
  • 网络feed base;forage base;forage reserve
  1. 科尔沁试验区高产稳产饲料基地的建立技术。

    Establishment techniques of high and stable yield forage bash in Kerqin test ares .

  2. 草地是国土资源的重要组成部分,是发展畜牧业的饲料基地。

    Grassland is one part of territorial resources .

  3. 值得注意的是,该地区不仅有建设能源重化工基地、畜牧业基地、林果业基地的任务,又有发展灌溉,开发大片荒地,建立粮食、饲草饲料基地的任务;

    This region , however , not only has the task to build energy chemical sources base , but also to build stockbreeding base , forest fruit base , food forage grass base , and to develop the irrigation , to empolder many wilderness .

  4. 并提出分片整治与异地育肥、重建草地生态安全保障体系及产业向多元化转移和建设节水型饲料作物基地的整治战略。

    The strategies of renovating each part , removing the animals to other places , setting up the system of eco-safety of grassland , pluralizing the industries and building up feed-crop bases of water-saving type , have been put forward .

  5. 牧业应发展饲料生产,开辟新的饲料基地。

    For the development of animal husbandry , new forage bases must be established .

  6. 大力发展优质饲草饲料生产,建立奶畜饲料生产基地;强化奶业发展服务体系建设。

    Establish feed production base by vigorously develop high quality forage and fodder productions , and strengthen in setting up the technology and information service system .