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qiū gēng
  • autumn ploughing;fall-plough;fall-plow
秋耕 [qiū gēng]
  • [autumn ploughing] 秋天耕地,以备秋播

秋耕[qiū gēng]
  1. 就这样他们及时完成了他们的秋耕任务。

    Thus they managed to finish their autumn ploughing in time .

  2. 他们想法在霜冻前赶紧完成秋耕工作。

    They were trying to rush through the autumn ploughing before the frost .

  3. 烤烟高效栽培及套种免耕玉米关键技术初探用更加多样化的轮作代替秋耕闲地,以及使用最少和/或免耕法技术代替传统的土壤耕种。

    A primary discussion on key technologies of fluecured tobacco high-effect cultivation and interplanting in no-tillage maize field The replacement of black fallow by a more diversified crop rotation , and the use of minimum and / or no-tillage technologies in lieu of conventional soil tillage .