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dà xuě fēn fēi
  • It is snowing heavily;a big snowfall;It is snowing in large flakes;It is snowing thick and fast
大雪纷飞[dà xuě fēn fēi]
  1. 大雪纷飞,原野一片迷茫。

    The vast plain was obscured by the falling snow .

  2. 大雪纷飞,江河冰封。

    It is snowing hard , and rivers and streams have frozen over .

  3. 大雪纷飞。

    Snowflakes were falling thick and fast .

  4. 北风凛冽,大雪纷飞。

    The north wind was blowing cold ; the snow was falling in thick flakes .

  5. 正值大雪纷飞。

    It is snowing in great flakes .

  6. 在一个严寒刺骨的冬日,大雪纷飞如同天上落下的眼泪,她终于去世了。

    She died on a cold , Winter 's day with heavy snow falling down like teardrops from sky .

  7. 在大雪纷飞中新年来到了。

    The New Year came in with heavy snow storms .

  8. 巡回赛前夜大雪纷飞。

    IT SNOWED HEAVILY the night before the tournament .

  9. 在冬季大雪纷飞的一天,您生下了第一个孩子。

    On a snow coverd winter day , you gave birth to your first child .

  10. 场景:大雪纷飞的伦敦,一个女孩在树下,多愁善感。

    Scene : the snows of London , A girl under the tree , with sentimental .

  11. 现在天气糟透了,漫天大雪纷飞、大雨如注、冰雹猛烈。

    The weather is horrible right now with the snow , hail and rain coming down in buckets .

  12. 诗人通过这首诗,给我们描绘了这样一个场景:大雪纷飞,天地茫茫;

    The poet depicts such a scene for us : a completely white world obscured by thick snowflakes .

  13. 又过了一段时间,尽管大雪纷飞,他们再次拜访诸葛亮。

    After some time , they visited him again in spite of the heavy snow swirling in the air .

  14. 落笔为今年的首展《出云南记》作序时,窗外正是大雪纷飞。

    It was snowing heavily as I was penning the preface for " The Route Out of Yunnan " .

  15. 四周依然狂风怒吼,大雪纷飞。雪大风狂,将近半夜,方才停止。

    The wind and snow still howled around them . The storm continued until toward midnight , then ceased .

  16. 一至三月份大雪纷飞,气温通常在0℃以下。

    It snows a great deal and the temperature often goes below zero degrees in January , February and March .

  17. 在大雪纷飞寒冷的冬夜,长江大桥两边依然站立着人民卫士。

    Snow in the winter cold , still standing with the people on both sides of the Yangtze River Bridge Guardian .

  18. 平安夜,大雪纷飞,她打车穿过整个城市去他的酒吧,想给他一个惊喜。

    Christmas Eve , the snow , her car through the city to go to his bar , wanted to give him a surprise .

  19. 嗯,这是一个不错的暴风雪,罚款视线看到大雪纷飞如此安静,如此慷慨地对开放的国家。

    Well , it was a nice snowstorm ; a fine sight to see the snow falling so quietly and graciously over so much open country .

  20. 对雪有着深深的眷恋,缘于我出生在大雪纷飞的夜,也缘于名字中的雪字。

    The reason that I am deep attached to snow is I was born in a heavy snow night and my name has one word : xue .

  21. 他和一位名叫谢弗的年轻助手到新罕布什尔州的一座山上去考察,这里常常大雪纷飞,寒风凛冽。

    He and a young assistant named Schaefer went to a mountain in the state of New Hampshire , where snowstorms are common and cold winds blow .

  22. 外面大雪纷飞,我的思潮不断地转到墓园和那新修的坟上,那时上楼去好像很凄惨!

    It seemed so dismal to go upstairs , with the wild snow blowing outside , and my thoughts continually reverting to the kirkyard and the new-made grave !

  23. 在大雪纷飞的乞力马扎罗山,海明威描述山的冰块就如同世界一样宽广,高大及它在太阳底下所呈现出的难以致信的白色。

    In The Snows of Kilimanjaro , Hemingway described the mountain 's ice fields as widest all overthe world , great , high and unbelievably white in the sun .

  24. 只要能靠近主人,不管地面管地面冰凉坚硬,寒风凛冽,大雪纷飞,它都会躺在主人身边。

    He will sleep on the cold ground where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely , if only he can be near his master 's side .

  25. 几个月前,在大雪纷飞的寒冬,民主党在爱奥华和新罕布什尔州拉开了党内提名初选和基层党团选举的序幕。如今,波多黎各、蒙塔那,以及南达科他州也将在初夏开始的时候举行初选,使漫长的初选程序趋向结束。

    Months after the first primaries and caucuses were held in the snows of Iowa and New Hampshire , the long primary process is coming to an end with early summer contests in Puerto Rico , Montana and South Dakota .

  26. 大雪纷飞,寒冷刺骨的雪花被疾风吹成了长长的细线。这一片包括联合太平洋铁路和克尔尼堡通往圣若瑟的支线的整个地区,形成一个荒无人烟的大雪岛。

    A heavy snow was falling & a fine picking , whipping snow , borne forward by a swift wind in long , thin lines . Between the Union Pacific road and the branch which unites Kearney with Saint Joseph it formed a great uninhabited island .