough not to alienate users .

  19. 现年76岁、刚刚获得连任的总理莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)高贵睿智,是个充满魅力的人物。

    Manmohan Singh , the 76-year-old prime minister who has just won re-election , is a charmingly intellectual and courtly figure .

  20. 或者,就像演员爱德华·诺顿(EdwardNorton)在纽约电影节上的一次简短交谈中睿智表达的那样,“你不能把自己的情绪健康寄托在这上面。”

    Or , as the actor Edward Norton sagely put it , in a brief chat at the New York Film Festival , " You can 't hang your emotional health on it . "

  21. 莱特曼在退休前也曾接受过Vulture网的采访,他说:我特别希望在这些作家的笔下,我的节目能比我自身更有趣、更睿智。

    I really wanted the people writing this show to be so much funnier and so much smarter than I was , Letterman told Vulture before his retirement .

  22. 他描绘了乔布斯在Pixar和90年代后期重返苹果时更加璀璨的辉煌,以及我们自然而然的期待着看到乔布斯会在经历过他人生中的大起大落之后,而显露出的更加睿智和优雅的锋芒。

    He then charts the even greater triumphs at Pixar and at a resurgent Apple , when Jobs returns , in the late nineteen-nineties , and our natural expectation is that Jobs will emerge wiser and gentler from his tumultuous journey .

  23. 我深深感激剧本背后那个睿智的作者。

    Feit gratefui to the inteiiigence of the man behind it .

  24. 这本书对这个迷人国度的未来给出了一些睿智的洞察。

    A smart look at the future of a fascinating country .

  25. 她是个睿智的年青女人,得到了所有其它人的尊重。

    She is a sensible young woman in every other respect .

  26. 整个剧本充满着双重涵义与睿智的警示。

    The script was full of double meanings and clever references .

  27. 睿智的名师精湛的教艺力助中小学朋友迈向新的学习巅峰!

    Wise skilled teachers will promote you to a new peak !

  28. 没有哪个月份会像十月那样以魅力和睿智收尾。

    No other month concludes with such dramatic charm and wit .

  29. 诚实不该是退化为简单,而睿智也不该退化为狡诈。

    Sincerity should not degenerate into simplicity nor sagacity into cunng .

  30. 希望你是成熟的勇敢的睿智的男人。

    Hope you are mature , brave and intelligent man .