
zhé jū
  • live in exile;live after official exile
谪居 [zhé jū]
  • [live after official exile] 贬谪后住在某地

  • 谪居黄州

谪居[zhé jū]
  1. 苏东坡曾谪居黄州。

    At one time , su Dongpo was banished to huangzhou .

  2. 谪居黄州时期,他的词作不仅数量多,艺术水平高,而且具有丰富的思想意蕴。

    When he lived in HUANGZHOU , he not only wrote a lot of excellent poems , but also provided the : readers with rich artistic connotation .

  3. 本文着重从谪居心态方面探讨柳宗元诗歌的诗境构造方式。

    This paper , by stressing an investigation into Liu Zongyuan 's mental state while in exile , makes a study of the artistic conception of his poetic creation .
