
  • 网络autumn drought
  1. 2004年广西秋旱的气候特征

    Climatic Characteristic of Autumn Drought In Guangxi 2004

  2. 桂林秋旱成因及其短期气候预测的研究

    Study on the Causes for Autumn Drought in Guilin and Its Forecast on a Short-term Basis

  3. 通过分析850hPa等压面上的垂直速度场发现秋旱同期长江以南地区下沉气流异常,这种天气形势不利于降水的产生。

    The analysis of vertical velocity at 850 hPa indicates the anomaly of the sinking flow during the drought which is not in favor of rain . The subtropical anticyclone controlling the area to south of the Yangtze River in autumn 2004 influences the development of drought .

  4. 秋旱的集成预报方法探讨

    A Study on the Consensus Forecast Method for Autumn Drought

  5. 夏秋多旱,秋旱尤甚;

    The drought is more in summer and autumn , but the autumn is more graveness ;

  6. 春旱日数变化以减少趋势为主,夏旱、秋旱日数变化以增加趋势为主;

    Drought days showed a decline trend in spring , and an increase trend in summer and autumn .

  7. 秋旱北部略多于南部,以全市性大旱为主;

    In autumn , the city was stricken by serious drought on whole with the north heavier than the south .

  8. 采取立体栽培方式改善林间小气候,减轻伏旱、秋旱危害。

    Take three-dimensional cultivation to improve climate among the forest , reduce the hazard of the late summer and autumn drought .

  9. 2003年江西伏旱指数居历史第3位,伏秋旱指数居历史第5位;

    In 2003 , the drought index takes the third position , summer and autumn drought index takes the fifth position in history .

  10. 全省伏旱、秋旱、伏秋连旱的频率分别为10%、16.7%和13.3%。

    The occurrence frequency in Jiangxi province was 10 percent for summer drought , 16.7 percent for autumn drought , and 13.3 for both .

  11. 2004年中国长江以南地区严重秋旱特征及其同期大气环流异常

    The Features of the Heavy Drought Occurring to the South of the Yangtze River in China as well as the Anomalies of Atmospheric Circulation in Autumn 2004

  12. 其结果表明:在无灌溉条件下种植扁穗雀麦,播期是成败的关键,秋旱后播种最好;

    The results showed that the sowing data was the key factor to the sward establishment without irrgation in the upland . it was best to sow immediately after the drought in autumn .

  13. 第二,冬旱、春旱、秋旱、秋冬连旱、冬春连旱增多,伏旱次数明显减少,盛夏洪涝频次减少;

    Secondly , the increase of dry winter , spring , autumn , continuously dry autumn and winter , continuous dry winter and spring , the visible decrease of dry hot summer days and flood midsummer ;

  14. 信阳市发生的干旱主要有伏旱、秋旱和冬旱3种类型,且夏季发生干旱的频率远高于其它季节。

    Droughts occurred in Xinyang City mainly fall into three categories : the midsummer drought , the autumn drought and the winter drought . And the frequency of midsummer drought is much higher than that of the other two .

  15. 除此之外,中高纬地区脊区前方和槽区的后方易于冷空气的南下输送,这在很大程度上也促使了秋旱的发展。

    And in the middle and high latitude area , the positions of the trough and the ridge is favorable for the southward motion of the cold air , which will be propitious to the development of the drought .

  16. 指出了这一地区虽然年降雨量较多,但由于其分配极不均匀,伏旱秋旱非常严重,成为影响该地区农业生产的主要障碍因子之一。

    Results show that in this area the drought in summer and autumn is severe due to unequal distribution of rainfall during a year though there is rich precipitation annually , becoming one of the primary barriers affecting agricultural production .

  17. 针对甘肃2002年伏秋连旱的持续时间、范围和强度进行了对比分析,干旱持续时间之长、范围之大为近50a所少见。

    A study was carried out about the duration time , scope , and intension of the 2002 summer and autumn continuous drought in Gansu , which long duration time and heavy intension scarcely appeared in recent 50 years .

  18. 2003年我国极端天气气候事件及气象灾害发生较为频繁,特别是淮河流域特大洪水、南方持续的高温热浪及伏秋连旱,造成了严重影响。

    More frequent weather and climate extreme events , associated with the meteorological disasters were observed in China in 2003 . Particularly , the big floods in the Huai River , durative heat wave and lasting severe drought in the summer and fall in south China resulted in great impacts .

  19. 结果表明鄱阳湖在这三年中,均发生了伏、秋、冬旱连春旱,但是秋旱最严重。

    The results show that in the three years , Poyang Lake has drought in summer , autumn , winter and even in spring .