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  • 网络thought of great harmony;the ideology of ideal world;cosmopolitism
  1. 另一种是一些不满于社会现状的知识分子所提出的消极的大同思想。

    The other was the pessimistic thought of great harmony which was argued by someone who was not satisfied with the society .

  2. 康有为孙中山大同思想比较

    A Comparison of the Utopian Society of Kang You-wei and Sun Zhong-shan

  3. 大同思想是中国传统文化中的瑰宝。

    The thoughts on Great Harmony are gems of Chinese traditional culture .

  4. 洪秀全与康有为大同思想之比较

    Comparative analysis of Great Harmony Thoughts by Hong Xiu-quan and by Kang You-wei

  5. 第二部分论述大一统封建时期的大同思想。

    The second part elaborates the Great Harmony thought in the universal feudal time .

  6. 近代中国大同思想的比较研究及其启示

    A contrastive study of the thoughts on Great Harmony in recent China and its inspiration

  7. 论李大钊的大同思想

    On Li Dazhao 's Datong Thought

  8. 文章的第二部分论述汉代以后一直到太平天国运动以前的大同思想。

    The second part of article describes the idea from Han Dynasty to Taiping Heavenly Kingdom uprising .

  9. 大同思想是中国传统政治文化中的理想社会观,也是一种最高层次社会理想的政治设计。

    The idea of Great Harmony is a social ideal of traditional and political culture in China .

  10. 康有为1888年上书与他的早期大同思想有直接的联系。

    The memorial submitted in 1888 by KANG You-wei has a close relation with his early Utopias thought .

  11. 大同思想是中国的一种传统思想,大同世界更是为万千中国人所向往的一种理想社会。

    The Utopian society is one of the Chinese traditional thoughts , the Utopian society is yearned by numerous Chinese people .

  12. 本文主要以时间为主线,采用对比分析、举例说明等方法研究中国历史上的大同思想。

    This paper studies the concept of the great harmony with time as the main line and the comparative and illustrative method .

  13. 这些憧憬、理想与当前提出构建和谐社会有着许多历史的联系,其中大同思想尤为突出。

    Those yearnings and ideals , especially the ideology of great harmony in them , are historically linked to constructing harmonious society nowadays .

  14. 在这方面,中国战略文化传统为我们提供了丰富的资源,泛道德主义取向、和合思维、天人合一的整体宇宙观、天下为公的大同思想以及诚信博爱是中国战略文化传统的核心。

    In Chinese traditional strategic culture , all these provide the world some precious values and reasonable methods of thinking about international relations .

  15. 中国传统文化中儒家大同思想,佛家极乐世界的理想,和平思想可以减少杀戮。

    Datong , China 's traditional culture , Confucian thought , the Buddhist ideal of nirvana , peace ideas can reduce the killing .

  16. 这一时期医学思想大致具有以下特点①受大同思想影响的医书编撰思想;

    The medical thinking of this period has the following characteristics : the thinking of compiling medical books influenced by the idea of Universe Harmony ;

  17. 正是在大同思想和科学社会主义的融合中,中国人民找到了独具中国特色的社会主义道路。

    It is in the process of the melt of " Great harmony thought " and scientific that Chinese people have finally found Chinese characteristic socialism .

  18. 儒学的慈善思想集中来自于儒家的仁爱价值观,包括民本、义利、大同思想。

    Confucian thinking charity focused from the Confucian idea of " caring " values , including " People ", " Righteousness ," " Harmony " ideology .

  19. 实用理性、文以载道的传统文艺观和大同思想都对其后期的转向有着潜在的制约。

    Practical reason , the text contained road to the traditional artistic concept and the ideas of its Datong thought have the potential constraints to the latter conversion .

  20. 在各大学派的思想中,儒家《礼运篇》中所描述的大同思想最为经典。

    In the concept of each big school of thoughts , the Great Harmony thought which was described in the Confucianist 's " Liyunpian " is be most classical .

  21. 将大同思想与那些可以确证是孔子言论的内容如《论语》等比较,可以看出,它不可能是孔子的社会理想。

    When compared the thought of world community with the words of Confucius , such as in the Analects , we can find that the though of world community is not Confucius .

  22. 另一方面对于中国历史上思想最为活跃的历史时期&春秋战国时期的大同思想进行了详细地论述。

    On the other hand , it elaborated the Great Harmony thought in the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States which had been the most active historical period of China in detail .

  23. 民生主义学说除受亚当·斯密和亨利·乔治等人的社会经济学说以及俄国马克思主义的影响外,儒家大同思想也是不可忽视的重要来源之一。

    But as for the Principle of People 's Livelihood , the Confucian idea of Great Harmony is a non-negligible important source apart from Adam Smith and Henry George 's social economics and Russian Marxism .

  24. 大同思想是中国社会主义的萌芽形式,它随着中西文明撞击和西方社会主义思想传入而发展起来。

    The theory of Great Unity is the seeds style of Chinese Socialism and it has long been developed along with the collide between oriental and occidental civilization , with western Socialism spreading in China .

  25. 主要可概括为在中西文化比较的基础上对其大同思想,政治经济,文化艺术,教育人才观的研究等六个方面的内容。

    It has made great achievements from 1949 that can be analyzed from six aspects , just as system of Great Harmony , politics and economy , literature and arts , education and talent personal and etc .

  26. 大同思想在中国历史上一直是人们所向往的社会理想,也是千百年来人们为之不懈奋斗的理想和信念。

    The great harmony thought has been the social ideal for which people yearn in the Chinese history , and it is also the ideal and faith that the Chinese people unremittingly struggle for over thousands of years .

  27. 在写作的过程中,作者本着实事求是的态度去对待每一个问题和史料,以期能够对康有为大同思想中的全球化情结给出一个尽可能准确的描述和尽可能合理的分析与评价。

    Briefly on Kang Youwei 's Ideology of Ideal World In the course of writing , the writer treats every problem and data with a practical and realistic attitude and expects to give a accurate description and a reasonable analysis and evaluation .

  28. 如何充分吸收和借鉴传统文化中大同思想的宝贵资源为和谐社会的建设提供启发与指导,是一个具有重要现实意义的课题,值得认真探讨和研究。

    So it is an important subject of idealistic significance , which is worth carefully discussing and studying , to know how to absorb adequately and make use of the ideology of great harmony in traditional culture , to provide inspiration and guidance for constructing harmonious society .

  29. 就和谐社会理论与《礼运·礼记》篇中的大同社会思想作了分析与比较。

    This passage compares the theory of harmony society with the idea of ancient utopian society in the movement of courtesy .

  30. 龙盘踞成传统的中国结形状&象征这沟通,融合,四方大同的思想。

    Long entrenched as a traditional Chinese knot shape-a symbol of this communication , integration and harmony of the four ideas .