
ɡōnɡ kāi bào jià
  • public offer
  1. 微软公开报价,收购网络公司雅虎。

    Microsoft made a public offer to buy the Internet company Yahoo .

  2. 纳斯达克将2007年1月11日定为该收购要约的首个截止日&该收购要约可以延期至2007年2月10日,并补充表示,每股12.43英镑的公开报价为其最终报价。

    Nasdaq set January 11 as the first closing date of the offer – which it can extend to February 10 – adding that the 12.43 a share on the table was its final offer .

  3. 但随着这家台湾公司公开报价细节,分析师们表示,这很可能加大夏普及其银行向股东证明其应该接受更低报价的难度。

    But with details of the Taiwanese company 's bid in the open , analysts say it will probably raise the bar for Sharp and its lenders to justify its preference for the lower bid to shareholders .

  4. 证交会还将审查“资金暗池”(darkpools,即不公开显示报价的电子交易)和高频交易(hft)。

    The SEC is also set to examine " dark pools " , electronic trading venues that do not publicly display quotes , and high frequency trading ( HFT ) .

  5. 在首次公开募股报价的时候,出于谨慎的考量而犯点错误是情有可原的。

    Yet there is something to be said for erring on the side of caution when setting initial offer prices .

  6. 红军教练希望21岁的小因下周完成到佛罗伦萨的转会,之前两支俱乐部已经达成了未公开的报价。

    The Kop boss expects the Argentina international , 21 , to complete his switch to Fiorentina next week after an undisclosed fee was agreed between the two clubs earlier today .

  7. 据银行家和投资者透露,买入价和卖出价介于0.50港元和2港元之间,相比每股3.91港元的最后公开交易报价存在最高达87%的折扣。

    Bankers and investors have reported bids and offers ranging between HK $ 0.50 and HK $ 2 , representing discounts of up to 87 per cent from the last publicly traded price of HK $ 3.91 .

  8. 在libor的例子里,定价过程不透明且反复无常,因为它是基于不公开提交的报价,而非实实在在的交易。

    And in the case of LIBOR , the pricing was murky and capricious , since it was based on private reported quotes , not tangible deals .

  9. 以上种种,均说明了首次公开募股的报价是一门微妙的学问,“与其说是科学,不如说是艺术”,美国IPO研究机构复兴资本(RenaissanceCapital)公司的保罗•巴德如此说道。

    All this shows why setting an offering price for shares in an IPO is so tricky . " It 's more an art than a science , " says Paul Bard of Renaissance Capital , an IPO research firm in America .