
gōng sù
  • public prosecution
公诉 [gōng sù]
  • [public prosecution] 一种刑事诉讼方式,由拥有法定检察权的机关代表国家对罪犯向法院提起诉讼,区别于自诉

  • 公诉人

公诉[gōng sù]
  1. 公诉权制约之比较法考察

    Comparative Review on Restriction of the Right of Public Prosecution

  2. 公诉权滥用与制约研究

    On Abuse of Right of Public Prosecution and Restriction

  3. 这些间谍都获得免予公诉。

    The spies were all granted immunity from prosecution .

  4. 公诉人确切无疑地证实这个女人一直在撒谎。

    The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying .

  5. 大陪审团公开反对公诉人意见的情况很少见。

    Rarely does a grand jury publicly disagree with a prosecutor .

  6. 他的证词是这宗公诉案件中的一个重要因素。

    His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case

  7. 将对此案提起公诉的律师说他不能透露具体的涉案金额。

    The attorney who will prosecute the case says he cannot reveal how much money is involved .

  8. 你认为公诉人犯了什么错误呢,还是根本就是证据不足?

    Do you think the prosecution made any particular errors , or did they just have a weak case ?

  9. 公诉律师肯定会证明这一点。

    Surely the crown lawyers must prove that .

  10. 检察总长负责提起公诉。

    It is the duty of the Attorney-General to institute prosecutions .

  11. 最佳迷你剧/电影:《美国罪案故事:公诉辛普森》(“ThePeoplev.O.J.Simpson:AmericanCrimeStory”,FX)

    Mini-Series or Movie : " The People v. O. J. Simpson : American Crime Story " ( FX )

  12. 迷你剧集/电影类最佳女演员:萨拉•保罗森(SarahPaulson),《美国罪案故事:公诉辛普森》(ThePeoplev.O.J.Simpson:AmericanCrimeStory)

    Actress in a Mini-Series or Movie : Sarah Paulson , " The People v. O. J. Simpson : American Crime Story "

  13. 他们可以对科恩提起公诉,也可以指控SAC涉嫌诈骗以及其他违法行为。

    They could prosecute Mr Cohen . They could charge SAC with racketeering , and other offences .

  14. 最佳迷你剧集/电影类编剧:D•V•蒂文森斯(D.V.DeVincentis),《美国罪案故事:公诉辛普森》,“玛西亚,玛西亚,玛西亚”(ThePeoplev.O.J.Simpson:AmericanCrimeStory,“Marcia,Marcia,Marcia”)

    Writing for a Mini-Series or Movie : D.V. DeVincentis , " The People v. O. J. Simpson : American Crime Story " ( " Marcia , Marcia , Marcia " )

  15. 内幕交易在2003年被香港列为刑事犯罪,香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(SFC)直到2008年2月才提起第一宗公诉。

    Insider trading was made a criminal offence in Hong Kong in 2003 , and the Securities and Futures Commission only launched its first prosecution in February 2008 .

  16. 导演劳拉·里恰尔迪(LauraRicciardi)和莫伊拉·德莫(MoiraDemos)相信她们的片子准确传达了公诉方的基本论证。

    The filmmakers , Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos , say they believe their series accurately portrayed the essential arguments the prosecutors made .

  17. 英特尔一直否认这些指控,但这些指控已经导致日本、韩国及欧盟(EU)采取了针对该公司的监管行动,上周美国纽约州司法部长安德鲁库默(AndrewCuomo)也对其提起公诉。

    Those complaints , which Intel denies , have already led to regulatory action against the company in Japan , South Korea and the European Union , and last week brought a lawsuit from Andrew Cuomo , New York attorney-general .

  18. 负责调查白领犯罪行为的SFO现在必须决定是否展开正式调查,这可能导致罗尔斯罗伊斯及相关人员被提起公诉并面临巨额罚款。

    The SFO , which investigates white-collar crime , must now decide whether to launch an official investigation that could result in prosecution of the company , individuals and potentially large fines .

  19. 对冲基金亿万富翁拉贾拉贾那纳姆(rajrajaratnam)被判犯有内幕交易罪,美国政府扩大对华尔街不当行为公诉的努力获得一项重大胜利。

    Raj Rajaratnam , the hedge fund billionaire , has been found guilty of insider trading , handing the US government a significant victory as it expands its prosecution of wrongdoing on Wall Street .

  20. 这个案子的公诉人肯·克拉兹(KenKratz)认为,这个系列片是片面的,它漏掉了许多重要的证据,其中之一是哈尔巴赫女士的丰田RAV4车盖挂钩上的艾佛里先生的DNA。这个丰田车当时是在艾佛里废车场找到的。

    But Ken Kratz , who prosecuted the cases against Mr. Avery and Mr. Dassey , said the series was one-sided and omitted significant pieces of evidence , including DNA from Mr. Avery on the latch under the hood of Ms. Halbach 's Toyota RAV4 , found in the Averys " auto salvage yard .

  21. 位于巴西北方的城市——Campos的一位联邦公诉人提出200亿雷亚尔的惩罚性损失赔偿,并正在寻求禁止雪佛龙和Transocean公司在巴西的所有作业的强制令。Transocean公司承担雪佛龙在Frade钻探任务。

    A federal prosecutor in Campos , a city in the north of the state , is demanding 20 billion reais in punitive damages and seeking an injunction to halt all operations in Brazil by both Chevron and Transocean , the subcontractor drilling for it in Frade .

  22. 首席检查官将在严重犯罪案的审判中作公诉人。

    The attorney general will prosecute in trial for serious crime .

  23. 提起公诉的证明标准新释

    The New Explanation of the Evidential Standard for Criminal Public Prosecution

  24. 案件质量是公诉工作的生命线。

    The quality of case is the public prosecution 's lifeline .

  25. 陪审团对受到联邦调查局点名的十一个人一并提起公诉。

    The jury indicted all eleven men named by the FBI .

  26. 我国公诉案件庭前审查制度的重构

    Restructuring Pretrial Review System of Public Prosecution Cases in Our Country

  27. 论公诉案件被害人上诉权的功能

    On Function of Victim Appeal Right in the Public Prosecution Case

  28. 现在,公诉人还有什么要对抗的呢?

    Now , what has the prosecution to offer against this ?

  29. 我要直接向公诉人投诉。

    I 'm taking my complaint directly to the district attorney .

  30. 大多数案件最后没有被提起公诉。

    He could still face most cases have not resulted in prosecution .