
  1. 碧昂斯做得更胜一筹:她通过Ins上一张华美的照片宣布她放了别的大招——事实上,还是两招。

    Beyonce did one better : she announced , via a resplendent photo on Instagram , that she would be dropping something else - two something elses , in fact .

  2. 人们预计,内马尔(Neymar)也将放出“魔法”大招,但是他们还是想依靠弗雷德来进球。

    Neymar is expected to conjure up the magic , but they 're relying on Fred to come up with the goals .

  3. 《大招》的作者是汉代人;

    The author of DaZhao is the people in Han Dynasty ;

  4. 汨罗民间招魂词研究的意义及其相关的问题补说&《汨罗民间招魂词的程式、内容及其对〈招魂〉、〈大招〉研究的启示》日译本序及补注

    Significance and Supplement of Study on Soul summoning Folk Verses

  5. 退后不然我们就使大招了

    You guys better back off or we 're gonna get really mad !

  6. Word2000实用技巧四大招

    Four Practical Skills in Using Word 2000

  7. 战国屈氏世系及其对屈原的影响《大招》为战国时期楚地民间招魂词之原始记录说

    The Pedigree of the Qus in the Warring States Period and Its Impact on Qu Yuan

  8. 穿刺(大招):沙王压制目标并且对其造成伤害。

    Impale ( Ultimate ): Skarner suppresses an enemy champion and deals magic damage to it .

  9. 如果有人快挂了,你可能就需要一个快补,甚至是花上一个大招的冷却时间。

    If someone is about to die , you might need a very fast spell or even a cooldown .

  10. 怎么躲过宙斯的大招,除了:隐身、无敌、躲藏(?)和魔法免疫。

    How is it possible to evade Zeus'ultimate , without : Invisiblity , Invulnerablity , Hidden or Magic Immunity .

  11. 每个不同的角色都有其独特的优势劣势及大招:火球,冰爆,等等。

    Each of them has his own strong and weak points and magical tricks : fireballs , ice blasts , etc.

  12. 痛楚(大招):川德尔立刻偷取他目标的生命值,以及一部分护甲和魔抗。

    Agony ( Ultimate ): Trundle immediately steals his target 's health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance .

  13. 当蛋蛋踩到陷阱请把身上所有大招饰品通通开起来打他,尽你所有能力打爆蛋蛋,他在这时会受到额外的伤害加成。

    When Illidan becomes trapped by Maiev , pop all trinkets and use your highest damage abilities ; he takes extra damage when trapped .

  14. 《楚辞·大招》与楚巫文化南楚巫娼习俗与中国美文传统

    The Songs of the South · Da Zhao and the Witch Culture of the State of Chu The Custom of Witch Prostitution in the Southern Chu and the Tradition of Chinese Poetic Prose

  15. 查佩克称,《花木兰》在Disney+平台上的首播可以作为吸引新用户订阅流媒体服务的“刺激大招”。

    Chapek said that the premiere access window created on Disney Plus for " Mulan " acts as a " fairly large stimulus " for new consumers to sign up for the streaming service .