
  • 网络Public Key Encryption;rsa;Public-key cryptography;public key cryptography
  1. LotusDomino/Notes的公开密钥加密机制

    Public Key Encryption in Lotus Domino / Notes

  2. 本文阐述了公开密钥加密算法的基本原理及其优点,详细分析了RSA算法。

    In this article , the basic principle and advantage of public key encryption algorithms described and RSA algorithm is analysed in detail .

  3. 本文以PKI公开密钥加密体制为理论基础,探讨了在Internet网络环境下的信息安全的实现问题。

    This thesis introduce the PKI theory and explore the implement of information security under Internet environment .

  4. 多数公开密钥加密系统(包括使用最广的RSA)都出自素数理论。

    Most public-key cryptosystems including RSA , the most-widely adopted stem from prime-number theory .

  5. PKI是一个为综合数字信息系统提供广泛需要的公开密钥加密和数字签名服务的基础设施。

    PKI provides the widespread demand for the synthesis numerical information system and the digital signature service .

  6. 比如:握手协议,会话密钥,RSA公开密钥加密算法中密钥的产生等。

    For example : handshake protocol , session key , the production of key in RSA algorithm .

  7. 为了利用对称加密的快速性和公开密钥加密的方便性,系统只对会话密钥进行公开密钥加密。系统还能够和PGP协同工作以提供相互鉴别的功能。

    Encrypting session key with asymmetric encryption , multiple authentication .

  8. 在基于KEY令牌设计中,基于KEY即基于公开密钥加密体制,构建了在PKI基础设施的框架内由软令牌、可信第三方以及认证服务器组成的通过无线数据通信完成认证协议的认证系统模型。

    In the KEY based which also means PKI based token design scheme , we build an authentication system model which is composed by soft token , trusted third-party and the authentication server in the framework of PKI .

  9. 利用以公开密钥加密技术为基础的认证机构CA,及其颁发的数字证书,能够很好的解决上述问题,并保证交易各方身份的确定性。

    By using the public key infrastructure certificate authority and it 's digital certificate , can solve the above problems , and at the same time can guarantee the reliability of people 's identity .

  10. 软件仿真结果表明:设计的RSA公开密钥加密算法程序是可行的,能够实现信息的加密和解密过程。

    The result of software simulation shows that the design of RSA public key encryption algorithm program is feasible , being able to complete the whole process of encryption and decryption .

  11. 本文共从四个部分阐述了网络数据安全的实现:数字证书的生成和管理、公开密钥加密的实现、数字签名的生成以及校验、SSL安全通道的建立。

    The thesis was divided in four parts : the generation and management of digital certification , utilizing of Public system , utilizing of digital signature , the establishment of SSL secure tune .

  12. 介绍了公开密钥加密体制及数字签名技术的实现过程,通过引入第三方控件并结合Java安全API数字签名方法,给出了数字签名技术在Java中的一种实现方法。

    The process of digital signature technology and public key encryption system were introduced , and a way of implementing digital signature technology in Java by importing control of third party and combining the way of digital signature of Java security API was given .

  13. 首先,本文对各种常见的加密技术进行了深入讨论,通过对称加密和公开密钥加密的分析,介绍了公开密钥体系的基本原理,同时重点讨论了RSA公开密钥算法及安全性。

    First of all , the article discusses some normal kinds of encryption technology . Through the analysis of encryption , it introduces the basic principles of public key infrastructure and emphasizes on the RSA and its safety .

  14. 从保证电子商务交易安全的角度出发,分析了对称密钥加密、公开密钥加密、报文摘要算法、数字签名技术。并对公开密钥的安全基础设施PKI实现方案进行较详细的讨论。

    For the purpose of ensuring safety in electronic commercial trade , a detailed analysis of the techniques for secret key encryption , public key encryption , message digest algorithms and digital signature was given , and a PKI practical plan to build the safe public key infrastructure was discussioned .

  15. 通信模块的设计参照IDWG提出的入侵检测信息交换格式和入侵检测交换协议,并借鉴了TCP/IP的思想,对传输的数据采用数据加密标准和公开密钥加密两种加密算法,提高系统通信的安全性。

    It refers to intrusion detection message exchange format and the intrusion detection exchange protocol , and takes advantage of the idea of TCP / IP . In order to advance the security , it uses DES and RSA to encrypt the data .

  16. 公开密钥加密算法在网络信息安全中的应用

    An Application of Public Key Encryption Algorithms to the Network Security

  17. 用公开密钥加密方式保护移动节点的绑定过程

    Using Public-key Encryption to Protect Binding Update of Mobile Nodes

  18. 关于数论在公开密钥加密体制中的应用

    The Application of Number Theory in Public Key Crypto System

  19. 相对对称加密来讲,公开密钥加密计算速度非常慢。

    Computational speed of public-key encryption is relatively much slower .

  20. 一种随机公开密钥加密算法及一种压缩算法

    A New Random Key Encryption Algorithm and a Compression Algorithm

  21. 另一类是公开密钥加密(非对称加密)系统。

    The other is the public key encryption system .

  22. 公开密钥加密技术在最近几年得到了极大的重视和发展。

    Public key encryption technology has found wide recognition and development in recent years .

  23. 【电脑】公开密钥加密系统公钥密码系统中底层运算的硬件加速

    Hardware Acceleration of Fundamental Arithmetic in Public-Key Cryptography

  24. 公开密钥加密体系和数字签名技术的研究

    Research About PKI and Digital Signature Technology

  25. 说明了如何将公开密钥加密技术应用在身份鉴定和数字签名技术中。

    Besides how to apply public key encryption algorithm to authentication and digital signature is introduced .

  26. 给出了一个基于公开密钥加密的认证协议。

    A mutual authentication protocol based on public key encryption is presented for mobile communication system .

  27. 公开密钥加密也称为双密钥加密,它需要使用一对密钥来分别完成加密和解密操作。

    In public-key or two-key encryption , a key pair is used for encryption and decryption .

  28. 如果有了公开密钥加密系统,就可以对文档加上电子签名。

    If you have a public-key encryption system , you can have it add an electronic signature to a document .

  29. 并且用公开密钥加密的明文只能用同一对密钥中的秘密密钥解密。

    Users can make their public keys freely available or place them at a key distribution center for others to access .

  30. 公开密钥加密使用一对密钥:一个用于加密,一个用于解密。

    Public key cryptography , on the other hand , uses a pair of keys : one for encryption and one for decryption .