
gōng zhí
  • public office;public employment
公职 [gōng zhí]
  • [public office] 官吏、议员和其他公务人员的职位。现多指在党政机关和各种企事业单位中所任之职

公职[gōng zhí]
  1. 他被禁止担任公职。

    He was debarred from holding public office .

  2. 他表示,为了全面贯彻“爱国者治港”,公职人员有必要多了解祖国的最新发展。

    In a bid to comprehensively implement " patriots administering Hong Kong " , he added it 's necessary for people who hold public office to learn more about the latest development of the motherland .

  3. 由于健康恶化,他最后几个月的公职工作受到了影响。

    His last months in office were marred by failing health .

  4. 他就任公职是出于一种责任感。

    He took up office out of a sense of duty

  5. 国王可能会把他的某些公职交由儿子担任。

    The King may turn over some of his official posts to his son

  6. 新法律将规定对公职腐败适用与叛国罪相同的量刑标准。

    The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason .

  7. 他被判犯有贪污罪,以后7年里将无资格担任公职。

    He was convicted of corruption , and will be disqualified from office for seven years

  8. 他参加了公职的竞选。

    He ran for office .

  9. 这里的公职人员非常称职。

    The public officials here are very qualified .

  10. 不要丑化公职人员形象。

    Don 't vilify the image of public servants .

  11. 在他担任公职期间这只是他任委员的许多机构之一。

    This was only one of the many bodies on which he had sat during his life of public service .

  12. Werewomendominatedbymen?或者妇女一直被禁止担任公职吗?

    M : Were women dominated by men ?

  13. 担任了一段时间的公职之后,这位前高盛集团CEO试图推动明富环球进入更具风险性的领域,进而将其改造成一个更具影响力的金融机构。

    Coming off a stint in public service , the former Goldman Sachs CEO tried to makeover MF Global into something bigger by taking on risky trades .

  14. 实际上,正是g20成员国一些高级公职人员的穿梭外交,才使得庆州协议成为可能,并缓和了紧张关系。

    Indeed , it was the shuttle diplomacy of some senior civil servants of G20 countries that made the Gyeongju agreement possible and diffused tensions .

  15. [方法]按照添加实际使用量甲醛和过氧化氢水发产品配置饲料,比较添加前后实验动物蛋白质功效及营养素影响情况,采用AOAC(美国公职分析化学协会)推荐的测定食物蛋白质营养效应的标准方法。

    [ Methods ] Standard method recommended by AOAC for food protein nutritional efficiency test was used .

  16. 在过去,g7会议使得该集团成员国关键经济政策制定者与公职人员员之间保持了紧密而频繁的私人联系。

    In the past , the G7 meetings had led to close and repeated personal contacts between key economic policymakers and civil servants of the club of advanced countries .

  17. 先锋士官(PioneerSergeants)也允许在公职当天蓄胡子,不过人数很少,只是遗留传统。女王的护卫不许蓄胡子。

    There is also a tradition that allows a very small number of Pioneer Sergeants to wear a beard when on official duty , but members of the Queen 's personal guard have never been allowed to do so .

  18. 这样一座城的公民,只能透过参与公职,才能达到他们的,Telos,或完善,而且是城市中统治阶级的公职。

    The citizens of such a city can only reach their telos or perfection through participating in the offices , in the ruling offices of a city .

  19. 正是在这个动荡背景下,旧金山市监事哈维•米尔克(HarveyMilk),即第一个在加利福尼亚公开同性恋身份的公职人员,鼓励贝克在1977年设计一个同性恋社区的独特象征,一种能够肯定其社会独立性的骄傲标志。

    It was against this turbulent backdrop that San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk , the first openly gay person ever to be elected to public office in California , encouraged Baker in 1977 to devise a unique symbol for the gay community - an insignia of pride capable of affirming social independence .

  20. 教育腐败的主体是教育公职人员,客体是公共权力,两者缺一不可。

    The subject of education corruption is staffs in education sphere .

  21. 她排挤了对手,赢得了那份公职。

    She elbowed out her rivals , and obtained public office .

  22. 她希望获得一份公职。

    She hopes to get a place in the civil service .

  23. 公职人员最常见的许多疾病是放纵所致。

    Many of the most common ailments are those of over-indulgence .

  24. 那些任高级政府职位的人担任重大责任的公职。

    Those in upper government positions hold offices of great responsibility .

  25. 公职人员的职业行为与政府形象建设

    The Public Service Personnel 's Professional Behavior and the Government Image Constructs

  26. 中国治理和防止公职人员利益冲突的实践

    China 's practice in solving and preventing conflicts of interests

  27. 约翰本人于6月29日被开除公职。

    John himself was forced out of office on june29th .

  28. 广州公职律师机制的理论探索

    The Theoretical Exploration on the Mechanism ofPublic-Employed Lawyers in Guangzhou

  29. 申请担任政府公职的人总要经过彻底审查才能受到委任。

    Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being appointed .

  30. 公职人员薪酬制度改革初探

    An Exploration of Reforming the Public Servant 's Salary System