
  • 网络sinkhole
  1. 6月,危地马拉一个相当于30层楼高的天坑吞噬了一栋三层楼高的建筑。

    The30-story-deep sinkhole in Guatemala that swallowed a three-story building in June .

  2. 这就是天坑的样子,

    That 's what a sinkhole sounds like ,

  3. 尼克·瓦伦西亚会为您解释天坑的成因。

    Nick Valencia explains how that can lead to the sinkholes .

  4. 此外,对其它类型的一些特大型塌陷漏斗也与天坑进行了比较。

    Some other very large collapse dolines are compared .

  5. 天坑在空洞上方形成,但压力点是什么呢?

    Sinkholes form over the voids , but what of the points of pressure ?

  6. 一些佛罗里达天坑的幸存者们感谢一名救人性命的保安。

    Some survivors of a Florida sinkhole are saying a security guard saved lives .

  7. 天坑通常是一起自然发生的事件。

    Sinkholes are usually a naturally occuring event .

  8. 中国以外的世界天坑概览

    Tiankengs of the world , outside China

  9. 或者这个巨大的蓝色坑洞,伯利兹海岸一个水下天坑。

    Or the great blue hole , an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize .

  10. 这个天坑正在扩大而且房子随时可能倒塌。

    The sinkhole was expanding and there were concerns the house might collapse at any time .

  11. 工程师和救援人员抵达了佛罗里达州泽夫纳出现“天坑”的地点。

    Engineers and rescue workers arrived at the site of a sinkhole in Seffner , Florida .

  12. 这是迪斯尼乐园附近的一处度假胜地,周日晚上惊现天坑。

    It 's part of a resort near Disneyworld , crumbled into the ground Sunday night .

  13. 一个20英尺宽,50至60英尺深的天坑在杰夫·布什的房间下面形成。

    A sinkhole about 20-feet wide and 50 to 60-feet deep formed underneath Jeff Bush 's room .

  14. 在田纳西州,一个巨大的天坑突然使某段州际公路下陷,消失于视野。

    In Tennessee , a massive sinkhole suddenly dropped a stretch of interstate road out of sight .

  15. 而有时候则无比巨大,就像你现在看到的危地马拉的天坑。

    Othertimes they can be huge like this one you are looking at right now from Guatemala .

  16. 大部分情况下,天坑都是现代暗河通道洞顶塌陷而成。

    Tiankengs are formed most commonly by the collapse of bedrock into underlying caves that contain active rivers .

  17. 这显示了在该天坑出现之前,该坑洞之上的交通往来已经持续一段时间了。

    This shows that traffic was likely flowing over the hole for some time , before it gave .

  18. 但那些天坑,特别是快速下沉的坑洞使陆地失去了可信任感。

    But those above a sinkhole , particularly a rapidly sinking hole , lose trust in terra firma .

  19. 也就是说泄漏的下水管道长期得不到维护,为这种天坑的形成创造了先决条件。

    That means leaking pipes could have gone unfixed long enough to create the right conditions for the sinkhole .

  20. 有时天坑较小,这可能会导致地面下陷或造成一个小部分塌陷。

    Sometimes sinkholes are smaller , they might cause the ground to sag or cause a small pound form .

  21. 文章就从乐业天坑的旅游发展现状、乐业天坑的旅游资源特征、乐业天坑旅游的开发三个方面论述乐业天坑旅游资源的开发。

    This paper deals with Leye Tiankeng 's present situation , the characteristics and the exploitation of its tourist resources .

  22. 所有这些向上和向下的小蓝点在佛罗里达州是过去的天坑实例。

    All of this little blue dots freckled up and down the state of Florida are past instances of sinkholes .

  23. 他孕育出三个独特的喀斯特系统,芙蓉洞洞穴系统、天生三桥喀斯特系统和后坪冲蚀型天坑喀斯特系统。

    It is divided into three areas containing the Three Natural Bridges , the Qingkou Tiankeng and Furong Cave respectively .

  24. 阿谁天坑带的组成是因为印僧舌头板块当甭沉招致的板块直开而至。

    The sinkhole belt is caused by the plate bending as the plate tongue holding Indonesia is pushed down , sinking .

  25. 伯利兹城最富盛名的旅游胜地莫过于巨大的水下天坑--蓝色巨洞以及玛雅遗址。

    The most famous tourist attractions in Belize include the Great Blue Hole , a giant submarine sinkhole and the Mayan ruins .

  26. 第三章对岩溶天坑的定义、类型、分布和岩溶天坑旅游资源的构成、旅游价值进行了阐述。

    Chapter 3 elaborates the definition , classification , distribution of Karst tiankeng and the composition & value of Karst tiankeng tourism resources .

  27. 大冶铁矿东露天坑已于2000年闭坑,境界外矿量拟采用地下开采。

    The east open pit of Daye Iron Mine was closed in 2000 and its ex-boundary ore reserve was to be underground mined .

  28. 虽然是150英尺高的柏树,但却越来越短,因为天坑将这些树吞噬。

    they are cypress trees around 150 feet tall , but they are getting shorter faster , as the sinkhole swallows them up .

  29. 每个人都安全脱险,没人受伤,但天坑并不总是如此安全。

    Everyone in the building made it out safely , no injuries , but that 's not always how things work out with sinkholes .

  30. 近来,该县有出现了一个直径达80米的天坑,附近居民被迅速撤离该危险地区。

    Another hole with an 80m diameter opened up in the same county recently and families living nearby were soon evacuated from the dangerous areas .