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  • 网络Da Li Yi;the great ritual controversy;Great rites controversy
  1. “大礼议”是明中期的重大历史事件。

    Da-Li-Yi was the important event in Mid-Ming Dinasty .

  2. 晚明儒学的发展除了自身的思想逻辑之外,特别受当时的“大礼议”、“东林党议”等历史事件的影响。

    The Confucianism during the late-Ming Dynasty develops on its own , in addition to the external factors .

  3. 思想和政治:湛若水与大礼议之关系述略

    Thoughts and Politics : a Brief Review on the Relations of ZHAN Ruo-shui and " the Grand Ceremony "

  4. 显陵是一座典型的明代帝陵,也是明朝中叶的重大历史事件大礼议的物证。

    As one of the typical tombs of the kings in the Ming Dynasty , it is also a proof of the major events in the period .

  5. 在此基础上,杨廷和内阁带领官僚行政系统在“大礼议”中与世宗皇帝争礼。

    Hold this power in hand , Yang Tinghe and his staff of the Cabinet led the bureaucratic administrative system to debate on the ritual with the Emperor .

  6. 本文不涉及具体的对大礼议的探讨,我们重点仅想勾勒出毛纪在大礼议事件中所处的位置,以及政治形势对一个人的影响。

    This article does not deal with specific of the Great Ritual , we focus only want to outline the hair discipline ," Grand Ceremony " event location , as well as the political situation of a person .