
  • 网络Public Health Security
  1. 2型猪链球菌(Streptococcussuisserotype2,S.suis2)是一种重要的人兽共患病病原。该菌不仅能引起猪疫病,给全世界养猪业造成巨大的威胁,而且严重影响着公共卫生安全。

    Streptococcus suis serotype 2 ( S. suis 2 ) is an important zoonotic pathogen associated with a wide range of diseases in pigs , which inflicts heavy losses to the industry of pig breeding in the world every year and threatens seriously the public health security .

  2. 此外,还存在一定的公共卫生安全问题。

    In addition , it has some public health security problems .

  3. 本文的创新之处,以WebGIS为平台,将决策支持系统融入公共卫生安全与控制领域。

    The innovation of this dissertation is that , based on the platform of Web GIS , decision support system is applied to the field of the security surveillance and control of public health .

  4. 布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌(Brucella)引起的人畜共患传染病,该病是世界范围内严重危害公共卫生安全的人畜共患传染病传染病之一。

    Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Brucella . It is one of the zoonotic diseases which could seriously endanger the safety of public sanitation around the world .

  5. 在发展中国家,ETEC也是引起儿童和旅游者腹泻的重要病原,成为人类公共卫生安全的重要威胁。

    ETEC is also an serious pathogen in children and travelers ' diarrhea in developing countries , and become an important public health threat to human safety .

  6. 提升农村公共卫生安全建设社会主义新农村

    Promoting rural public health security and constructing the new socialism country

  7. 探讨在公共卫生安全领域引入惩罚性赔偿制度。

    To introduce the punitive compensation system into Chinese public security area .

  8. 增加港口、机场和陆路口岸的公共卫生安全

    Increase public health security at ports airports and ground crossings

  9. 世卫组织留心注意世界的公共卫生安全。

    WHO looks out for the public health security of the world .

  10. 论中国-东盟自由贸易区公共卫生安全合作机制的构建

    Construction of CAFTA 's Public Health Security Cooperation Mechanism

  11. 社会主义新农村与农村公共卫生安全

    Promotion Countryside Public Health Security Construction Socialism New Countryside

  12. 民用建筑中的公共卫生安全问题研究

    Study on Public Health Problems in Civil Buildings

  13. 世卫组织需要所有利益攸关者的支持以确保国际公共卫生安全。

    WHO needs the support of all stakeholders to ensure international public health security .

  14. 药品安全是病人安全和公共卫生安全的重要内容。

    Drug safety is an essential part of patient safety and public health safety .

  15. 污水中致病微生物对公共卫生安全的影响及控制策略

    Influence of Pathogenic Microorganisms in Sewage on Public Health Security and Their Control Strategy

  16. 国际社会在公共卫生安全领域的相互依赖愈益加深。

    The international community has increasingly become interdependent in the arena of public health security .

  17. 目的控制鼠密度,保障首都国际机场口岸的公共卫生安全。

    Objective To control rat density and ensure public health security at the capital airport .

  18. 浅析畜牧生产中的动物福利与人兽共患病和公共卫生安全

    The relation analysis of animal welfare , zoonosis and public health secure in animal husbandry

  19. 今天,国际公共卫生安全面临的最大威胁是流感大流行。

    Today , the greatest threat to international public health security would be an influenza pandemic .

  20. 实验动物设施集中空调通风系统的公共卫生安全问题及其对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Public Hygienic Safety of Centralized Air-condition Ventilation System in Laboratory Animal Facility

  21. 卫生专业报刊在构建城市公共卫生安全中的功能

    Functions and Effects of the Health Professional Newspaper in Building Public Health Safety System in City

  22. 他称中国愿意与俄罗斯和各国合作,保护全球公共卫生安全。

    He says China cooperate with Russia and all other countries to safeguard global public health security .

  23. 选择本主题是为突出全球气候变化正在对公共卫生安全造成持续增长的威胁。

    This theme was selected recognizing that global climate change is posing ever-growing threats to public health security .

  24. 公共卫生安全危机的全球化,彰显了全球卫生治理的紧迫性和必要性。

    On the design of monitoring and controlling system of public health security on basis of Web GIS ;

  25. 在保持国际公共卫生安全的国际事业中享有受尊重的合作伙伴的利益;

    Enjoy the benefits of a respected partner in the international effort to maintain international public health security ;

  26. 没有理由认为,绦虫癌症即将对我们的公共卫生安全构成威胁。

    There is no reason to think that tapeworm cancer is about to become a threat to public health .

  27. 又因志贺氏菌可能在人禽间造成交互感染,这就给人类公共卫生安全造成了严重隐患。

    Shigella may cause cross-infection between human and poultry , which led to serious security risks for human public health .

  28. 同时还能提高职能部门的效率,及时维护公共卫生安全。

    Meanwhile , it can also improve the efficiency of functional departments in a timely manner to maintain public health security .

  29. 气候变化、粮食安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性问题日益突出。

    Climate change , food security , public health security , natural disasters and other global issues are becoming increasingly acute .

  30. 《条例》于2005年经世界卫生大会商定,体现为在国际公共卫生安全方面向前迈进的一大步。

    They were agreed by the World Health Assembly in2005 and represent a major step forward in international public health security .