
  • 网络Corporation;corporate institutions
  1. 现代公司制度代理问题探讨

    Discussion about the agency problem of modern corporation system

  2. 国有独资公司制度设计的价值分析

    Value Analysis on Institutional Design of State Proprietary Corporation

  3. 移植与差异:有限责任公司制度研究

    Transplantation and Change : A Dissertation on the Limited Liability Company

  4. 我国上市公司制度演化效率的复杂性分析

    Complexity Analysis on Evolution Efficiency of China 's listed Company System

  5. 技术援助和制造协定协助实施公司制度/规范

    Technical assistance and manufacturing agreement Support implementation of corporate policies / practices

  6. 国有企业公司制度改革绩效探析

    Exploring on the Reform Effectiveness of Corporate System in SOEs

  7. 其运用范围应该拓展到金融思想和公司制度等方面;

    Its application area shall be spread to financial thinking and corporate institutions ;

  8. 笔者认为,应当重新构建我国的一人有限公司制度。

    Therefore , the legal system on one-man limited company should be reconstructed .

  9. 公司制度从其产生至今已有几百年历史。

    The company system has been generated from a few hundred years ago .

  10. 浅析我国一人公司制度的缺陷及对策

    Flaw and Countermeasure of One-Person Company System in China

  11. 第三,要引入金融控股公司制度。

    Third , introducing financial holding company system .

  12. 公司制度生长的历史逻辑

    Historical Logic of the Growth of Corporation Systems

  13. 在公司制度中,股东出资是一个重要的问题,对于股东、公司、债权人均具有重要意义。

    The capital contribution of shareholders is an important issue in the corporation law .

  14. 领导制定公司制度/规范

    Lead development of corporate policies / practices

  15. 协助实施公司制度/规范

    Support implementation of corporate policies / practices

  16. 家族因素和公司制度的有机结合使传统和现代得以接轨。

    The organic combination of family factors with company system has integrated tradition with modernity .

  17. 一人公司制度的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts About One-person Company System

  18. 得出进行公司制度变革是企业可持续发展的有效途径。

    This paper concludes that system transformation of companies is an effective way of sustainable development of enterprises .

  19. 现代公司制度的基本特征是所有权和控制权的分离。

    The basic character of the modern corporation system is the division of the proprietary right and the control right .

  20. 就要强化董事与经理的诚信义务,以抵消现代公司制度中股东会中心主义向董事会中心主义转移后的带来消极影响。

    Intensify faith obligation of directors and managers to offset the negative influence from shareholders general meeting core to directorate core .

  21. 也就是说,家族企业制度与现代公司制度相比,也有着其自身无法克服的劣势。

    That is to say , in compare with modern corporate system , family business system has it 's own disadvantage .

  22. 财务报告作为公司制度和资本市场的一项重要机制,其本身并不是孤立、片面的。

    Being an important mechanism of corporate systems as well as capital markets , financial reporting is not isolated and one-sided itself .

  23. 现代企业制度的建立主要是改造传统企业制度,发展公司制度,包括控股公司制度。

    The modern enterprise system establishment mainly is to transform the traditional enterprise system and develop company system , including holding company system .

  24. 我国公司制度刚刚开始起步,又面临着形势严峻的国有企业改制问题。

    Our corporation system is still in the primary stage and is faced with the serious problem of the reform of state enterprises .

  25. 公司制度中的公司独立人格和股东有限责任原则,刺激了投资者的投资热情,推动了经济的发展。

    The independent personality of the company and the shareholders ' limited responsibility , spur the enthusiasm of the investment and promote the economic development .

  26. 在现代公司制度背景下,由于上市公司内部经营权与所有权分离,委托&代理关系随之产生。

    In the context of modern corporate system , because of the separation of ownership and management in the listed company , the agency problems emerged .

  27. 尔后,笔者对法国、欧盟和我国一人有限责任公司制度的发展作了介绍。

    Then , the author introduces the development of the legal regimes of one-man company of limited liability in France , in Europe and in China .

  28. 面对中国证券市场激烈的竞争,券商应引入国际通行的控股公司制度实现集团化经营;

    Facing the intense competition in China 's securities market , the securities dealers should introduce the internationally conventional practice of holding corporation system to realize grouping operation .

  29. 其立法意图,主要在于借鉴国外一人公司制度,对国有企业中必须由国家完全出资的部分进行制度创新。

    The legislative intent , mainly lies in the foreign company , one of state-owned enterprises must be part of the investment by the state completely system innovation .

  30. 随着现代公司制度的建立和发展,如何提高企业效率,如何对企业进行激励便成了企业制度安排的永恒主题。

    With the establishment and development of modern corporation system , how to improve efficiency and how to encourage corporation have become the eternal theme of corporation system arrangement .