
  1. 对地面气候资料整编中天气日数统计的探讨

    Discussion of Weather Days on Ground Climatic Data Reorganizing

  2. 天津春季沙尘天气日数变化规律及小波变换特征

    Variation Regularities and Wavelet Transform Features of Dust Storms in Spring in Tianjin

  3. 8月份高温日数非常稀少,但闷热天气日数还有一定数量。

    And there are very few hot weather days but several muggy days in August .

  4. 通过对昌吉市1982~2002年20年大降水天气日数的统计分析,得出了大降水天气日数的年、月变化特征。

    Based on the statistical analysis of heavy precipitation days during from 1982 to 2002 , its features of the daily and yearly change were given .

  5. 浮尘天气日数呈下降趋势,总之沙尘暴,扬沙,浮尘日数都呈减少趋势,该区的沙尘天气以浮尘为主,扬沙次,沙尘暴为后。

    Dust weather days showed a downward trend , short dust storms , blowing sand , dust days decreasing trend of sand and dust storms in the area to dust , blowing , dust storms for the post .

  6. 冬春季积雪与沙尘天气发生日数关系的探讨&以内蒙古中部地区为例

    Relationship between Snow Cover and Sand-dust Weather Days in Early Summer and Winter & Taking Central Inner Mongolia as Example

  7. 在中温带温凉半干旱气候区初春积雪日数与沙尘天气发生日数间的负相关较其他两个气候区更为显著。

    The negative interrelation in cool temperate semi-arid climate region in early spring is more significant than in other regions .

  8. 高温天气和闷热天气的平均持续日数均约为3天。

    The average duration of the hot and muggy weather are both 3 days .